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Instant level-up boost to 50-55!


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Just let me buy instant level-up boost to 50-55 in the shop like in WoW (insta 90, current level cap is 100).

Fast money for Bioware and saved brain cells for me!


edit: Okay can i push it now? Just reset our old chars and convert them to Outlanders!

Now, with official 60lvl boost in 4.0, there is no reasons to refuse.


It should be possible to boost every char to 60lvl, not only new chars.

Edited by Glower
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No what? This is suggestion to Bioware, not discussion. :D




btw here is the wall of text with a legit alternative. So smart, so good, so interesting and fun. Feels tasty!

Nope *100. :rolleyes:


I've been consistently leveling from 1-55 in 14-15 hours:


- Create the toon and immediately go to my stronghold. Equip a 3 hour 1.5x Major XP Boost from my Legacy Storage.

(12.32x + 1.5x + 0.05x), put Improved Rocket Boost II (30 second cool down) on keybind (mine is F2).

- Unlock titles and mounts that are mailed to new toons which almost completes level 1 for you.

- Level to 10. Get Treek and set her to heal, Advanced Class (spec as DPS for leveling) and mount (if you can't unlock with cartel coins, switch to a toon with at least 45K

- At levels 19, 29 and 39, return to Stronghold for BtL gear. Unless you also have BtL main-hand and off-hand from the last Gree Event, take an additional 5-10 minutes to use acquired planetary commendations to upgrade hilt(s)/barrel(s), armoring, mod, enhancements for main-hand and off-hand. Switch toons if necessary (previously leveled 55 in my case).

- At level 47 (Belsavis or first/second turn-in on Voss), travel to Makeb, use GSI terminal on the Orbital Station for bolster.

- At level 55, take a screenshot of total time played (/played in chat with System Feedback enabled) and 55 achievement on the screen. Leave spec as DPS or re-spec as Tank or Heals depending on your preference.


Spam space bar and 1 (you can always use crew skill missions to change your Light/Dark alignment).

Use Quick Travel, return to Stronghold and taxi exits for previous location, fleet and starship when needed.

Travel ahead to unlock taxi and QT points on map in order to QT back for turn ins (Alderann, Hoth, Balmorra, Belsavis).


I think that covers everything.




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Consoderong it is not hard to reach 55 I see no need for a instant boost to 55. Just because Blizzard does it with their game does NOT mean Bioware should. Unlike wow, the leveling content is fun. The only reason that other game has the boost is because most of the content is boring as hell and leveling sucks.


no, No and HELL NO!

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Such a boost would mean missing the whole class story. At least. And unless you're willing to sink time waiting for OPs/PvP/HM pops, there isn't anything truly fun to do at top level. Dailies never change from day to day.


I would have a no vote from me if this were a votable topic.

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Look, as always - selfish and furious players . With "if I don't need it, then go to hell" attitude. :D


Such a boost would mean missing the whole class story. At least. And unless you're willing to sink time waiting for OPs/PvP/HM pops, there isn't anything truly fun to do at top level. Dailies never change from day to day.


I would have a no vote from me if this were a votable topic.


So i must suffer for the 10th time with all these planets and with trooper (identical to vanguards) story to level my commando alt? No thanks... :rolleyes:

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Just let me buy instant level-up boost to 50-55 in the shop like in WoW (insta 90, current level cap is 100).

Fast money for Bioware and saved brain cells for me!


I, personally, don't have any problem with such an item (even after I've leveled 24 or so characters to 55 in TOR), so, sure, why not? However, if we're going to compare this game to WoW, then I think TOR should wait the same amount of time before adding the instant level-up.


Since WoW is 10 years old, I'd be for this in 2021. :p

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Look, as always - selfish and furious players . With "if I don't need it, then go to hell" attitude. :D




So i must suffer for the 10th time with all these planets and with trooper (identical to vanguards) story to level my commando alt? No thanks... :rolleyes:


Or you could use the opportunity to complete story in a different way than how you did with your Vanguard, e.g. if your Vanguard was mainly lightside, you could make a darkside Commando and see how that unfolds.

You can also level through PvP, GSF and/or Flashpoints if you really hate the solo content so much that you consider it to be "suffering".

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Yes this is a suggestion, but it is also where people can voice their opinions on the suggestion. Some will support it and some will not.


When you post to a suggestion thread, you should expect people to disagree with your idea and post their opinions as well.


In all the time I have been here on the forums (2008) and the suggestions I have suggested I have expected people to disagree with my opinion and not once did I get upset with someone disagreeing with my suggestions.

Edited by casi
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When you post to a suggestion thread, you should expect people to disagree with your idea and post their opinions as well.


btw people disagree even with my request for additional quickbars (QoL improvements!!! dahell!) and i just can't understand it. :rolleyes:


Nope this game isnt pay to win...

What? Google about P2W please. :rolleyes:

Edited by Glower
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While 12x xp was nice to be able to skip tedius planetary chains for the nth time, you need to do -some- work to get your character to max.


The only way I could see it even working is you could only do it on a class you have -already- maxxed out, that way people can't level one char, then just buy a whole roster of alts to raid/endgame arena with.


That would solve -some- of the issues but not all.


Either that or make it only useable at legacy 50 :p

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I'd like to see a 10X or 12X part of the Legacy System - Rewards people that have already played and leveled content.


Each 10 levels of legacy you get 1X - XP Booster that you can purchase. Make it a credit sink even - 100k, 200k, 300k, 400k, 500k OR with CC's - 100cc, 200cc, 300cc, 400cc, 500cc.


Instant 50 to 55.... um NO.. I disagree with that model and I've leveled 2-5 of each class.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Consoderong it is not hard to reach 55 I see no need for a instant boost to 55. Just because Blizzard does it with their game does NOT mean Bioware should. Unlike wow, the leveling content is fun. The only reason that other game has the boost is because most of the content is boring as hell and leveling sucks.


no, No and HELL NO!


Unlike wow the leveling content is fun?


That's entirely a personal opinion that some will agree and some disagree with.


If it's fun for you, continue as you are. Giving someone else the option to skip content they don't enjoy will keep them interested in the game as well. Make them pay for the option and they help pay for extra content or features that everyone can benefit from.


Giving various people with various tastes various ways to enjoy the game doesn't have to mean person A has an advantage over person B.


I'm not sure how I'd most prefer to skip the same old missions on the same old planets to level up alts, but I know I'd prefer something, even if I had to pay extra for the option.

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You can always vote with your wallet i.e. don't like it - don't use it! ;)


You could always vote with your actions. If you don't like actually having to put forth a modicum of effort to actually level that character to 55 then don't do it. I realize that some people are too averse to that modicum of effort and would prefer to ask to have things handed to them.

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you'd still need to do the story, unless you want no companions and no ship.


12 xp for story quests purchasable through cartel market and/or legacy - sure.


but this is not wow. leveling content actualy has meaning in this game. not to mention.. unless something like tutorial AND proving grounds is implemented in this game. please dear god NO. to be honest, I think it should be implemented regardless of leveling boosts.


I've been playing wow actualy (sub is about to run out in about a week) its almost hysterical, that heroic dungeons are easier the normals. because to be able to queue for heroics, you had to pass the proving grounds and so people who end up there are not completely clueless.. while in normals.. you have.. well everyone else, including people who boosted their characters.


so yeah... if anything even remotely like that gets implemented... tutorial is an absolute MUST. as is making people quest for their ship and their companions..


P.S. if leveling content is not fun for you, this game that was practically made for rolling multiple alts, what with different conversation options, and legacy bonuses and all.. maybe this is not the game for you? or maybe having alts is not for you? nothing wrong with having just one main character and no one else, you know.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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but this is not wow. leveling content actualy has meaning in this game. not to mention.. unless something like tutorial AND proving grounds is implemented in this game. please dear god NO. to be honest, I think it should be implemented regardless of leveling boosts.


So if i have merc and vanguard and i want to roll commando... Will i get all-new storyline or at least a lot of new choices? Nope! :rolleyes:


P.S. if leveling content is not fun for you, this game that was practically made for rolling multiple alts, what with different conversation options, and legacy bonuses and all.. maybe this is not the game for you? or maybe having alts is not for you? nothing wrong with having just one main character and no one else, you know.


I have 10 alts. :p

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you'd still need to do the story, unless you want no companions and no ship.



My Mercenary actually hit level 55 with only Mako (no ship) leveling solely via PVP. 12x EXP gave me the opportunity to complete her storyline and get the rest of her companions.


While I support a 12x legacy unlock, I do not support any auto leveling boosts, especially if it's sold in the cartel market.

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So if i have merc and vanguard and i want to roll commando... Will i get all-new storyline or at least a lot of new choices? Nope! :rolleyes:




I have 10 alts. :p


and I have 21 alts and that's just on main server, your point is?


you DO get 2-3 conversation options for each progressive quest. live dangerously - try something you haven't before. or hell- reroll a gender you haven't played yet - voiceovers are different, among other things.


and to reiterate.







leveling process doesn't work the same way here, hell - the whole point is that game starts at lvl 1, not at max level.


I don't mind 12xp boosts for class story - optional ones. but just boost to 55? absolutely not. unless it comes with a character that is on starter planet and needs to do the whole story anyways.


I have zero sympathy for you. none. and your suggestion will do nothing good for the game.


My Mercenary actually hit level 55 with only Mako (no ship) leveling solely via PVP. 12x EXP gave me the opportunity to complete her storyline and get the rest of her companions.


While I support a 12x legacy unlock, I do not support any auto leveling boosts, especially if it's sold in the cartel market.


I'm a little bit confused. if your merc hit 55 off pvp alone, how exactly did 12 xp change anything for you in any way? I mean.. you weren't getting any xp from story anyways, being 55 already :rak_02:

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I'm a little bit confused. if your merc hit 55 off pvp alone, how exactly did 12 xp change anything for you in any way? I mean.. you weren't getting any xp from story anyways, being 55 already :rak_02:


Sorry for the confusion. After running the storyline on several new alts during 12x EXP, I found new motivation to catch up on my mercenary story as well. For me it wasn't about leveling, it was about the unfolding story. If 12x hadn't gotten me back into playing the story, Tabby would probably still be be without a ship or companions.

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Jewel, my "I have 10 alts. " is just the answer to your:

maybe this is not the game for you? or maybe having alts is not for you? nothing wrong with having just one main character and no one else, you know.









Yeah, new skill system from wow, new buff highlight from wow, even new text based side-quest on Rishi/Yavin from wow. Definitely, THIS IS NOT WOW, only by 50-60%! :rolleyes:




Also Age of Conan now offers same level up boost as WoW, and a bit different level up boost in RIFT! :)

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