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Commando Stock Strike vs Mercenary Rocket Punch


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Am I the only one who laughs every time to watch a PVP or PVE toon get B-Slapped by a giant friggen cannon?


It is the most ridiculous but funniest thing to watch, and then you go and watch the Mercenary do a full uppercut on someone with rocket punch.


IDK why it just cracks me up, am I the only one?:D

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Stock strike never really impressed me, but I consider rocket punch to be the best thing ever. I sometimes make a point of whittling enemies down and then finishing them off with a rocket punch because it is just awesome to see someone get killed by a flying uppercut.
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Stock strike never really impressed me, but I consider rocket punch to be the best thing ever. I sometimes make a point of whittling enemies down and then finishing them off with a rocket punch because it is just awesome to see someone get killed by a flying uppercut.


True, but to me it's just funny seeing this ridiculously huge machinegun (I use the primordial cannon, the one that looks like a gatling gun from Predator only without the giant backpack) smack some dude.


It's just funny to me.

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Stock strike never really impressed me, but I consider rocket punch to be the best thing ever. I sometimes make a point of whittling enemies down and then finishing them off with a rocket punch because it is just awesome to see someone get killed by a flying uppercut.


Complete opposite for me. Rocket punch is just ridiculous gimmicky Saturday morning cartoon nonsense to me. While the commando stock strike isn't great, the vanguard one is far superior.

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Stock strike never really impressed me, but I consider rocket punch to be the best thing ever. I sometimes make a point of whittling enemies down and then finishing them off with a rocket punch because it is just awesome to see someone get killed by a flying uppercut.


I do something similar, only I jump and then hit the rocket punch. Gives me a little more height, and a window for me to yell "Shoryuken!" or "Fawcoom Paunch!"

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I do something similar, only I jump and then hit the rocket punch. Gives me a little more height, and a window for me to yell "Shoryuken!" or "Fawcoom Paunch!"


I dont quite get Falcon Punch from the Rocket Punch animation, or Flaming Fist... but it definately looks like a Shoryuken, and Flaming Fist looks like a Shoryuken, on fire.

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It's always fun to squeeze one of those during a fight. The best part is that it's not that bad. If only they could do the same for Sorcerers melee moves...


Now, about preference...

Personally, strictly speaking about commandos and mercenaries, Stock strike wins hands down because even if the character hits the target with an impractical tool that an assault cannon is, punching with a gun in the hand is much more impractical...

Edited by Altheran
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