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Stock Evening on POT5 Dec 13th (Sat)


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Stock Evening


TIME: 9-12 EST




The only ships allowed will be the first 3 starter ships (no bombers) and their stock components (you can change copilot). You cannot upgrade or switch any of the starting components.


If you are interested, please reply to this forum with your player name for the event. It would be nice if people made a new alt with the word stock in it so everyone knows you're in the stock night. For example, my alt will be named Yallia-stock. Also, if you reply to this thread with your stock names, you will be entered into a sweepstakes for a cartel market ship. I'll randomly pick a winner and that person can pick any cartel ship of their choice. You can pick what toon you want the ship sent to--doesn't have to be a POT5 toon.

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Well, the solution to that is that the devs will, by next week, have disabled all the remaining components...



In actuality, there is no way to prevent that. But there is always high compliance at these events from strong players, and there's usually quite a few strong players on. It's normally not an issue- obviously, if you are flying stock and Acey McAceterson on a mastered ship is gunning for you, you won't have a good time. But having flown on many stock nights, that isn't normally an issue.

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Ok, so right now it looks like we're going to have pretty good attendance (~30 people, maybe more). Below is a list of people who have given me names. For anyone who hasn't yet, it's not a big deal, you can just send me an in game message the night of the event. The only reason names are needed is for the sweeps, so if you're not interested in that you don't need to give a name. Some people have notified me that they will be playing with stock ships on toons not with stock in the name. That's fine, I understand conquest points are needed. It's also advantageous that they haven't fixed the bugs yet lol.


(some names may change)



Eighty sixer-stock

Riste-stock or Trivers-stock

Stocky'juan or Buzz'stockington

Zaskar or Yardia-ban



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Just read through the thread and looked like it was a lot of fun! Look forward to some more in the future.. Guess I should start participating a little in these forums :)



Edited by Hughh
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Thanks everyone for coming out tonight! A lot of great matches, we'll be posting the matches to twitch (http://www.twitch.tv/sith_united). And for the raffle....the winner is RED'TORNADO. Red, you get to pick any ship from the CM and I'll deliver it to any of your toons on any server. Just give me the details on the forums, or send me a tell on POT5 (Yallia, IMP).
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Hey guys had a really fun time last night. I ended up recording my 9 games sadly I was plagued with sound problems again. (I'm pretty sure I know how to fix it for next time)


My voice is much louder then the game volume/mumble so you probably won't hear those very well.


Anyways I'm still putting them up. They are all on YouTube for those of you that hate watching stuff on twitch. :)



For those of you that seem to like to marathon everything I post I made a playlist of all the games in order for ya.

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