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OMG!!! They SPEAK!!!!


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I agree that this was lazy.


I mean seriously, you guys couldn´t have given Qyzen or Blizz or Yuun (who even talked in the opening scene!!!) some lines for entering different areas?




It is fair to assume they didn't want certain classes to have special treatment.


However, that special treatment DID happen.


As mentioned earlier, the VA for Talos was asked to submit new lines for the Class story mission ONLY and Zenith ALSO talks during the Rishi intro.


Sorry for repeating myself, but baffling, baffling, baffling and again... BAFFLING. :rolleyes:

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It is fair to assume they didn't want certain classes to have special treatment.


However, that special treatment DID happen.


As mentioned earlier, the VA for Talos was asked to submit new lines for the Class story mission ONLY and Zenith ALSO talks during the Rishi intro.


Sorry for repeating myself, but baffling, baffling, baffling and again... BAFFLING. :rolleyes:



Yea true that. I so agree. I mean I understand not giving special treatment but really? Is it that hard to give non basic companions a few lines? Really? And Scourge not talking and commenting on the Revan finale? Did they think we wouldn`t be noticing that???


Come on now.....

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Yea true that. I so agree. I mean I understand not giving special treatment but really? Is it that hard to give non basic companions a few lines? Really? And Scourge not talking and commenting on the Revan finale? Did they think we wouldn`t be noticing that???


Come on now.....


Scourge, for the lack of a better word, is just insulting. Alas, I admit I'm pretty biased in that regard. :p

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Scourge, for the lack of a better word, is just insulting. Alas, I admit I'm pretty biased in that regard. :p


not sure I'd say INSULTING but a HUUUUGE dissappointment. He's the one comnpanion whom inargueably had a PLACE in the SOR story. if his silence isn't a bug it's a HUGE lost oppertunity for BW

Edited by BrianDavion
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not sure I'd say INSULTING but a HUUUUGE dissappointment. He's the one comnpanion whom inargueably had a PLACE in the SOR story. if his silence isn't a bug it's a HUGE lost oppertunity for BW


I only wish it was a bug, but I have my doubts.


I find it far more likely it was a creative decision to pare down costs. You see, judging from this for example, this game is doing absolutely terrible for the last couple of years. :rolleyes:


As such, no budget for VA anymore.

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I only wish it was a bug, but I have my doubts.


I find it far more likely it was a creative decision to pare down costs. You see, judging from this for example, this game is doing absolutely terrible for the last couple of years. :rolleyes:


As such, no budget for VA anymore.


Lol it`s doing "absolutely terrible." :D


But there it`s naturally to feel biased because I mean seriously this is a missed oppurtunity. I mean Charles Boyd is the leader writer isn´t he? Wasn`t he the lead writer for the Trooper? So sorry to say but I didn´t expect much from him seeing how the Trooper turned out...:rolleyes:


But come now, Scourge being silent next to Revans presence is insulting.

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Lol it`s doing "absolutely terrible." :D


But there it`s naturally to feel biased because I mean seriously this is a missed oppurtunity. I mean Charles Boyd is the leader writer isn´t he? Wasn`t he the lead writer for the Trooper? So sorry to say but I didn´t expect much from him seeing how the Trooper turned out...:rolleyes:


But come now, Scourge being silent next to Revans presence is insulting.


I really wouldn't like going there to be honest, though I have no issue admitting the Trooper story isn't exactly one of my favorites.


On that note though, I have serious issues pertaining certain elements of the writing for SoR, not to mention stuff that contradicts itself here and there.

Seeing people being referred as "food" to be devoured by the Emperor was just appalling.


NOT only that term was avoided like the plague during the SW and JK storylines, but makes the Emperor sound akin to the Gravemind from the Halo series.


Absolutely dreadful IMHO.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I really wouldn't like going there to be honest, though I have no issue admitting the Trooper story isn't exactly one of my favorites.


On that note though, I have serious issues pertaining certain elements of the writing for SoR, not to mention stuff that contradicts itself here and there.

Seeing people being referred as "food" to be devoured by the Emperor was just appalling.


NOT only that term was avoided like the plague during the SW and JK storylines, but makes the Emperor sound akin to the Gravemind from the Halo series.


Absolutely dreadful IMHO.



Yea true. I think I was unfair and too bashful on my previous statement. He is a good writer and the Trooper story has it`s high moments. Also writing depends a lot on creativity and on the person itself. While you can improve yourself to a certain extent a lot also depends on your own personality I would think.


I actually enjoyed the story on SOR a lot so yea sorry for that statement from before. But I agree with what you said in the Spoiler Tags. I did not like that as much but I am glad the story is moving forward and more force related after all even though it kind of spoils the Jedi Knight ending but seeing as this was the main story and the story had to go forward at one point it was unavoidable.


Ok off to continue playing my other char on Yavin.^^

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I was directed to this thread by someone on Tumblr, and chalk me up as another someone who's baffled and disappointed at the lack of any real companion content.


By far and away, the most egregious "offense" (for lack of a better term) is Lord Scourge: given his past history and who was involved in this expansion story, I would have thought he'd have something to say: even if it was making an observation through the Force when you head to Rishi. (I honestly thought he was bugged, until I pulled out Akaavi on my Smuggler and found that she had nothing to say as well) I have not yet done the class-specific quest, but I've already kinda read up on it... and it's a waste that we have a character that IMO was practically useless reappear there, yet NOTHING with Scourge commenting about Revan, the Emperor, et al. What the what. Sad thing is, I'd only now really started to get into his character and then yeah. :T


Nope, the only companion who got to do anything outside of observational dialogue and intro cinematics is Talos.


(Not that I'm complaining about Talos specifically... I rather do like him, quite honestly, but hopefully you catch my drift)


I'll be blunt and repeat what I said on my tumblr blog: I'd rather have waited a little bit longer for this expansion if it meant they had more time to integrate the companions into the story better. If nothing else, they should have done a hell of a lot more with Scourge. Out of all the companions, he has the most stake in it from a lore standpoint and the fact they blew it is jarring.


I'm not saying they should make up for this with a Companion-centric update -although it would be nice, but I suspect we'll get playable togruta race before that-, I just hope they keep this in mind for any future huge, story-centric updates/expansions.

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Kira Carsen: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )

Doc: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )


T7-01: Rishi Intro ONLY


Sergeant Rusk: NO COMMENTS

Lord Scourge: NO COMMENTS




Felix Iresso: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )

Nadia Grell: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )


Zenith: Rishi Intro ONLY



Tharan Cedrax: NO COMMENTS




Aric Jorgan: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )

Elara Dorne: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )


Yuun: Rishi Intro ONLY







Corso Riggs: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )

Risha: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )



Akaavi Spar: NO COMMENTS










Vette: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )

Malavai Quinn: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )


Broonmark: Rishi Intro ONLY


Jaesa Willsaam: NO COMMENTS

Lieutenant Pierce: NO COMMENTS




Andronikos Revel: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )

Ashara Zavros: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )



Talos Drellik: NO COMMENTS





Mako: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )

Torian Cadera: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )


Blizz: Rishi Intro ONLY


Gault Rennow: NO COMMENTS





Kaliyo Djannis: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )

Vector Hylus: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )


Doctor Eckard Lokin: NO COMMENTS

Ensign Raina Temple: NO COMMENTS




- - - -


I may do a separate thread on the issue later but there's that. Blizz goes absolutely silent on both Rishi and Yavin 4. Gault and Skadge is like they're not even there.


Even though Daran Norris voiced Darok. Go figure. :rolleyes:


Talos the Inq healer DOES have voice work on Rishi. There is a mission that specifically requires you to have Talos out and he does speak a few lines.


But I'd like MORE than just a few one liners or odd quest here and there, I'd like to see more companion quests added on.


Once you've maxed out their affection and completed all their missions, they're pretty boring to have around.


Just a thought for a future patch........assuming they'll spend the ZILLIONS of dollars apparently needed to get the voice actors to say something (why not just hire cheaper actors that sounds like the old ones?)


rant off....

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I was directed to this thread by someone on Tumblr, and chalk me up as another someone who's baffled and disappointed at the lack of any real companion content.


By far and away, the most egregious "offense" (for lack of a better term) is Lord Scourge: given his past history and who was involved in this expansion story, I would have thought he'd have something to say: even if it was making an observation through the Force when you head to Rishi. (I honestly thought he was bugged, until I pulled out Akaavi on my Smuggler and found that she had nothing to say as well) I have not yet done the class-specific quest, but I've already kinda read up on it... and it's a waste that we have a character that IMO was practically useless reappear there, yet NOTHING with Scourge commenting about Revan, the Emperor, et al. What the what. Sad thing is, I'd only now really started to get into his character and then yeah. :T


Nope, the only companion who got to do anything outside of observational dialogue and intro cinematics is Talos.


(Not that I'm complaining about Talos specifically... I rather do like him, quite honestly, but hopefully you catch my drift)


I'll be blunt and repeat what I said on my tumblr blog: I'd rather have waited a little bit longer for this expansion if it meant they had more time to integrate the companions into the story better. If nothing else, they should have done a hell of a lot more with Scourge. Out of all the companions, he has the most stake in it from a lore standpoint and the fact they blew it is jarring.


I'm not saying they should make up for this with a Companion-centric update -although it would be nice, but I suspect we'll get playable togruta race before that-, I just hope they keep this in mind for any future huge, story-centric updates/expansions.



The more I think about it the more it baffles me. Some mind boggling choices by Bioware. First not able to give non basic companions some lines, like ***? Is this that hard??

Lord Scourge not talking when he has such a deep connection to Revans story. Another ***? What was bioware thinking or those in charge of making these decisions.

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I really wouldn't like going there to be honest, though I have no issue admitting the Trooper story isn't exactly one of my favorites.


On that note though, I have serious issues pertaining certain elements of the writing for SoR, not to mention stuff that contradicts itself here and there.

Seeing people being referred as "food" to be devoured by the Emperor was just appalling.


NOT only that term was avoided like the plague during the SW and JK storylines, but makes the Emperor sound akin to the Gravemind from the Halo series.


Absolutely dreadful IMHO.


And I'm sure you could do so much better writting right?


Not everyone has time to memorized the SW universe encyclopedia and QQ about a few lines. Most actually enjoyed the stories. Feel free to browse the forums plenty of threads about it.

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And I'm sure you could do so much better writting right?


I never said that last I checked. You sore or something? :rolleyes:


I can tell you one thing though: I'd never oversimplify the plot -- in other words, DUMB it down -- and I'd respect what came before, NOT ignore it.


The people who write for this game nowadays clearly don't.


Not everyone has time to memorized the SW universe encyclopedia and QQ about a few lines. Most actually enjoyed the stories. Feel free to browse the forums plenty of threads about it.


Such does NOT apply to the writing team. If they don't know their stuff, they should probably bring back the people who do.


In other words, go heal your soreness and present that video from Oricon where you do the Weekly in ten minutes. We're all eager to learn from the master. :rolleyes:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Vette: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )

Malavai Quinn: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )


Broonmark: Rishi Intro ONLY


Jaesa Willsaam: NO COMMENTS

Lieutenant Pierce: NO COMMENTS



I KNEW IT. Pierce is my favorite companion and I dragged his butt over every inch of the new planets. This is so infuriating.


One of the Sword Squadron units in ToS sounds like it was done by his voice actor (Adam Leadbeater) but I couldn't find it listed in the credits. It's possible that by the time I got to that boss I had spent so much time listening for him that I misidentified the actor.

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Mentioned already -- in the second post.


So does Treek, unlike many non-basic speaking companions.


Given that one has to actually pay money (albeit converted to game-specific currency) for Treek and HK, I can see why they would at least give them some things to say since AFAIK, they don't speak during the class missions themselves (or so I've noticed with Treek... not yet gotten HK, so I can't say for sure). But that's still no excuse for not doing stuff for characters like Qyzen, Yuun, Bowdaar, Blizz, et al... even Khem Val, too.


*sigh* Well, looks like I'm gonna have to swap Scourge out with Treek for the remainder of my Knight's run on Rishi, since what's the point of having him there if he doesn't get to do a damn thing. That's going to be lodged in my craw for a while, I think. =T (Probably for the best... I need a healer and I hate Doc, lmao)

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Kaliyo Djannis: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )

Vector Hylus: Comments Available ( Both on Rishi and Yavin 4 )


Doctor Eckard Lokin: NO COMMENTS

Ensign Raina Temple: NO COMMENTS




Nice to know that Male Imperial Agent got screwed in the Romance Companions.... Shafted Raina Temple, and got stuck with Kalyio....

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Just how do they justify NOT giving comments to:








Khem Val


All they'd have to do is use previously recorded sound and type some words!


LAZY!!! :mad:


Khem is a bit more complicated. The other ones?


Little to no sense, especially when more than a couple of them talk during the SoR Intro.

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Any particular reason the non basic speaking companions don't have dialogue. Are their languages real or something? Like did they create there languages fully flushed out, which I doubt? Or are they just to lazy to write up some BS lines for them? Blizz not speaking, if true, kind of rustles my jimmies. At least HK and Treek get some lines, considering I had to pay for them, if the sub counts for HK :p
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