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Commendations and Refund Timers in 3.0


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Kids this is why you do not mention tricks on forums or ingame, something that does not punish anyone ends up getting removed because people feel it hurts them or the community in some fashion, when in reality they are simply complaining just for the sake of complaining.


Exactly... So many have been asking what is happening with the refunding of the comms for pvp weapons and weapon stacking... It has obviously focused attention on it... They should have just shut up and maybe, just maybe... They would have over looked it... I mean there have been multiple threads that actually ask it in the title... Not just random posts in other threads

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I wont post exploits here, however its possible right now


You won't get banned for posting it here... If it's in the game then "it" is currently part of the game until they patch it... ie they have yet to patch the WZ comm exploit... And no one has ever been banned for posting that


But if you feel you can't post it... Can you at least post a link to a website discussing it or could you post it on reddit yourself and provide a link


I have never heard of how you can transfer comms to other Alts and can't even see how you could do it... But I am very interested

Edited by Icykill_
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So PvE players can stock over 1,000 basic comms, to get the starter level 60 gear straight off the bat in 3.0, when an individual piece costs what, 80-150 comms.


PVE players aren't exploiting the system, some other players are. If you all had kept quiet, BW might have over looked it, but so many kept asking, what did you think would happen?

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So PvE players can basically get a full set of starter gear immediately, yet PvP players can get what, a couple of pieces (including any comms they get from wzs from levels 55-60)?


Yep, sounds fair.


Well there are several differences between the two systems that make a comparison of "fairness" difficult.


Commendations carried into 3.0

  • PvE: Basic commendations (third highest tier)
  • PvP: Warzone and Ranked commendations (second highest and highest tiers)


Gear tiers purchasable instantly at the launch of 3.0

  • PvE: 186 gear (third highest tier) purchased with Basic commendations
  • PvP: New Warzone gear (second highest set tier) purchased with Warzone commendations, and new Ranked gear (highest tier) purchased with Ranked commendations


Number and quality of pieces instantly purchased with carried commendations

  • PvE: Entire set of 186 gear (third highest tier)
  • PvP: Two or three pieces of Warzone gear converted into Ranked gear (highest tier). An entire set of Ranked gear could be consolidated onto one character immediately if Legacy gear was used with enough alts.


Commendation generation rate

  • PvE: Limited by weekly caps of 200 Elite and 150 Ultimate commendations (can be mitigated using Legacy gear)
  • PvP: Unlimited generation of Warzone and Ranked commendations on a single character


Set-bonus acquisition rate

  • PvE: No set-bonus armours are purchasable with commendations. Tokens must be won through loot rolls in story mode (second highest tier) and hard mode (highest tier) operations. Each operation boss can only be killed once per week (can be mitigated using Legacy gear)
  • PvP: Set-bonus armour can be directly purchased with Warzone commendations (second highest tier) and Ranked commendations (highest tier). An entire set bonus could be consolidated onto one character immediately if Legacy gear was used with enough alts.


So overall the situation will be:


A PvE player will be able to purchase a full set of third highest tier gear, with no set-bonuses, and then will have to start clearing operation content under weekly lockout restrictions to earn Elite and Ultimate commendations, which are also capped weekly. They may start to acquire their set-bonuses through winning loot rolls from operations


A PvP player will be able to purchase two or three pieces of the highest tier gear, with set bonuses, and then will have to start grinding an unrestricted number of regular or ranked warzones to earn commendations, which are not capped, in order to complete the purchase of their total set bonus gear. A character could potentially be geared into a full set of Ranked gear, with complete set bonus, instantly if Legacy gear was used with enough alts.


I would say that the two systems are different enough from each other that declaring one approach more “fair” is impossible. They are simply different.

Edited by Levram
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You won't get banned for posting it here... If it's in the game then "it" is currently part of the game until they patch it... ie they have yet to patch the WZ comm exploit... And no one has ever been banned for posting that


But if you feel you can't post it... Can you at least post a link to a website discussing it or could you post it on reddit yourself and provide a link


I have never heard of how you can transfer comms to other Alts and can't even see how you could do it... But I am very interested




Found it myself on reddit...

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The biggest flaw of this conversion is for those who are top geared at this point.


Even when u convert them into 186 rating... its a waste of a comms to get that.


I would love a conversion for the 60lvl gear items instead!... This is fair... Or else it is cheating.


My sorc is 40k, why shall I bother to buy 1k or 2k more hp... I will lvl up as it is up to 60...THEN and only THEN i need my comms. This conversion is goof for my other toons, lower than 37k....


So take my comms and give me 100 million credits, thats my selling price. This is the mistake actually, all the efforts and gameplay of all these years, puff for something less. You should the least give us a vendor to exchange our ultimates and elites into the lvl 60 rating gear.


Thats why it was a great opportunity to remove comms totally, improve crafting and legit ways of getting the gear. Lets say cooldowns for the crafting. Anyway, this things make people angry. Only low hp toons are happy.

Edited by Oyranos
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The biggest flaw of this conversion is for those who are top geared at this point.




imagine they`d tell you that you cant have more than 10kk credits when 3.0 hits live. Instead of capping max credits they implemented credit sinks. Same should apply for comms. How about we can buy dark projects for our ranked comms? Would also give pvp guilds the actual option to completly unluck a guildship. Players not intrested in guild ships could at least get decent money

Edited by Qwurdilu
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Alright, here are the details:


  • The Obroan and Brutalizer sets will be removed from vendors and replaced by the new Unranked and Ranked sets respectively.
  • The existing PvE sets will all be moved to a different vendor than they are on currently.

Hope that helps!




On another note, why remove old gear? sell those on the vendors on dromund/corellia and make it purchasable for wz comms, credits and those legacystuff you find while leveling


Stops pvp people from stacking comms while leveling (we just learned how much you hated the stacking) and gives them better entry than something else (due full expertise).


Biggest issue for fresh 60s will still be less than full expertise, this could be an easy fix for it. Also caters the people who will complain that their favorite gear has been removed from the game. (trust me, there will be some)

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I'm going to be completely blunt here. ANYONE that says this is how it should be is a complete retard. Clearly you don't pvp as ur primary. The fact that BIOWARE is making all of these changes mainly to pvp to dumb it down for the bads out there that can't comprehend the basics of utilizing cc's and interupts. It just amazes me what they are willing to do for those players. I think that it makes it a complete waste of time to change everything including the skill tree interface and not even allow the option to stack for new gear. I will be absolutely amazed if they dont lose lots of subs to this bull ****. Well that's my opinon, i know it wont matter. just had to share i think its ****ed up. People do have lives outside of swtor. at least i hope.
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Why the change and the conversion?


It seems from a PvE point of view a general dumbing down of the gear advancement with less options. Further converting coms is a very minor setback to purchasing the new armour while one that does hurt the community. Why not just leave people there 400 elites and 300 ultimate coms rather than convert them into basics. It may slow people by 2 weeks but thats about it.

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The biggest flaw of this conversion is for those who are top geared at this point.


Even when u convert them into 186 rating... its a waste of a comms to get that.

You can't get 186 gear with comms

I would love a conversion for the 60lvl gear items instead!... This is fair... Or else it is cheating.

You can get lvl 60 gear with basic comms

My sorc is 40k, why shall I bother to buy 1k or 2k more hp... I will lvl up as it is up to 60...THEN and only THEN i need my comms. This conversion is goof for my other toons, lower than 37k....

Where exactly do you "buy" hp? I seriously doubt you have more than a few pieces of high end gear on your toon. The 186 gear you have now will be on the same level stat-wise as the new entry level op gear.

So take my comms and give me 100 million credits, thats my selling price. This is the mistake actually, all the efforts and gameplay of all these years, puff for something less. You should the least give us a vendor to exchange our ultimates and elites into the lvl 60 rating gear.

No, this is nonsensical and unnecessary.

Thats why it was a great opportunity to remove comms totally, improve crafting and legit ways of getting the gear. Lets say cooldowns for the crafting. Anyway, this things make people angry. Only low hp toons are happy.

That is a very horrible idea to have to wait for crafters to discover and make different mods get to get into entry level ops. It also makes it very demorilizing if you run an op and don't get a drop. At least with a com system you take a step toward gearing your char in some way.

Edited by TezMoney
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You can't get 186 gear with comms


You can get lvl 60 gear with basic comms


Where exactly do you "buy" hp? I seriously doubt you have more than a few pieces of high end gear on your toon. The 186 gear you have now will be on the same level stat-wise as the new entry level op gear.


No, this is nonsensical and unnecessary.


That is a very horrible idea to have to wait for crafters to discover and make different mods get to get into entry level ops. It also makes it very demorilizing if you run an op and don't get a drop. At least with a com system you take a step toward gearing your char in some way.


when u get an item with comms its a purchase, u get it from a vendor.

The idea of crafting is the best. Tokens originally came with WoW, because devs become lazy to add content all the time. So they added tokens, be able to restrict the content in weeklies, also to make quests repeatable / dailies and weeklies. So this translates as luck of content and laziness. Now Word of warcraft removes tokens with the new expansion. Also new other mmos, are without them. They tend to turn their games into more sandbox, less theme park.


That is why I gave the idea of cds...

Edited by Oyranos
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Why not just leave people there 400 elites and 300 ultimate coms rather than convert them into basics. It may slow people by 2 weeks but thats about it.

No it doesn't.

Because people have more than one char!


So they will be running around with a full 198 commendation set on day one. That's not what bioware wants. And I agree that it's a good idea to convert the comms to basic.


That they do the same for the planetary commendation is something you can argue about. There's always two sides of the story.


The upside is that you can buy some decent gear for your new max level char if you were able to save them.

The downside is that you don't spend those commendations until you are level 60.


But to be honest:

I don't want a free set of gear when reaching max level!

They did that once because people were too lazy and didn't have a guild...

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Spectacular news indeed.


You know this does not change much if people have a decent number of alts, since it is still possible to transfer comms to different chars?


All they are doing is making it harder for those that only have one or two chars, and only 12 character slots. Still creates an "unfair" advantage where certain people will have ranked gear in a week after hitting max level, and in some cases maybe sooner.


I know before it bummed me out, but them I realized they have not mentioned anything that fixes comm transferring, so another half *** fix to a situation, and people praise it.

Edited by Nokodoko
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You know this does not change much if people have a decent number of alts, since it is still possible to transfer comms to different chars?


All they are doing is making it harder for those that only have one or two chars, and only 12 character slots. Still creates an "unfair" advantage where certain people will have ranked gear in a week after hitting max level, and in some cases maybe sooner.


I know before it bummed me out, but them I realized they have not mentioned anything that fixes comm transferring, so another half *** fix to a situation, and people praise it.


Why would they mention an exploit that allowed you to transfer coms BEFORE they remove it? Not to mention that exploit you are alluding to would slow people up quite a bit compared to them cashing in 36 weapons or mounts. No it won't stop everyone, but a large percentage. It's also not a "half-***" fix, since what it's meant to do is start everyone the same (0 Elite, 0 Ultimate, and no items that can be refunded for additional pve/pvp coms), what they do after that has no bearing on the item bind or coms reset.

Edited by TezMoney
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Why would they mention an exploit that allowed you to transfer coms BEFORE they remove it? Not to mention that exploit you are alluding to would slow people up quite a bit compared to them cashing in 36 weapons or mounts. No it won't stop everyone, but a large percentage. It's also not a "half-***" fix, since what it's meant to do is start everyone the same (0 Elite, 0 Ultimate, and no items that can be refunded for additional pve/pvp coms), what they do after that has no bearing on the item bind or coms reset.


It is not doing that though since said people who have been stoke piling these items can transfer the comms to alts, no in reality the people who are doing will still start off be able to transfer back those comms to the character of their choice come 3.0 after hitting 60. So if they only fix one aspect, without the other the change becomes sort of moot, since I am sure those that have been stockpiling comms, do not mind having to alt jump to still stockpile.


So if the intent was to make it so people cannot refund items for some form of advantage come 3.0, there is already a work around to that., given their track record I highly doubt they will fix this bug before 3.0.

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It is not doing that though since said people who have been stoke piling these items can transfer the comms to alts, no in reality the people who are doing will still start off be able to transfer back those comms to the character of their choice come 3.0 after hitting 60. So if they only fix one aspect, without the other the change becomes sort of moot, since I am sure those that have been stockpiling comms, do not mind having to alt jump to still stockpile.


So if the intent was to make it so people cannot refund items for some form of advantage come 3.0, there is already a work around to that., given their track record I highly doubt they will fix this bug before 3.0.


you can send pvp comms?

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