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Thanks for selling us a open beta billed as a subscriber perk. Really enjoy doing my SoR quest only to find out I can't complete it, my companion didn't talk the entire time because only 2 of them had any lines, and that my intro cutscene was the wrong one for no reason !!


You only get one chance to make a first impression. You don't get to go and un**** yourself after screwing up the presentation this badly.

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It makes perfect sense


Did you expect your other chars to go to Rishi and be like "Oh hei Lana, long time no see." Lol.


You can actually skip FA entirely. It will change the story line to fit you never having met Lana before. Simply go straight to Rishii and talk to the bird.

Edited by Prototypemind
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As a relatively new player to this game, but still an experienced MMO gamer, this update fell short. I agree with many of the previous comments made with regard to the skill tree. In all the MMO's I have played, every time the skill tree was changed resulting in fewer choices, many people have left those MMO's in favor of games that still offer greater customization. Certainly non-subscribers will have greater appreciation for the new update, but subscribers are what pays your salaries, their opinions should be taken into account before making substantial changes.


To the point of offering bonuses for pre-ordering, while it is a good idea, explaining all the benefits and restrictions for pre-ordering is necessary to ensure people know what they are getting. It is not right to change the conditions of the offer at the last minute. Furthermore, forcing people to repay for skills they had already paid for is wrong. Compensation should be given for this error in judgment on your part.


Up until this 3.0 update, I was happy with the story line. The only suggestion I would make if it is possible, make all mission stories cohesive with the class story line giving the characters a richer story that truly makes each character different from others.

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Thanks for selling us a open beta billed as a subscriber perk. Really enjoy doing my SoR quest only to find out I can't complete it, my companion didn't talk the entire time because only 2 of them had any lines, and that my intro cutscene was the wrong one for no reason !!


You only get one chance to make a first impression. You don't get to go and un**** yourself after screwing up the presentation this badly.


Because none of the bugs were found during PTS test. :rolleyes:


PTS and live server are two different environments. You could even find bugs on live server #1 that never show up on live server #2 because those are also two different environments.

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Because none of the bugs were found during PTS test. :rolleyes:


PTS and live server are two different environments. You could even find bugs on live server #1 that never show up on live server #2 because those are also two different environments.


There was no PTS for 3.0, so big props for the sage knowledge straight out of your ***.

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This forum makes it look like swtor is losing every subscriber but the funny thing is 90% of the posts are people publicly expressing that they are cancelling their sub. People, you are not that interesting and us readers don't care if you cancel or not. Everyone who is not posting is busy enjoying the game. Thanks for the expansion Bioware. Please keep them coming!


Totally agree. It seems everyone's a critic or some kind of expert eh? Oh how the entitled like to ***** whine and moan. As a KOTOR 1 player at launch 10 years ago, KOTOR 2 and TOR from launch day I can happily say I am very pleased with this expansion, with only a few bug-bears.


All the facetrolling ex Hybrid PvP ganking cry babies bleating and blathering on about how BW have broken their game... Well boo f***ing hoo bully you. Now p*** of and go play something else you can later ***** about.



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Discipline system is bad, I'm going to be unsubscribing once I hit 60. I get why they did it but this takes flexibility away from your subscribers, which is the opposite thing you want to accomplish with an expansion. And the trees had very little synergy to begin with, this just makes a bad experience for me.


Only good thing about 3.0 : Fixing the tooltips so I can read descriptions without having close all my windows. By that logic, 3.0 should have been a 5MB patch and BioWare would have accomplished the same thing.



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Well, I'm disappointed. I've been away for many months but I have always kept my subscription. I've been a fan of this game since the beta and a subscriber since day one. I logged on this weekend because I purchased the expansion and wanted to check out the many improvements and the new story lines. Well, I can't do either. Bugs and laggy servers have destroyed my experience. If I were to explain my play sessions over the last two days, I would say that my experience has been equivalent to jumping in a steaming pile of crap.


Bioware: Are you ever going to get your act together? Your other games are pretty good. I can't seem to figure out why this one always has such major issues.

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PUBLIC TEST SERVER. It doesn't mean **** if it isn't an open PTS. Everyone *********** knows the reason this update is a pile of **** is because of THEIR CHOICE to have no QA worth a damn then use subscribers as beta testers billed as a early access.


THEIR CHOICE. They made this choice. Not EA, not George Lucas, Not Barack Obama, not Eric Holder, not the Illuminati, and not a few disgruntled players. Bioware's SWTOR Developers ****ed up, No One Else. If we don't hold their feet to the *********** fire, this will become the new norm.

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I don't post here often, but wanted to comment on both my excitement and disappointment with the expansion and the early access. I'm a subscriber, and have no intention of cancelling my subscription, I get too much out of this game and the rp community I'm a part of within it.


I feel I got my money's worth on early purchase just with the 12x EXP boost for all that time. Honnestly, that alone was worth the 20$ for me. I haven't done any of the new content yet, but I have to say the new spaces look gorgeous. I have got all my crafting back up to max already and have to say I like some of the shifts I see in the crafting very much.


All of that being said, early access was supposed to be a reward for those who are subs and who bought early. Early access has turned out to be a penalty for those very people.


The bug at the end of the story means that no one with early access can actually complete the story until full access comes out. On top of that, as of next week, when full access kicks in, skill training is going to be free. That means that those who got early access will have spent a significantly large amount of in game money on training that those without early access will get for free. To me, that, on top of the bug that prevents you from completing the story until full access comes out, means that those who spent the money on early access got penalised for having early access.


So, I'm still happy with the money I spent for the EXP boost I got for all this time, but, it still kind of sucks to feel like I'm being penalized for having jumped the guns. I think the gain outweighs the loss, but still, seems to me, the "Early access rewards" shouldn't include a penalty.

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Game for the dumb dumb.

I tried really hard to enjoy it, but it just fails, this new (rip off from WOW) system of character advancement stinks. At least with the trees, you got to pick per level your points, So what if most people chose the same thing. many of us liked to choose. Freedom.

No there is no choice and no variation . You just get to choose one of three Clones of each class

I'm sorry to bag on the people who like the new system, but to me, since everything is chosen, it tells me the unskilled and lazy enjoy having others choose your character for you. Anyone can now play a button mashing chimp since the button bar now it shows you how to play your character with the golden outlines

Granting 6 points at lvl 55 doesn't grant variation. just the illusion for the brainless and uneducated.

No longer do you have to try and figure out your character. Just eat your banana and enjoy.

Really!?!? a carbon copy of WOW. Lazy programming, surprised WOW doesn't sue.

When the Cartel Market allowed a quick buck to the company, it was cool at first but killed the Armor, Weapon, and Artifice skills. Then ruined the Galactic Market.

Won't make a new race, nor class. Barbie dream houses for you and your Guild? Lazy programming.

I'm paying to play a future version of World of Warcraft?

Didn't learn from WOW's mistakes, Just following in their foot steps. which is why they went from 12mil subscribers to 6 mil.

Getting my money back.


I agree with you, but good luck trying to get your money back. They will just tell you the game is "AS IS" and that too much time has past to give you back your money for your sub. This is due to some ridiculous policy they have. Well when I bought my 6 month sub the expansion was not even talked about and now I am ****ed by that and then got ****ed again because I PER-ORDERED to BETA test this bull ****.:mad:


Then contacting their customer service, I sat on hold for over 30minutes, The CS representative "someone who does not speak English" told me it is my PC system and the game is working fine.:mad:

Once she told me that I asked for her manager who was even worse, then I asked to be escalated which took another 30 minutes on hold. So far I have spent 2 hours on hold and the only thing we did was basic troubleshooting (is the PC on and monitor, do you have an internet connection, WTH!!!!) Ultimately the only thing they did for me WAS NOTHING! SO I UN- SUB and had them freeze my game time, then send me an email with the agreement that I can come back at any time even if the sub has expired and they will still honor it " We do not normally due this but since WE CANNOT stop STEALING MONEY from you"


:mad::mad:WHY THE **** DID YOU RELEASE A PRODUCT THAT IS NOT READY FOR MARKET? We did not buy your broken game with broken money or I OWE U's!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


Things that do not work in the Game include: Revan Fight, none of my sith toons can get past the korriban incursion since the commanders do not all spawn the most they get is 3 out of 4, THE LAG FOR SKILLS is crazy high, loot not dropping, boxes empty, just to name a few.


As for those who came on here to say how great it is; glad you like. :D I for one am very disappointed this trash was released and I am not alone. I also understand they are a business but this is not how you keep customers.

The only help they ever provide is the same dumb *** automated message and some empty *********** apology





I am Protocol Droid M0-T0, Human-Cyborg Relations.


We are sorry to hear of the technical problem you have encountered with Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


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Once again, our thanks for bearing with us as we work on further optimizations, and our apologies for any performance issues that may have inconvenienced you.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you have any further questions or concerns.


Galactic Support is our Specialty…




Protocol Droid M0-T0 (aka Mark).

Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service

Edited by DarkontheInside
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well, i'm disappointed. I've been away for many months but i have always kept my subscription. I've been a fan of this game since the beta and a subscriber since day one. I logged on this weekend because i purchased the expansion and wanted to check out the many improvements and the new story lines. Well, i can't do either. Bugs and laggy servers have destroyed my experience. If i were to explain my play sessions over the last two days, i would say that my experience has been equivalent to jumping in a steaming pile of crap.


Bioware: Are you ever going to get your act together? Your other games are pretty good. I can't seem to figure out why this one always has such major issues.


great post!

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I agree with you, but good luck trying to get your money back. They will just tell you the game is "AS IS" and that too much time has past to give you back your money for your sub. This is due to some ridiculous policy they have. Well when I bought my 6 month sub the expansion was not even talked about and now I am ****ed by that and then got ****ed again because I PER-ORDERED to BETA test this bull ****.:mad:


Then contacting their customer service, I sat on hold for over 30minutes, The CS representative "someone who does not speak English" told me it is my PC system and the game is working fine.:mad:

Once she told me that I asked for her manager who was even worse, then I asked to be escalated which took another 30 minutes on hold. So far I have spent 2 hours on hold and the only thing we did was basic troubleshooting (is the PC on and monitor, do you have an internet connection, WTH!!!!) Ultimately the only thing they did for me WAS NOTHING! SO I UN- SUB and had them freeze my game time, then send me an email with the agreement that I can come back at any time even if the sub has expired and they will still honor it " We do not normally due this but since WE CANNOT stop STEALING MONEY from you"


:mad::mad:WHY THE **** DID YOU RELEASE A PRODUCT THAT IS NOT READY FOR MARKET? We did not buy your broken game with broken money or I OWE U's!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


Things that do not work in the Game include: Revan Fight, none of my sith toons can get past the korriban incursion since the commanders do not all spawn the most they get is 3 out of 4, THE LAG FOR SKILLS is crazy high, loot not dropping, boxes empty, just to name a few.


As for those who came on here to say how great it is; glad you like. :D I for one am very disappointed this trash was released and I am not alone. I also understand they are a business but this is not how you keep customers.

The only help they ever provide is the same dumb *** automated message and some empty *********** apology



my thoughts exactly and more and more:

disappearing achivments on rishi, i wait all day to spawn rare mob only to find out that after i logout and login again i dont have achiv any more :mad:. and same with fp depths of manaan. I did pass Raven fight, but only thanks to taunt, but on healer or dps it is impossible, my son is furious about that, me too btw:mad::mad: AND WTH are only 6 fp and ONLY 2 ops in gf on lvl 60. Now its impossible to get achiv from fps on lower lvl AND it is VERY BORING or comlete Weekly on CZ. Next WTH why mobs on hard fps are way more deadly than bosses :eek: Second boss on TofS really...... on SM are you CRAZY!!!!! Weekly on Yavin with Walker is some joke. Classic ops TFB, S&V, DF and DP on HM!!!:eek::eek: That DISCIPLINES of yours you can put in your a.....:mad::mad::mad: AND finally my TANK Juggernaut, why, why, why you f.....up him for PVE, WHY almost all new skils are for PVP lol, but other Tank classes you buff for PVE. This is ONLY one tear in a sea of sorrow :( but i am most ungry on my self for buying sub for next six months and buged expansion.


I just gain all grophet hidden achiv and now all gone.....



I think that most guilty of this situation is BLOODTHIRSTY EA.

Edited by Lord-HawkEye
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There is nothing wrong with the skill tree before the new skill tree release inside the new expansion under 3.0 update. The old skill tree needed to stay as is because is never old and one out of the developer team make that mistake to mess with the skill tree has nothing to do with new expansion. All character class missing skills and have to pay credits over again and advance class lose skills. Needed to restore and rollback the old skill tree back in service as is because many new and old customers know what they have inside the skill tree before game update and new expansion.


Now we have 60 leveling under the new expansion and the developer need to keep the old skill tree in business and ad extra 5 points when players leveling 55 to 60 for geting extra 5 points for spent on what skills they wanted for advance class without paying credits for skills and no need to pay for reset advance skills.


What happen is star wars of the old republic geting a group of demonstrators that act like to complain about anything they want agaist good things inside the game like they did to star wars galaxies from sony entertainment but they where wrong to mess with good things that other customers know what they have before those demonstrators lie to developing team to mess up the game. Demonstrators all they do is try to take control of the game and bad treated game like it needed politics to control class profession in the game is bad business.

Edited by Wagerbane
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my thoughts exactly and more and more:

disappearing achievements on rishi, i wait all day to spawn rare mob only to find out that after i logout and login again i dont have achiv any more :mad:. and same with fp depths of manaan. I did pass Raven fight, but only thanks to taunt, but on healer or dps it is impossible, my son is furious about that, me too btw:mad::mad: AND WTH are only 6 fp and ONLY 2 ops in gf on lvl 60. Now its impossible to get achiv from fps on lower lvl AND it is VERY BORING or comlete Weekly on CZ. Next WTH why mobs on hard fps are way more deadly than bosses :eek: Second boss on TofS really...... on SM are you CRAZY!!!!! Weekly on Yavin with Walker is some joke. Classic ops TFB, S&V, DF and DP on HM!!!:eek::eek: That DISCIPLINES of yours you can put in your a.....:mad::mad::mad: AND finally my TANK Juggernaut, why, why, why you f.....up him for PVE, WHY almost all new skills are for PVP lol, but other Tank classes you buff for PVE. This is ONLY one tear in a sea of sorrow :( but i am most angry on my self for buying sub for next six months and bugged expansion.


I just gain all prophet hidden achiv and now all gone.....



I think that most guilty of this situation is BLOODTHIRSTY EA.


Well said, at least now I do not feel like I am delusional about all these bugs/errors/trash.

Edited by DarkontheInside
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Problem with old skill tree is those "+5 points".

It would've made balancing even harder because players could utilize hybrids more effectively.

Testing all the possible hybrdis would require too much dev time, and I'm sure everyone agrees with me on this: it's time that could be used to create new content.


There's still only one MMO that allows character to train everything: EVE Online.

They have different training system so it's acceptable from dev's pov.


Yes, I know this is o/t but I had to.

Edited by Halinalle
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Problem with old skill tree is those "+5 points".

It would've made balancing even harder because players could utilize hybrids more effectively.

Testing all the possible hybrdis would require too much dev time, and I'm sure everyone agrees with me on this: it's time that could be used to create new content.


There's still only one MMO that allows character to train everything: EVE Online.

They have different training system so it's acceptable from dev's pov.


Yes, I know this is o/t but I had to.


It not like they tested any of the content they released. I would love them to actually develop and test content but no they sell us the beta test as early access. Then bend us over in the end and F u c k U S without a rubber or lube. I mean are you not glad that come Tuesday those millions of credits you spent on training are now wasted and they even said we are not go to give a refund, go **** yourselves SWTOR:DEV's

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Welcome to early bug and lag fest.
Amazingly I've had minimal issues with bugs and zero lag problems. What I found to be a real disappointment though is the plethora of solo-only segments of the story. Having to ungroup every 20 minutes to do the solo parts, then regroup to do missions, then coming back only to have to ungroup again to turn in the chain ... is just terrible. They serve as little more than constant interruptions when playing with friends (or one's spouse in my case.)


Were I not in such a great guild (and there weren't ops to look forward to at end game) I'd be tempted to ignore the xpac and stick to playing the 1 to 55 game. Actually, it would not be a surpise to see guilds form specifically for that.


I pay $12.99/month for a SWTOR MMO experience (6-month recurring sub). Leveling in this expansion is not a MMO experience. May as well tell your friends you'll just meet them at 60.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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My problem right now is that I talked to the first NPC on Rishi, then decided what the heck, let's do FA first. I was able to do that part of SOR and then pick up the main quest, but I can't advance it now because they NPC won't talk again. The Rishii storyline can only be restarted back to just after talking to the bird, but not to zero like most quests where you can pick up the conversation and start it again. Looks like I may get to enjoy having this mission in my log forever.
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D E V E L O P E R S: .... with respect and some angst.

Your patch... Lots of it is GOOD, though that isn't why I'm typing this instead of playing..

Thinking you sorta ignored the people who PVP at Level 55 who used your PVP gear from venders

Was working on getting the Tier 2 stuff.

SO- I ' m unhappy w I t h the fact you- r e m o v e d -the ability to upgrade that

Level 55 PVP gear

I worked & got tier 1 PVP gear then only some tier 2 stuff .. only some then.. the patch ... disregarded the effort... for my Level 55 Jedi Councilor .. SO... Do you fix it? Hope so

Your work in that patch did stuff I like as well .. (Thank YOU For Leveling the Playing Field)

Looking at some cool new choices !! good on you there! I'm sure there was some gnashing of teeth there too...

I'm not



happier by turns ....... LOL. :cool:

Thanks for your time

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