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Ugh, just stop it! I am sitting here, reading patch notes because I am working. I feel a terrible sickness coming on so I can go home and play.

I don't know what the big rush is though, I see myself getting all distracted by Ability overload.

Please someone call my work and tell them I have an emergency so I can go home.

See you guyz soonz..

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So how do you access the content?

The little mission terminal on my ship reports that I'm ineligible for the conversation....planet Rishi provides a pop up window informing me to go buy the expansion, (i'm a subscriber since 2011).

The patch notes tell you assault on Tython is solo-able go talk to the the droid on the fleet...did that and when i enter the flashpoint it is a true group needed FP!!!


What in the world am I doing wrong?

Thank you in advance for the help!!

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It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Early Access week for the Shadow of Revan Digital Expansion.


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I play this game all the time every day and they put the nerf on the operative and give the sorc 100 more will power.

I know lots of people play operative but sorc class can do 3m damage or healing and operatives even with the best of players they never go past 2m healing or 1m damage you might see that score 1 time a week. I have the 2 classes and I look at the scores all the time from people.

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This Sucks, If I want to be a Half Gunnery and Half medic, That's my choice, this is World of Warcraft all over again, next thing were gonna have is Pokémon. Battles like in WOW what's wrong with you people, this IS less choice. Just like wow, Dumbing the game down, removing choice from the players.. It was exciting to get that one point per level. made it worth leveling,, now I can scratch myself and not care. Thanks for removing a fun factor from the game., Welcome to WOWTOR. Edited by Spaceman_Spee
Noticed more I could complain about
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This Sucks, If I want to be a Half Gunnery and Half medic, That's my choice, this is World of Warcraft all over again, next thing were gonna have is Pokémon. Battles like in WOW what's wrong with you people, this IS less choice. Just like wow, Dumbing the game down, removing choice from the players.. It was exciting to get that one point per level. made it worth leveling,, now I can scratch myself and not care. Thanks for removing a fun factor from the game., Welcome to WOWTOR.


0/10 would see that inc. thats so true.

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So do we have to complete Forged Alliances on every single toon in order to take them to Rishii and Yavin? Please tell me I'm misunderstanding this.


It makes perfect sense


Did you expect your other chars to go to Rishi and be like "Oh hei Lana, long time no see." Lol.

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It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Early Access week for the Shadow of Revan Digital Expansion.


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Just managed to logon looking forward to the expansion just a quick thing I want to share the Revan Reborn Breastplate hood clips with every mask other than the batter revan mask is this intensional? if not will it be fixed whilst I like the asthetic of the rest of the gear I want to use the clean mask with it clipping throught the hood.

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This Sucks, If I want to be a Half Gunnery and Half medic, That's my choice, this is World of Warcraft all over again, next thing were gonna have is Pokémon. Battles like in WOW what's wrong with you people, this IS less choice. Just like wow, Dumbing the game down, removing choice from the players.. It was exciting to get that one point per level. made it worth leveling,, now I can scratch myself and not care. Thanks for removing a fun factor from the game., Welcome to WOWTOR.


They clearly stated why they were making the changes so if you didnt read it its your problem there always will be people that dont like change and cant adapt

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Having played through Shadow of Revan I would like to offer some feedback should there be any other expansions. Obviously for it to be relevant it will include *Spoilers* Long wall of text.



First the small stuff. look at the teaser Trailer


'War is Coming, Conflict on a Scale we have never seen.'


Perhaps the biggest oversell in the history of marketing, There is no war, the conflict in fact turns people that are at war into best friends. If anyone thought that they would be seeing a massive galaxy spanning war they will be sadly disappointed, its two planets one more or less about pirates and bird men and the second very very small. If it weren't for lag and waiting on spawns its probably possible to do Yavin 4 in a couple of hours. This is not conflict on a scale we have never seen. The trailer promised so much but it was never in the cards.


Next the use of Companions


None existent. Played through the entire thing and my companion never spoke one. Even on Makeb they say something, not much. Flirt infront of my 'wife' and nothing. I get it with 8 possible companions there will be 7 lots of dialogue that wont be used. But when you have such a long long gap between the story dusting off someone not seen for 2 years in Chapter 1 or using a Companion. It makes sense to use a companion there is already more attachment to them than someone its hard to remember who they are.


Back story and Closure.


Its almost as if nothing in 2.0 to 3.0 happened. I don't recall any real closure from CZ-198, Kuat Drive Yards, any of the dread master stuff, hell Ive killed them enough times and id be hard pressed to say what effect that has had on anything. Makeb gets the slightest mention and thats it. Rather than tell an epic tale its like many many small tales that you could be mistaken for wondering if they were connected, even the protagonist doesn't seem to refer to them.


Now the Expansion itself.


For a start its way to short. The worlds are beautiful but it seems if anything smaller than Makeb. If it weren't for competing for kills or rare spawns the entire expansion (minus the ops) could be done in an evening or two. As opposed to Dragon Age Inquisition which I think clocks up 150 hours or so. Yes SOR is a lot cheaper but even so its not going to win any awards for value for money. As mentioned above it was meant to be a massive conflict didn't really pan out that way.


Next the class story. This really was a case of blink and you will miss it. I can't speak for the others by the warrior story is killing 9 things and 2 rather pointless conversations. I would suspect that should you miss it out you wouldn't notice and if you did complete it there would be little impact. If we think back to some of the class story in the past of fighting through ships etc its not really in the same league. Hell there were some companion stories that held more weight than what the warrior gets.


The planet story, that its the same for all 8 classes ain't great, even less compelling is how long it takes to get going. You really have to play forged alliance, otherwise your on a world everyone accusing you of being a pirate. This is fairly laughable given you could be a major in the most prestigious unit in the republic, a Jedi Master or a Dark Council member. This really did feel like forcing the story down a path. And then the cinematics, choices and dialogue, given there is one story not 8 not even 2 this all seemed a little short. I suspect this wont have vastly increased the numbers given on the fun facts article. As for the conclusion I wouldn't say I'm lost but it didn't really make a whole lot of sense. It felt a little like Revan was used to give a final goodbye that the foundry was thought to be lacking but to have Ghost Revan too. As for bat **** crazy emperor, it was a pretty dumb idea in the first place to have a big bad that no one could get behind cause well his crazy. This though is leading too much to the Empire and the Republic holding hands to combat a big bad, i.e. The Dreadmasters, then the Revanites and now the Emperor. Its an after school special about how team work and co-operation can save the day.


3.0 and Solo mode. It seems that 3.0 was a general nerf, I know versatility and choice has been nerfed and I seem to take a lot more damage though actual damage still seems high. But with the lag its hard to tell. Then though solo modes are introduced where you get a droid with 80k health that can heal for 20k in a shot. Combat support droids should be ruling the galaxy, but that aide it means if a fight goes badly (never saw it but in theory) it is infact nothing I could do about it. The difference between a good fight and a poor fight is if the droid heals me for 20k when I'm low. The same goes for the 8 heroes ganking Revan end fight. The guys has 2.3 million health. Sure I'll manage my rotations, defensive cool downs and CC breaks but once again if we win its cause someone kept healing me through the fight and if we lose its cause they didn't. Its hard to see what the game plan is with this.


Now I feel I am being overly critical of the expansion, there are some beautiful areas, new monsters and an addition to the story which does have some good moments and in many ways the desire to see more and finding it too short is an endorsement of it being enjoyable it feels a lot like Dragon Age 2. In that little that was done made any difference as far as story goes and while not enough to lose faith in the Dragon Age franchise after the amazing game offered by Origins you do have to start wondering if the next installment will be any good.


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Is it possible that we'll get the 12x XP boost again anytime soon? I'd gladly pay for it! I'm interested mainly in class stories (I'm just a huge SW nerd and I need to know all of SWTOR lore!) and solo play and I didn't finish all my chars stories in time (life, duh). I also love the idea of combat support droid - I'd really love the option to buy it in order to finish all the flashpoints and heroics - again, for the story. Not to mention the Ops, but I wouldn't dream of that.


Thanks for making this great great piece of Star Wars history! I love this game!

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Ok here is my take on this. First I was afraid of this. Every time you dumb down a game to cater to whiners that can't be bothered to learn how to play, you lose massive amounts of players. See we don't care if they can't be bothered to have to read, We don't care if all they do is whine. Who do you think is going to spend money in your Cartel? The whiners that can't play, or the people with brains? Who do you think is going to play to level 60? Won't be the damn whiners.


Now as to skills. I think you went way to far the wrong way. Taking control from us instead of building the tree up to level 60 was a huge mistake. This game is so linear as it is that now we have even less control and less reason to play.

Now I don't even have a choice as to what part of my tree I want to expand. Instead of have 45 decisions over the course of level 55 I now get a grand total of 7 in 60 levels. Hmmmmmm. Well let's see ... Do I play this with this crappy option at level 11 or this crappy option? I now have to choose 7 out of 15 options in 60 levels, I used to have 3 trees available to put the extra points in after I hit 45 and maxed my tree. If somebosy can't be bothered to learn the tree then they don't belong here.


I will be fair and try this, but I foresee only 2 servers in the very near future. 1 PVE and 1 PvP because you will have nobody playing this. That has already happened to you. How many servers did you start with? Then they were gone. Had to go to a free model to get players. Now I wonder what you are going to do when people stop renewing their subs. I have until Jan 10th. If there is not some real spectacular reason to stay, then my sub will be one that will be gone.


I left the game for a long time because there was no end game content. I came back and found the game dumbed down. Now after the mad rush to get my characters up in level I have so far I found no reason to stay. This had better be the most extreme expansion ever in the history of MMO's to get me to stay.

Edited by UnyqueOne
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So I get rewarding the early spenders of golden cash with a week of playing in the new railed garden before the rest of us peons who waited too long. But to cap us at 1 xp to level, and now I have to wait for the 9th to level. Why should I bother to play that week? I'm already geared to the gills, I have enough commendations, I was going to level slowly in old content, and then tackle the new content on the 9th raring to go.


But no. Now I'll sit around a week, play other games, and maybe say frack it, and just not bother coming back.


I smell SWG in the air...nice rails.

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Well, I'm glad for the solo mode. Don't really get the disciple system though.


Maybe over time it will become clear.


Except for the massive lag and the total lack of companion participation in conversations. I'm liking it so far. We can make any choice and companions don't care?


That Call I get ot meet Darth Vowrawn was the class quest?

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do we have to go true those *********** flashpoints to get the shadow of revan *** did i waste my money on again i dont want to go true that with all my alts this *********** sucks you guys can even screw this up i'm getting sick of this game :mad:
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Thanks for the new graphic update. The patch notes mention nothing about it, but I can see that green/yellow/orange lightsabers don't have their blade especially larger than normal now... But just you know, the hue for green is still ugly.


Now just two negative points :

- what's this Double-bladed Lightsaber as a Rishi reward ? A pole ? I believed you couldn't make them bigger, I was wrong.

- Did the guys in charge of cutscenes just found how doing moving point of view and now using it everywhere, everytime ? Some are nicely done, but there are many that are unnecessary.

Edited by Altheran
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