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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lord Vivicar


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I was level 29 I believe... or 30 maybe.


I always interrupted his force crush attack. Either use stun, force wave, or mind snap. Cycle through them, and you should be able to prevent him from actually doing a considerable amount of damage in a single move.


I used Qyzen, mainly to keep the damage on him while I used my attacks and healed Qyzen regularly.


My character is Seer spec. So I didn't have a huge arsenal of attacks, but rather heals.

Edited by monkgryphon
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my companion died early in the fight, w/ vivicar at about 75% health....what i ended up doing was kiting him. I would slow him, force speed away...hit him with some spells....he has a nasty spell, forget what it was, but i would interupt that w/ mind snap i think. That neutralized that. I used force wave (the knockback) and push him away. I would make sure i was also in good health as well.


Took about 3-5 minutes, but i eventually beat him. This was my second go on him. Also am fully healer spec'd.

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I sent Qyzen in and he got force crushed and insta-died. I knew for the rest of the fight I had to keep that interrupted...


He didn't seem to spam Force Crush to a point where my interrupt was still on cooldown, so with kiting and interrupts, he was easily solo'd whilst Qyzen lay face-first and lost all his points.

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How did you guys beat him? What Campanion did you have with you at the time? I'm lvl 35 and he's lvl 34 Elite.


i did it at lvl30 have already posted a vid how i did it actually couple of days ago he is insanely easy.

use theran and start kiting him around the room it works like charm :p

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I did it at 30, first with Mr. Lizardface which failed since he died instantly when Vivicar resisted my interrupts and then with mr. Dandy scientist which succeeded and I never got beneath 75% health. The key seems to be to interrupt force crush and kite him. Theran's stun ability really helped as well since it gave me more time to use skills with a cast time.
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Honestly if you are Seer (healing) specced then pretty much every level-appropriate enemy/boss in the game is quite simply a joke. Seer may have a little bit less damage than Balance, but that's what companions are for, and the survivability trade-off is incredible. As I said, I have never died to a single boss and I hardly ever need to stop for even a few seconds to Meditate health or force.



I was 29 when I roflstomped Vivicar, and my companions were all out doing Crew Skills. I interrupted Vivicar but had no reason to kite him. I just kept DoTs up on him and healed/shielded myself as necessary while pushing out TT/Disturbance.

Edited by sollinton
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here i was all stressed that i was going to get my *** kicked by this guy


during this BUGGY mission (my trooper has no buggy missions all the way through the end of act 3 btw - guessing nobody actually tested consular in beta??) i died 3 times due to the entire map of mobs being pulled several times for no apparant reason and was really stressed







if you need to use theran you need to learn your consular abilities.

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Yeah, these enemy waves were somewhat annoying although I nearly survived the second wave.


All in all it seems to me, that the Consular is the class, that is most neglected by Bioware, specially compared to the inquisitor or the Jedi-Knight.


The companions are rather boring compared to other classes (others get a fallen sith or a fallen Jedi, we get...well...nothing, and for male Consulars the only RI we get, is the absolut last companion) AND we get them later than any other class. The headpieces all look ridiculous, some of our spells really look boring (pebble storm anyone?), the first act of the class quest is mostly boring etc. etc.

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Used Tharan for healing and extra stuns. Used Mind Snap to interrupt his Force Crush and tried to keep my distance from him (Force Slow and Telekinetic Throw helped in that regard) and keeping Force Armor up as much as possible. That of course meant I had to rely mostly on insta-cast abilities (such as Weaken Mind and Project). Holiday's stuns allowed me to use non-instant abilities or heals without having to worry about him closing the gap.


Probably not the fastest way to defeat him but it works nicely even if he's a few levels higher than you. I was level 30 when I kicked his level 34 ***.

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How did you guys beat him? What Campanion did you have with you at the time? I'm lvl 35 and he's lvl 34 Elite.


Tharan eats Vivicar's **** for breakfast. He'll spam Holiday interrupts on him and heal you. Just make sure to interrupt his heals, run away from force storm, and LoS his project storm. It's like PvP, win with pillar humping. :cool:

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I sent Qyzen in and he got force crushed and insta-died. I knew for the rest of the fight I had to keep that interrupted...


He didn't seem to spam Force Crush to a point where my interrupt was still on cooldown, so with kiting and interrupts, he was easily solo'd whilst Qyzen lay face-first and lost all his points.


Exactly this, lol. When I saw Qyzen go from almost full health to insta-dead, I pretty much knew that spell had to be interrupted. I'm heal spec too, but between my stun and interrupt, I was able to prevent him casting that spell. So basically I kited him, dotting him and using Project and keeping myself shielded/healed. It took a couple of minutes, but he went down with me still at about 75% health and 50% Force.

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I just used Theran, I am Shadow and so I tanked him, I have about 6500 hp and I probably didn't have to but I used a med just to be sure when I got to about 30% HP, but ya, I just interrupted force crush and that was game over for him. easy.
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32 - died horribly from the nasty hit first time round whilst standing there like a mug, second time just moved a little and used instas - balance pvp build.


Facestomped him without I think even getting hit.



Just don't stand still - no interupts necessary.

Edited by B_I_G
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I was level 29 I believe... or 30 maybe.


I always interrupted his force crush attack. Either use stun, force wave, or mind snap. Cycle through them, and you should be able to prevent him from actually doing a considerable amount of damage in a single move.


I used Qyzen, mainly to keep the damage on him while I used my attacks and healed Qyzen regularly.


My character is Seer spec. So I didn't have a huge arsenal of attacks, but rather heals.


If you were 29 then you must have had someone else with you to help you defeat him. Because you cannot hit an elite 5 levels above you, they'll resist 90% of the time.

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To add to the pile-on here ...


... I was stumped by Vivicar the first time I fought him, as like many others, I had just healed Qyzen up pretty well, then next thing I knew, I was being told that my companion was dead. I fell to the same fate a short moment later.


Like many others have said, as soon as you see Vivicar charging up Force Crush, hit him with Mind Snap, and keep flinging stuff at him. Once you remove Force Crush from the equation, he's actually surprisingly ineffective.


As for the bum-rush of enemies that some have mentioned, here's what I did: I let myself die, then hit escape to make sure I didn't have an enemy selected, then chose to revive at the closest med station (they're all pretty close in this ship), and when I jogged back, Qyzen and I methodically made our way through more manageable waves.


When I DIDN'T deselect the enemy, they actually followed us to the med station and massacred us on site! Very annoying!


Hope that helps!

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