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GTN auto-sort by lowest price / lowest unit price


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The GTN needs a small change, to always auto-sort by lowest total price or lowest unit price.


As it is now, the prices are all over the place, the sort isn't by high or low, it is randomly mixed.


This one small change would be a nice QoL improvement.

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The default sort is not random. Its by length of time before the listing expires. ;)


Listings that are about to expire are at the top of the sort by default. This gives those listings a little extra exposure to buyers before the expire to help the sellers out.


I'm not opposed to a change like you suggest, I just wanted to correct your statement about the sort being random. :cool:

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The default sort is not random. Its by length of time before the listing expires.


Thats weird, I always thought I had to sort that myself... In either case, I'm against changes put in place to protect the laziest people from their own stupidity, not that I've ever scammed someone on the gtn or condone that practice...

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<checks the time and calendar> Yep, Friday afternoon ... weekend starting. Time to start seeing the "Scam", "Fix the GTN", "I got ripped off on the GTN", and "Improve the GTN UI" threads popping up across the General Discussion, Suggestion, and Customer service forums.


You know ... like it has for the last 2 or 3 weekends this month.

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The GTN needs a small change, to always auto-sort by lowest total price or lowest unit price.


As it is now, the prices are all over the place, the sort isn't by high or low, it is randomly mixed.


This one small change would be a nice QoL improvement.


Click the sort column ?? That's all I do..

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<checks the time and calendar> Yep, Friday afternoon ... weekend starting. Time to start seeing the "Scam", "Fix the GTN", "I got ripped off on the GTN", and "Improve the GTN UI" threads popping up across the General Discussion, Suggestion, and Customer service forums.


You know ... like it has for the last 2 or 3 weekends this month.




Nailed it though. :)

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Apparently.. the simple press of a filter button is somehow rocket science or dreadfully difficult to do. :p


So should eBay remove the ability to set the sort list the way you want it, since a simple press of a button is enough?


Are some of you just arguing for the sake of arguing? That is the only thing I can figure.

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The default sort is not random. Its by length of time before the listing expires. ;)


Listings that are about to expire are at the top of the sort by default. This gives those listings a little extra exposure to buyers before the expire to help the sellers out.


I'm not opposed to a change like you suggest, I just wanted to correct your statement about the sort being random. :cool:


That is an interesting point, thanks for making it.


As it stands, when I'm listing stuff to sell, I often check the current value of those items. To do so, requires that I sort the list, over and over and over.


It is pointless and a waste of time. It would be a nice QoL improvement for crafters who sell lots of stuff to not have to sort and sort and sort.


I'm not buying, I'm selling.

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I call SCAM!!! :mad: On this one.


That's cute that all you see are scams... perhaps you're one of those people listing for crazy high prices to try and trick people.


Whatever, that isn't the only reason to change the default sort order.


For those people who sell a lot of stuff, having it sorted by lowest price first saves a step when listing lots of different stuff for sale. Sellers need QoL improvements too.

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<checks the time and calendar> Yep, Friday afternoon ... weekend starting. Time to start seeing the "Scam", "Fix the GTN", "I got ripped off on the GTN", and "Improve the GTN UI" threads popping up across the General Discussion, Suggestion, and Customer service forums.


You know ... like it has for the last 2 or 3 weekends this month.


Eugh. Can we go back do the doom and gloom for DPS now?


In my post history, I have a thread called the Scam/Not A Scam Debate storyline. Read it, and read BWs post on it, then jump to page 150 or so where we start to talk to death all the ways the GTN could be improved.


There is nothing more to discuss on that topic, so read it, don't post, and then move on.


The auto sort is Oldest to Newest. Not random.

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Eugh. Can we go back do the doom and gloom for DPS now?


In my post history, I have a thread called the Scam/Not A Scam Debate storyline. Read it, and read BWs post on it, then jump to page 150 or so where we start to talk to death all the ways the GTN could be improved.


There is nothing more to discuss on that topic, so read it, don't post, and then move on.


The auto sort is Oldest to Newest. Not random.


Read it, posted on it, will keep posting on it until it gets changed.


The default sort of oldest to newest is pointless and doesn't serve anyone, every auction house in the world sorts lowest to highest, that is the only sort that makes sense.

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Read it, posted on it, will keep posting on it until it gets changed.


The default sort of oldest to newest is pointless and doesn't serve anyone, every auction house in the world sorts lowest to highest, that is the only sort that makes sense.


Please do not post on it anymore, it's a giant thread already and everything has been talked to death.


Oldest to newest is not a waste to everyone, as said up thread, it gives some of the older postings a bit of exposure before they expire.


Now, I did not say that sorting from low to high was a bad idea. I just said the current system was not random. And this discussion has been talked to death to the point where that bloodstain doesn't even look like a horse anymore.

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