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New skill tree's suck


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Please put the skill trees back to the way they use to be please? they are awful I like having the freedom to choose skills from any of the three choices of the trees to kinda mix and match my skill set the kind of thing I liked about Star Wars Galaxies... what happened to making it so that we had further customizability with the character path's? all I see is more limited to what you want us to do and only that, you already limit classes on what kind of items we can use now you have taken the little bit of freedom to chose any skills that fall under the class and advanced class we choose.. im thinking about just canceling my subscription.


We are told what we can and cant do in real life, it would be nice to be able to do what we want and not what we are told to do in a game.

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Please put the skill trees back to the way they use to be please? they are awful I like having the freedom to choose skills from any of the three choices of the trees to kinda mix and match my skill set the kind of thing I liked about Star Wars Galaxies... what happened to making it so that we had further customizability with the character path's? all I see is more limited to what you want us to do and only that, you already limit classes on what kind of items we can use now you have taken the little bit of freedom to chose any skills that fall under the class and advanced class we choose.. im thinking about just canceling my subscription.


We are told what we can and cant do in real life, it would be nice to be able to do what we want and not what we are told to do in a game.


Sorry pal... but games tend to be more restrictive then real life. I've played MMOs for more then 15 years, and I have yet to see one that let's me do whatever I want, however I want to, whenever I want to. MMOs are constraint driven by design... ALL OF THEM.


Here's a free tip though... if you do not enjoy a game... don't play a game.


Personally, I simply see the new Disciplines as a change to how the game is played.. something to adjust to and embrace as one facet of the whole game. And I am glad that they are addressing power-creep before it gets completely out of hand. Many MMOs are afraid to do so.


The new trees by the way are Disciplines, not skills. It is clear here that they wanted to reign in some of the choices in "electives" for characters as they level. It's neither better nor worse.... just different. If you are still around in a month, you will have forgotten your rage. If not.. well then you walked your talk.... which is your right.

Edited by Andryah
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Yeah Star Wars Galaxies also went through the same kind of change they went from 32 professions and the ability to chose skills from any of them to create your own unique build to have a true unique class freedom of choice they took that away and put 9 classes total and no skill choices... and look what that did it killed the game because all the long time players left... the reason that was given for the change was it was too complicated for new players to learn to play the game and it needed to be easier for those "limited thinking players" I see the same thing happening here too anyone can deny it all you want their where players in SWG who denied it also but look how that turned out... if anyone here played SWG and was an active forum member you will remember a post by a guy named SWG-Sux who posted everything that was going to happen within the game and everyone posted how they where a liar and a troll and told him to get a life or to kill them self, but it turned out that 3 weeks after his post everything had come to past and every one of those who where calling them a liar where crying about the NGE


P.S. His account was banned 2 days after he posted and SOE tried to sue him for leaking sensitive information.

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Yeah Star Wars Galaxies also went through the same kind of change...{snip}


If you're comparing going from skill trees to disciplines here to the new game edition/combat update in SWG, you weren't there for what happened in SWG. The two are remotely comparable in that they both happened in games that were set in the Star Wars universe. Any other comparison is hyperbole.

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