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Silver mobs too stronk?


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On Rishi, my character is able to defeat Gold and normal mobs with no real challenge, but the silver mobs are much more powerful than it seems they should be. I'm much more scared of Tonitrans than I am of She who devours in Darkness(A daily boss). The latter dealt very laughable damage.


I'm not the only one who noticed this. People who have been leveling their characters have encountered an insane difficulty spike when fighting Silvers.

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I have am also noticing this. Was leveling and going through content normally just fine, then after the patch hit, I have to use almost all of my force just to keep my companion because I'm WAAAAAY to squishy. Before I could have treek or khem solo 2-3 units at a time, but now I've become more cautious as to NOT fight silvers unless they're in the way.
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I really hope they look into this soon. I'm stuck in a mission that requires me to fight two Silvers at the same time. The damage they deal is ridiculous.


Yeah. I cannot progress my main quest line at Ilum, because the Duros (Strong) mobs are hitting for 3200+ !!! after the push back, and they are usually 2-3 together. Their normal hits are around 2000 damage!!!

In Voss and Corellia they hit for 1400-1700. That against a level 48-49 character with up to level blue mods (47/49)


To put into perspective a Juggernaut has 13000hp tops at that levels. Is insane. Same area Elite ones, hit for a lot less, around 1/5 of the damage!!!!

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I really hope they look into this soon. I'm stuck in a mission that requires me to fight two Silvers at the same time. The damage they deal is ridiculous.


I was playing my Bounty Hunter the other day and also noticed the weird brutal difficulty of two silvers. I upgraded my gear, and it still was a brutal fight. I'm pretty sure I was over-leveled for the content as well.

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lolwut? I like two shot silvers on my Scoundrel. My Guardian had no issues with them either.


Than stop 2-shotting them and let them attack you for a few seconds, then you'll see what the people here are talking about.


I have to agree. Silver mobs on Yavin and Rishi are more of a threat than elites. Gladly, they don't have as much HP and you can kill them fast.

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Its the same on lower levels as well....my gf couldnt complete several quests and cried in frustration because of it. I thought it was a minor boost to mobs...but it looks like even champs got the upgrade. I was on oricon doing daily's (since I cant start leveling till the 9th) and I used to breeze through the heroic 2+ on my guardian dps....now it was work and I mean WORK as in I died about 5 times.




Now back to the gf I got her through a few by just having her rotate her cd's per pack...but come on when you need to use 1min+ cd's on a normal pack of mobs something is broken.

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I agree. I'm having no trouble killing any mobs really, but the silvers DO hit harder. Golds are MUCH easier than silvers right now.


On five different characters, all 180 gear, I've killed two silvers (mostly for mats) and then a gold (also mats) and in the fights with the silvers, I'm at 30% or below health, with the gold, maybe 85%? Seriously wonky damage.

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Silver mobs are ridiculously overtuned in 3.0. Have been taken out by at-level silver mobs on Corellia, while gold elites don't give me the slightest problem. A silver mob crit Forex for 8 k!!! where gold elites don't do that kind of damage. That CANT be right.
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Strong mobs (silvers) have *always* hit harder than elites (golds), the elites just have more health, so they last a lot longer.


The higher level cap is making the difference more obvious.


CC one of the silvers, or use HK's assassinate ability to insta-gib one of them.

Edited by Zharik
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Strong mobs (silvers) have *always* hit harder than elites (golds), the elites just have more health, so they last a lot longer.


The higher level cap is making the difference more obvious.


CC one of the silvers, or use HK's assassinate ability to insta-gib one of them.


I've played since launch and I can tell you silver mobs NEVER hit as hard as they do now. They hit harder than Gold or CHAMPION mobs and that has never, ever been the case. Since launch both I and my friends in group have had no difficulty, either with golds, Champions or silver mobs.... till now. Now, we're finding that silver mobs at level are one-hitting us.


Gold mobs still are harder to kill than silver mobs so I have no idea why you're referring to their health at all... this is about the damage done by not to, silver mobs. I have played through from beginning to end on half a dozen toons and have never had this level of difficulty with mobs I have encountered dozens of times. Elite mobs in flashpoints do not do this kind of damage. Silver mobs (and I mean regular on the street mobs) have been way overtuned and the damage they deal needs to be dialed back a decimal point at least.

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Strong mobs (silvers) have *always* hit harder than elites (golds), the elites just have more health, so they last a lot longer.


The higher level cap is making the difference more obvious.


CC one of the silvers, or use HK's assassinate ability to insta-gib one of them.


Are you sure about that? Silvers could never hit me like a Gold could before the 3.0 Update.

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