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Is Regular Leveling (10+) Really Broken?


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I had 10 55s before the 12x XP event, and leveled an additional 3 ACs to 55 during it. There was one AC I didn't have time for, a Commando, and I figured I would do it with the new Discipline system over the next few months.


But folks seem to be saying that killing mobs has changed drastically.


Is this actually true?


At this point in the game, I didn't mind breezing through the early planets (maybe up to 35-40) with Treek or HK. If it's actually a challenge to do the same stuff all over again, I may just not bother leveling any longer. That was, to me, the best part of SWTOR, the immersive story and cutscenes in the leveling experience (yes, I even enjoy the side quests).


If Disciplines has altered it in a noticeable way, aside from getting role-specific skills at early levels (a great change), that is really hurting the game.

Edited by arunav
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But folks seem to be saying that killing mobs has changed drastically.


Is this actually true?



There are players claiming it is very difficult to kill mobs now, that the damage nerf didn't work as intended and enemy mobs are much tougher to take down. For example, Silver or Gold enemies hit just as hard, but you can't defeat them as fast as in the past, sometimes to the point where you even die in regular circumstances. These are players that have all the presence unlocks and have played since launch basically, so they know what they are doing.


This would mean leveling would be substantially different, as most of it is pulling mobs.


Basically, questing seems fine 55+, but did BW unintentionally make it significantly harder for 1-50ish?

Edited by arunav
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My experience is probably skewed by the fact that I put effort into gearing my alts, but I haven't had many problems. My damage is appropriate for my level. Killing things takes a little longer because I'm still getting used to my new quickbar setup, but nothing so far has been unmanageable or insanely difficult. My sage and my shadow are still casually strolling through the consular storyline without a problem, my juggernaut is taking a little more damage than I expect but Vette is still putting out great numbers.


It's a little different, but I really feel that the main issue is not knowing everything by heart now. My gear is good, my presence is high. I am not facerolling everything, but it's not like everything is a mini-boss fight either. It's just... normal.

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I just come back to try the game out, and as a level 17 BH i was almost dying to level 11 mobs (silver). My companion was barely keeping me alive, i was consistently down at 5-10% hp. I'm not sure if this was working as intended as it's been a long time since I last played, but I did think it was odd.


It's bad enough that I missed out on 12XP and everyone but me is enjoying new content, but there is zero chance I'm suffering through imbalanced leveling content. It's a shame because I was considering resubscribing for the first time in years.

Edited by Jeraldo
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So... They aim to make enemies easier to kill while leveling, yet... Said enemies hit considerably harder than before?


Sounds logical.


I played my sniper from 10-13 (Dromund Kaas) yesterday and mobs died very quickly. Much faster than on my PT at about same level. Not sure how it will be later though.

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I played a balance shadow with the 12 x boost before the update and I just finished voss lvl43-44 ... geared with mainly blue lvl 35-40 gear and a weak healer companion ...


after the update I got killed by silver mobs alone and groups with normlas and a silver got very hard ...


the main rotations of the class where changed so getting used to this is a problem, push back isnt canceling anymore / 8 second group stun has chaneling time again ...


but I think the real nerf is in the healing of my companion and the reason I die much faster now, despite having more dmg.reduction as before ... (accuracy at 91% does not mater much)

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Its kinda like if whatever amount they lowered the health and dmg of all other mobs by, got flipped around and instead increased for Silver/Strong mobs.

Its super awkward when a regular group containing 1-2 silver mobs is FAR tougher to take on than a Champion.


They remind me of that elite you fight inside a cave on Oricon.. Yakno, the one that dies fairly quickly but will 2-3shot you if you dont stun it.

Only instead of being a singular end of a daily quest, they're everywhere.

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I tested this with my level 16 balance sage, in level 9-11 blue/purple gear. Went into the works on Coruscant and seeked out an elite droid near the start. After the fight Qyzen was at about 70% HP, with myself still at 100%. I repeated the experiment against a group with one strong and two standards, with very similar results.


Thinking that my 400 presence might be making Qyzen a bit too strong, I told him to take a break and fought some groups alone. I easily defeated a group with a strong and two weaks, as well as the elite from before. Both times I finished at around 60% health.


In conclusion, I'd say leveling is not broken.

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Its kinda like if whatever amount they lowered the health and dmg of all other mobs by, got flipped around and instead increased for Silver/Strong mobs.

Its super awkward when a regular group containing 1-2 silver mobs is FAR tougher to take on than a Champion.


They remind me of that elite you fight inside a cave on Oricon.. Yakno, the one that dies fairly quickly but will 2-3shot you if you dont stun it.

Only instead of being a singular end of a daily quest, they're everywhere.


yeah that doesn't sound fun.

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I played a balance shadow with the 12 x boost before the update and I just finished voss lvl43-44 ... geared with mainly blue lvl 35-40 gear and a weak healer companion ...


This is one of problems: x12 + skipping all non story quests means that the char and companion are both relatively badly geared. Everything is harder.


Its super awkward when a regular group containing 1-2 silver mobs is FAR tougher to take on than a Champion.


Most elites I had to kill were a lot easier than 2*silver groups even before the 3.0. BH Aurora mission comes to mind: Elites were done relatively easily and the double silver groups usually ended up with me dying after I killed one silver. And there are a lot of double silver groups on Aurora...

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if you are that concerned, just check out my thread as a detail leveling 1 to 60 using a Sith Inquisitor as an example.




I can tell you that so far, anyone claiming that killing mobs is harder is lying or incompetent. I have had no trouble, and other than getting some neat abilities earlier in my tree like force storm and chain lightning, I have noticed no difference in how hard it is to kill mobs.


Also note, that I am currently only using the gear that drops off of mobs and comm vendors. So my gear is all blue and green. So it's not an issue of gearing either, using poor gear still netted the same leveling results that I am used to. Some people just suck at this game and this is exposing those people.


I hate to say it, but this is a totally "learn to play" issue, or rather a "re-learn to play" issue. People are just making stuff up because they can't cope. But honestly if I were you I would start over as well which will help you to relearn everything as you go. It's not harder, trust me.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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if you are that concerned, just check out my thread as a detail leveling 1 to 60 using a Sith Inquisitor as an example.




I can tell you that so far, anyone claiming that killing mobs is harder is lying or incompetent. I have had no trouble, and other than getting some neat abilities earlier in my tree like force storm and chain lightning, I have noticed no difference in how hard it is to kill mobs.


Not to offend you, but Korriban is easy... Anyone can do it with just their unarmed combat skills (PvP - valor). BT is easy to solo. I run starter planet + first fp + half of cap planet NAKED (just my orange armor without mods)... Currently while your thread is really interresting (I subbed), it doesn't come close to that kind of issues.


I haven't met any issue but I'm currently too overleveled for the content I'm running, so not really useful...

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if you are that concerned, just check out my thread as a detail leveling 1 to 60 using a Sith Inquisitor as an example.




I can tell you that so far, anyone claiming that killing mobs is harder is lying or incompetent. I have had no trouble, and other than getting some neat abilities earlier in my tree like force storm and chain lightning, I have noticed no difference in how hard it is to kill mobs.

From what I've seen, it isn't Mobs in general, its just Silvers. Standard and Gold enemies are both easier to kill than a Silver for some reason.

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if you are that concerned, just check out my thread as a detail leveling 1 to 60 using a Sith Inquisitor as an example.




I can tell you that so far, anyone claiming that killing mobs is harder is lying or incompetent. I have had no trouble, and other than getting some neat abilities earlier in my tree like force storm and chain lightning, I have noticed no difference in how hard it is to kill mobs.


Also note, that I am currently only using the gear that drops off of mobs and comm vendors. So my gear is all blue and green. So it's not an issue of gearing either, using poor gear still netted the same leveling results that I am used to. Some people just suck at this game and this is exposing those people.


I hate to say it, but this is a totally "learn to play" issue, or rather a "re-learn to play" issue. People are just making stuff up because they can't cope. But honestly if I were you I would start over as well which will help you to relearn everything as you go. It's not harder, trust me.

I'm wondering because yesterday I went to oricon with my 55 commando, gear is 162 without mods and geared my compannion with 172 mods from the commendation vendor.


Fight were bit thougher but OK, then I realized I had plenty of presence plus the guild ship boost from conquerring the planet.


So my guess is you also have more than medium gear and a nice presence. If you want the real data you have to test on a server you don't have all the presence not being that geared because most players aren't as powerful as some of us are.

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My usual group and I ran a lvl 50 Hard mode Flashpoint and found we took WAY more damage. Really weird spikes happening in damage depending on the groups we encountered in the instances. Something is off a bit....any of us used to be able to solo the flashpoint.....now we actually get hurt even in a group.


Just some observations...this certainly wont stop us....lol

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if you are that concerned, just check out my thread as a detail leveling 1 to 60 using a Sith Inquisitor as an example.




I can tell you that so far, anyone claiming that killing mobs is harder is lying or incompetent. I have had no trouble, and other than getting some neat abilities earlier in my tree like force storm and chain lightning, I have noticed no difference in how hard it is to kill mobs.


Also note, that I am currently only using the gear that drops off of mobs and comm vendors. So my gear is all blue and green. So it's not an issue of gearing either, using poor gear still netted the same leveling results that I am used to. Some people just suck at this game and this is exposing those people.


I hate to say it, but this is a totally "learn to play" issue, or rather a "re-learn to play" issue. People are just making stuff up because they can't cope. But honestly if I were you I would start over as well which will help you to relearn everything as you go. It's not harder, trust me.


I Agree your lying or incompetent... unlike people like you many of us are pointing out its certain mobs and actually checked...

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From what I've seen, it isn't Mobs in general, its just Silvers. Standard and Gold enemies are both easier to kill than a Silver for some reason.


I just re-subbed after a year break yesterday to see what the hubbub is all about. I couldn't stand free to play . Started new bounty hunter characters on new servers and went up to lvl 15 - no legacy buffs, all basic drops, no skipping side quests. Kills were just like I remembered when I first leveled.


I think it is a l2p issue.

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lets see, class revamp, system revamp ... nope, must be a learn to play issue ...

how dumb ar u?


look, the game was laughable easy since f2p already ... so if u always on Level with gear not lower then 15 Levels u will have no and had never a problem with mobs ...


but if u did the 12 xp thing and are stuck between 40 and 50 ... and played teh day before 3.0 and the day adter, u will notice the difference ...

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