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help with boss *SPOILERS*


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The Gear is a fun thing! You should be able to buy new gear but at the same time you should be able to buy skill upgrades after every level up! The game is ridiculous! While playing between one level you are able to earn around 20 000 creds max. Some of it go to repairs and medpacks, then on higher levels almost 10 000 creds for one new power/upgrade and you should still by new gear! Ridiculous!


What I'm saying here there are so many flaws in this game that if it was not a Star Wars game with jedis, I would have stopped playing after one week after realizing all these stupid aspects in this game! The money and gear I told above and the boss battles which require exactly right order or power use and luck to get through are the biggest killers of this game. I had planned to play through the Jedi Knight story still but if I'm not able to finish Angral soon with my next tries I'm going to quit completely. I payed for this game and subsribed and this is what I got? BioWare just robbed me!


Funny, because at 35 I have 500k credits and I'm not even trying. I got it mainly from quests and world drops.


Are you doing the space mission/warfront dailies? If not - you should, that's a lot of money there (and some nice experience).


Are you spending your money on crafting? Don't over do it.


Are you spending a lot of money on repairs? Try not to die so much. This will save you A LOT of money (I know, cause a friend of mine dies like 20 times per day, while I haven't died that many times in total, excluding opposing faction but those deaths cost nothing).





And on the main topic - I did Angral on first try (with Kira), I was 34 then but my gear (and Kira's) was around 27-30 (haven't change anything really since mid tatooine).


The fight was rather easy, but you indeed need to know that interrupts are your friends.


Kira took two of his skills in the knee, but I avoided everything. As a result the fight ended with Kira at half health and me at 3/4. (i'm watchmen spec)

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I one shot Angral last night. I've heard so many folks have had issues with that fight. I really don't get why.


Here's some tips:


1. Bring a few medpacks. An extra 1500-2000 hps is huge.


2. Interrupt his abilities with Force Kick. Jedi Watchman has it on a 6 second cooldown. Very handy.


3. If you get low while Kira is not, Force Camouflage. Let her take some abuse. I personally didn't do this, because I think Kira died before I was in real danger.


4. Don't forget to use Pacify/Force Stasis and Saber Ward. Also don't forget Call on the Force for an extra 12 seconds of it + hit point regen.


I mean, it's all kinda self-explanatory, but the fight was very doable for me.


It also seems like so many people who are having a hard time aren't 32 yet. Just do the Nar Shadda bonus series or something. Gain a level. It makes a big difference.

Edited by McVade
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Maybe i am just really good or every1 that plays this game sucks. I did it at lvl31 on my first try then beat kira. Seriously use the movea they give you. I did it as focus spec. Every 8 seconds u need to kick his casts. Start off with rebuke then pacify then saberward then use 20 min cooldown then rebuke again and when u get low use force camo. Between first and second kick u should use stasis.


So basically interrupt every 8 seconds and keep threat as long as possible then dump to kira and u shoukd be able to finish him off.





This fight is one of those fights that is going to require you learn to play better. You Aggro management, controlling temps, and popping a stim and medpack will all help you out.


I initially couldn't kill him at 31, but alot of Mine and Kira's gear was out-of-date. I brought our gear up to snuff, and also hit lvl 32, came back and 1st pulled him. This isn't going to be the last difficult fight, so use this guy as a training opportunity.

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Ya this boss took me forever. Started trying at 32 died so many times i gave up and went and leveled to 34. Im watchman sentinel and i only had kira at the time. Went back at 34 still got wooped so i had to get a guild mate to come and help me. He was a healing sage so Angral went down like a low lvl. You can take people aboard your ship and fly to the missions so would suggest reaching out for some help. Im sure this isnt the last time you wont be able to solo.
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The issue isn't that he's hard - it's that the combat engine is buggy - there's no way he should be that random - anytime i get him below 2000 hps he just kills me in one hit.. where i've been at anywhere from 1-4k health.


Other mobs i can either get to almost dead... do 20% damage or kill - same mob same strategy. - the fact there there is no combat chat or combat log - leads me to believe there are major bugs in the combat system that bioware doesn't want people to find out - once the combat logs appear people will rip the combat system into tiny tiny pieces and any bugs will stand out like a glowing datacron. since adding a combat log would be trivial not having it yet is kind of funny - an intern could add the combat log. Hell I could add the combat log.


And on my last attempt on him, i didn't even pop 1/2 my cooldowns - and he died and i was at 50%, kira was at 75%.


WAY too random

Edited by Arkayas
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It looks like everyone that had a very easy time has a CD on Force Kick lower than 8 seconds. I simply couldn't put out enough dmg to kill him before the abilities that did come through killed me.


I guess I could have respeced to a Defense spec, or even Focus with I assume reduced kick cooldown would have helped a lot. He does very little dmg outside the 2 casted abilities it seems. If the choice is to respec for one fight, then respec again, or simply get a friend to help, I will be choosing the friend at all times.



There must be a massive difference between Guardian and Sentinal specs at this level. I would let Kira take agro until she got low, taunt, use all my CDs and he was usually at 30-40% health when I died. There is no way I'm using my CDs so badly that I should be at half health when he dies.



Oh well, just had a friend come in and kill him in 10 seconds.

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I've tried this guy way too many times, I've spent over 20K repairing gear and getting stims. I'm lvl34 and he's lvl32 Elite. He is by far the most difficult foe I've faced in the game to date. Valis was a kitty cat compared to him. I have a Combat (Ataru) spec Sentinel.


Thunderclap is the big hitting ability he has, it does 2.5K to 5K damage. The only thing I haven't tried so far is interrupting him the first time with Force Jump, that'll give you 4 interrupts before he overtakes you. He can use Thunderclap every 5 or 6 seconds where as Disrupt, the kick, has a cool down of 8. So Jump for 1, Disrupt for 2, Kinetic Hold (the Force Choke equivalent) for 3 and Disrupt for the 4th and last one before your cool downs are not quick enough to match his usage.


When I fight him he puts Kira into a perma Whirlwind so she rarely gets to attack at all, as it's an instant cast for mobs you can't interrupt it, not that you'd want to anyway as that Thunderclap just does way too much damage.


Because One with the Force has a 30 minute cool down if you miss it the first time you are pretty much screwed.


Darth Jadus was also much easier and you have to kill him 3 times.


I'm all for a tough challenge but this just goes beyond ridiculous, the closest I've gotten to killing him is to about 20% health and that's with throwing everything I have at him and interrupting Thunderclap 3 times. I'm also using a command Stim to boost Kira and a Trauma pack for healing. He just takes far too much damage to kill.


I'll give it one more shot using the Force Jump to interrupt him the first time but if that doesn't work I'll just give up, the rewards simply don't match the risk and the frustration is just too high. I'll just keep that character there for crafting.


Edit: Oh, one other thing. This guy is not in any way, shape or form Elite. He makes Champion mobs seem tame and should be labelled to indicate his actual level of difficulty. If he was Elite then he'd be as easy to kill as the rest of the Elites you are forced to kill to progress the quest. All end of Chapter bosses should be labelled as Champion mobs because that matches their difficulty.

Edited by Palathas
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Well that 4th interrupt did the trick. I died a few more times but that was just me and bad timing. So all up that encounter cost me just over 32000 credits. Looks like I'll have to wait a week or so and do the daily ship missions to get enough money back to start training skills again.
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Lvl 32 Sent, took him down on my third try. My third try was when I really started to concentrate on interrupting everything I could.


Interrupts saved my life.


I'm having problems with the Harrowers, though. Ya'll reminded me of Pacify, I had completely forgotten about that one. Going to go give it a shot with that, we'll see what happens.



Angral I took out at 33 after upgrading kira's gear so she'd last a little longer. Harrower's were even tougher - couldn't take them until 34 after more gears upgrades - force stasis helps, but the most important thing is to run like **** when the hit 3000 hp and knock you back because they become invulnerable for a while.

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#1 thing you have to do this fight is interrupt... once you get that down its an easy fight (well easier)...



Bring a potion that will heal you and your comp.


i did it at 35 took me 10 tries to figure it all out.


Make sure Kira gear is up to her lvl And your gear.


Kill 1 group of guys before the fight (in the attempt to get centering as high as possible before you jump in) and leaving the rest in the assumption you will fail a few times

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I took him at lvl 32 with Kira on the first try. Maybe I was just lucky I don't know. I sent Kira first then used Force Stasis on him which gave Kira some free shots. I then jumped in with leap used pacify which gave Kira some more time in the fight. By the time she was dead he was down to 15% which allowed me to take him out using a combination of Master strike, Zealous and a bunch of Slashes(using the centering I built up.) I ended up with 5% heal left which I am glad I healed before moving on!! :)
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I have seen videos of people doing it with no problem like in level 32 but how on earth can their sentinels take that much damage?? I have a combat oriented 31 level sentinel and a little below 6000 hp, Kira has a bit over 6000...I just can't beat him like the others do with rebuke, stasis, master strike and slash...he kills us too quickly. Saber Ward + Call Of The Force helps but not enough.


I have leaped Kira in first, then interupted Angrals first with my own leap, done master strike and then stasis to interupt again. At this point Kira is below half health already, Angral has 2/3. Then force kick to interupt again and some force sweep or slash. Kira drops around that point and Angral has around 1/3 of health, I have 2/5 - 1/2 max. If I happen to manage interupt him and have another Saber Ward left and a health pack I can take him just under 1/10, but never closer than that.


Please anyone, what do I do wrong?? Does anyone have a tank/healer who could accompany me and help me get through this?? I have done all side quests but not so many flashpoints or heroics. I fear I have to go and begin gardening levels and if I do I will end my subscription!! I have spent all my credits already trying to keep my armor fixed!


either your gear isnt that great or kira gear isnt that great or you talent tree on totally wrong or your def not timing your stuff....if your getting hit like a trust pop CD's, rebuke, saber ward, call of help watever its called, medpack, stimpac ...

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people who are having trouble, u gotta be geared, you gotta use all your spells, you gotta send kira first.


i was lvl 31 sent at the time when i killed it.


combat spec (i had all the points into combat spec) no other points into other. its pointless until end game or lvl 50


you gotta use force KICK(interrupt whenever its off CD!!!!! its a must!!!!!


learn to drop aggro with CAMO!!!! w/o this its a failure



(also make sure your gear has MORE STRENGTH THEN ENDURANCE!!!!!)


USE SABERWARD WHEN YOU REALLY HAVE TOO!! like for Angral pop it at 80%

when it wears off, use rebuke!!!, after rebuke is off, use FORCE STASIS!!!, also try to use interrupt inbetween those ablilty!!! PACIFY PPL USE IT!!!


while doing all that, dont forget to press your main attacks!!!! dont just stare at your screen and look for the skills, make sure you know where everything is!


KEY IS DONT LET KIRA DIE! make sure she is geared also!


also if your quest is RED OR ORANGE IT MEANS IT WILL BE HARD!!!!!




ALSO LEARN TO DOUBLE DOT, USE CAUTERIZE THEN FORCE STASIS!!! ALWAYS!!! THEN zealous strike, precision strike, strike, slash, BLADE STORM!


BLADE STORM IS YOUR STRONGEST ATTACK FOR COMBAT ATLEAST...ive seen it crit for 2000 dmg at lvl 31!!!

Edited by Skutchenson
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It looks like everyone that had a very easy time has a CD on Force Kick lower than 8 seconds.


Agreed. I've just timed his power attack cool down and it's every 6 seconds. Force Kick's cool down is 8 seconds. I'm a level 30 Sentinel, I have 5740 Health (augmented by the best stimpack I can use at my level), AR of 1596 with a 19.01% damage reduction and one hit from his normal attack does 1/5 damage to my health bar. His power attack does 1/3 damage. That means that if he focuses on me I'm dead before my Force kick has even cooled down.

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