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Thinking of moving here


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I came back as soon as I saw the SoR preorder with some friends.


I leveled a few guys to 55 and my friends have left again, but I am liking the game a lot.


I was thinking of moving here (It is East coast and I am CST I am on a West Coast server atm).


I just had a few questions.


How evenly matched are the Pubs vs Emps? As far as population and WZ wins.

How quick are the WZ pops?

GSF pops?

Dungeon pops?


I see that this is a RP server, but if I am not an RPer can I still find a guild?


Thank you.

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I came back as soon as I saw the SoR preorder with some friends.


I leveled a few guys to 55 and my friends have left again, but I am liking the game a lot.


I was thinking of moving here (It is East coast and I am CST I am on a West Coast server atm).


I just had a few questions.


How evenly matched are the Pubs vs Emps? As far as population and WZ wins.

How quick are the WZ pops?

GSF pops?

Dungeon pops?


I see that this is a RP server, but if I am not an RPer can I still find a guild?


Thank you.


A fair number of people seem to be transferring to EH from other servers, so that seems like a positive sign. I think it is a generally friendly environment. Personally, I have a low tolerance for drama or trolling and both seem minimal here.




Pops for wzs, gsf, and flashpoints should be regular during evening hours, somewhat spottier at other times. You should be golden between 8 - 11 Central, with it slowing down shortly thereafter on weekdays.


I don't know much about PVE except many people seem to do it.


For pvp: Imperial side is generally larger and, I think overall, has a larger percentage of competent players. Derps and stars can be found on both sides and I think the balance only slightly favors imps for pvp at this point. There have been times that Pub pvp has fallen well behind the curve, but I don't think that is the case right now.


GSF: Not sure what current status of GSF balance is, but imp side has a dedicated GSF guild and pubs have at least one guild that highlights GSF in its profile. I do my dailies for GSF and that's it. It is usually crush or get crushed, depending on who happens to be on at my hours.


I have never RP'd. We leave them alone. They leave us alone.


Hope this helps.

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I've been thinking of moving to this server too; I'm currently on the Jedi Council server, but the wait time for flashpoints or anything is abysmal.

How is a RP server different then regular PvE? Can you still do "LFG HEROIC# Quest" in General?

What does/doesn't transfer over on a server transfer? Do you lose your stronghold? Legacy?

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I've been thinking of moving to this server too; I'm currently on the Jedi Council server, but the wait time for flashpoints or anything is abysmal.

How is a RP server different then regular PvE? Can you still do "LFG HEROIC# Quest" in General?

What does/doesn't transfer over on a server transfer? Do you lose your stronghold? Legacy?


It isn't really that different from a PvE server. You will see a lot more people using /say and /emote but you can still do LFG in general if you want. As far as server transfers you don't lose your strongholds but the decorations you have placed will all be reset so you will have to place them again. Legacy will transfer.

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It isn't really that different from a PvE server. You will see a lot more people using /say and /emote but you can still do LFG in general if you want. As far as server transfers you don't lose your strongholds but the decorations you have placed will all be reset so you will have to place them again. Legacy will transfer.


Noooo not my decorations!.... but if its a more populated server hell why not.

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It isn't really that different from a PvE server. You will see a lot more people using /say and /emote but you can still do LFG in general if you want. As far as server transfers you don't lose your strongholds but the decorations you have placed will all be reset so you will have to place them again. Legacy will transfer.


Not all of this is true. Your Strongholds will and will not transfer. They will not transfer in the sense that they will be available as soon as you log in to your new server, but they will be available to you once you re-purchase that Stronghold.


For example, you will not have the Coruscant Apartment unlocked when you first log in to the new server. However, once you buy it for the 5,000 credits, any rooms that you unlocked on the previous server will now be available. Same thing applies to Tatooine, Dromund Kaas, and Nar Shaddaa. With Nar Shaddaa, though, if you've unlocked it via the subscriber bonus, then you'll just need to go to the kiosk to make it available.


Otherwise, I recently transferred here from Jung Ma & Shadowlands and I like it. It's a busy server with people around most of the time. I haven't had any issues yet. I miss the PvP ruleset of Jung Ma, but oh well. Sacrifices needed to be made.

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In my own experience, I srarted this game at launch on sanctum of the exalted and ended up on the Ebon hawk at the great merge. Since then I gave followed my friends/ pvp guilds with toons to POT5, harbinger and most recently bastion. Every time I do I don't sfay long and quickly move back here. This server and all its personalities are quite simply my awesome.


The server is an RP server, but it homes some of the best raiders and pvpers in the game. The pvp servers MAY have more top notch pvp guilds versus just a handful here, but quite truthfully, I would put the quality of pvp on this server as a whole against that of any other. I think the baseline quality of pvpers is higher here undoubtedly.


I hope you decide to give this server a go. I don't think you will be djsappointed

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If you care much about GSF, Harbinger will be a better bet. It pops pretty regularly at 2-4 AM, though you'll want to run as pub cause there's a nasty double premade running that makes actual faction fights really painful for imps. During prime-time, pops aren't too bad, and the pilots tend to not have the same spawn-gank mentality as either Harbinger or Bastion. Edited by ALaggyGrunt
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Jung Ma got the RP trolled out of it. The community was poison. It was nasty.


So maybe the RP here sucks (demons and all that got old as soon as I logged in) but I never knew you RPed I woulda tried something i just thought you were on shaddaa to duel so I always dueled ya. Being a noob to RP also hurts when people want to being demons and undeath into it then lore pretty tells is thats not possible kinda just sit there and ask for jack and coke till ranked pops or flashpoint. I see why you left just didn't know you were into RP.

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