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Lazy, Unskilled, or just Jerks? Which is it BioWare?


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This is why they should add map unlocks to the legacy or some such thing. If I spent the time to unlock most, if not all, areas of a map, why do I need to repeat it for every new character I craft? Also, as someone has stated before, this game has ships that can do light speed, swords made out of light, guns that do not use slugs, people with "magic powers" and technology able to instantly teleport people/items and the ability to become cloaked in light, yet they do not have a standard gps?


Hell, my iPhone 6 Plus can show me all of France right now and I live in NYC, and it takes us 3 days to reach the bloody moon!


Its a good point I think.


I would support reveals through legacy if you have already revealed an area.

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Okay, let me explain since this also ticks me off to no end. What it is saying is that you are sometimes sent through an enemy base while on your way to a quest objective due to the faulty GPS.


For example, if you are Republic and on Hoth, in order to arrive at the volcanic area where quite a few class stories take place, the game's GPS tells you to travel through the Leth Outpost which is Imperial Territory and will flag you for PvP if you aren't quick enough to turn around or find some other way over said Outpost (assuming you don't "get dead" before you even know what has transpired).


What the first poster is asking, is why is this happening instead of directing you through your own faction's thoroughfare? Also of note, is that the taxis perform a similar operation as in they do not take you to your closest destination, but instead, to a destination that is a trek away.


See Taris.


I have also exoerienced that the game will lead you directly though an enemy base on Hoth, but not anywhere else. This flaw is present on both imp and rep side.

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If someone is too dense to scout the area before walking into the enemy, then they deserve to suffer the consequences, imo. :mon_trap:


Agreed. But the guiding system is not suposed to lead you into the enemies bases og through them. It should take you around instead. I almost got killed when this happened to me. I most deffinatly did not expect the game to lead me into and enemy base and I didint realize it was doing this until I was fired upon.


The is clearly a bug and should be fixed.

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Meh, I've never really seen this as an issue.

A) See enemy guards, go around enemy guards or B) take slightly longer route.


Now the Kallig Countenance and Ghostly Magus mask not working with hoods? That's frustrating.

This goes along gear clipping in my book, once again inconsistent polishing.

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Agreed. But the guiding system is not suposed to lead you into the enemies bases og through them. It should take you around instead. I almost got killed when this happened to me. I most deffinatly did not expect the game to lead me into and enemy base and I didint realize it was doing this until I was fired upon.


The is clearly a bug and should be fixed.



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Yeah, I have to question if people feel the need to absolutely follow the GPS directions, if they should be allowed to drive. What's next? "But Tom Tom didn't tell me there was a light I was going to have to stop at". I can see that argument being used to get out of paying tickets for running stop signs too. After all, it's the same principle: Oh look, Republic flags on the road where my Imp toon is going to drive, surely that means it's a trap for Pub toons. I've run into this situation several times, I have been adversely affected by it once, and even managed to come up with a funny story about it happening another time, that I have shared previously in this thread. If people look before they leap, this "bug" can be completely overcome, no sneaky workarounds required. All that is required is to stop hitting autopilot, and going to walk the dog while driving on Hoth. Add the moderate application of common sense:


My last base was on the North end of the map, as was the previous one. There is a road that leads straight West out of my last base, I wonder where it goes. I bet it doesn't lead to the opposite faction's base. Not always applicable, we will, after all, run out of map, eventually, but it's amazing what you can do if you simply pay attention.


As a curiosity, however, how many people here think this needs to be fixed, because they're constantly fooled by it, but believe that the GTN should be left alone?

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Yeah, I have to question if people feel the need to absolutely follow the GPS directions, if they should be allowed to drive. What's next? "But Tom Tom didn't tell me there was a light I was going to have to stop at". I can see that argument being used to get out of paying tickets for running stop signs too. After all, it's the same principle: Oh look, Republic flags on the road where my Imp toon is going to drive, surely that means it's a trap for Pub toons. I've run into this situation several times, I have been adversely affected by it once, and even managed to come up with a funny story about it happening another time, that I have shared previously in this thread. If people look before they leap, this "bug" can be completely overcome, no sneaky workarounds required. All that is required is to stop hitting autopilot, and going to walk the dog while driving on Hoth. Add the moderate application of common sense:


My last base was on the North end of the map, as was the previous one. There is a road that leads straight West out of my last base, I wonder where it goes. I bet it doesn't lead to the opposite faction's base. Not always applicable, we will, after all, run out of map, eventually, but it's amazing what you can do if you simply pay attention.


As a curiosity, however, how many people here think this needs to be fixed, because they're constantly fooled by it, but believe that the GTN should be left alone?


I agree, people shouldn't follow GPS absolutely. But at the same time, they shouldn't tell you to turn into a lake, or make a u-turn on a highway. If it's going to give you directions it should at least be good directions.

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As a curiosity, however, how many people here think this needs to be fixed, because they're constantly fooled by it, but believe that the GTN should be left alone?

I see what you did here ;)


To be honest this issue is mostly annoying with the 12x XP boost as we don't really explore whole maps.


So I'd fix the GTN (and many others things) before that one.


Although having to running back to the other passage on Hoth is kinda annoying as felt as a waste of time as it takes a couple of minutes to do so.

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I agree, people shouldn't follow GPS absolutely. But at the same time, they shouldn't tell you to turn into a lake, or make a u-turn on a highway. If it's going to give you directions it should at least be good directions.

The enemy base should register as a dead end to the guidance system. It should reroute to the appropriate same faction base, not send you to the closest. It can't be that difficult, can it?

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The enemy base should register as a dead end to the guidance system. It should reroute to the appropriate same faction base, not send you to the closest. It can't be that difficult, can it?


It could be. I'm not a programmer, so I can't say for sure, but mapping to the shortest route sounds like a simpler algorithm than mapping to factions friendly lands.


The only time I have ever mistakenly gone through an enemy faction camp was on Tatooine, next to The Wound. And I was exploring then.


But why do people just sit and stare at the little green triangle on the minimal instead of looking at the world around them and seeing what is around them?

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I agree, people shouldn't follow GPS absolutely. But at the same time, they shouldn't tell you to turn into a lake, or make a u-turn on a highway. If it's going to give you directions it should at least be good directions.


That's why we have eyes, however. I know, for me, I have a GPS. Some of the directions that it has given me make absolutely no sense. I, however, have to use it, due to the nature of my disability, or I wind up having to speed dial my mom, or my brother to come find me and get me home. Nothing like getting lost, 2 blocks from your destination, and having to sit in a parking lot while you figure out where you are, in a town you've lived in for 30 years.


When I do get those directions that I know are like "uh, no", I ignore them. I have found, repeatedly, that the GPS will reconfigure the route to something more accurate, if you exercise a little common sense. Not sure what I'd do in a town I've never been in, but since GPS directions are known to be fallible, I don't think I'd blindly trust it.

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I agree, people shouldn't follow GPS absolutely. But at the same time, they shouldn't tell you to turn into a lake, or make a u-turn on a highway. If it's going to give you directions it should at least be good directions.


See the morning news in Milwaukee, big rig driver follows GPS and drives onto pedestrian bridge, stuck.


OP, do you by chance drive truck in Milwaukee? :D

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See the morning news in Milwaukee, big rig driver follows GPS and drives onto pedestrian bridge, stuck.


OP, do you by chance drive truck in Milwaukee? :D


Somebody take a shot for the swtor drinking game. I don't agree with foam 99% of the time, but here's that 1%...


Do shots of coffee count? ;)

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Somebody take a shot for the swtor drinking game. I don't agree with foam 99% of the time, but here's that 1%...


Do shots of coffee count? ;)


The link is in my signature if you would like to add that to the game.


Anyway, on topic: People blindly trust GPS? When on a drive someplace I've never been to, I hold the map while GPS is talking while the driver drives and watches where we are going.

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But why do people just sit and stare at the little green triangle on the minimal instead of looking at the world around them and seeing what is around them?

it's simple. Say you're an Imperial on Hoth and you're progressing east. The quest marker says to go east, you follow the road to a Republic Base it's directing you through. You haven't had any reason to go south yet, it hasn't led you that may. However, that's the way you should be going, because that's where the Imperial base and road is. unless you just like to explore for the heck of it, you wouldn't know that. Sure, you may very well be able to slip past the Republic base, but that's not where it should be leading you through. Also, it's quite a drive down south. A long drive in a different direction then what a new player is being directed to go. Same thing over on Belsavis. The route you should be going is way up north.

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it's simple. Say you're an Imperial on Hoth and you're progressing east. The quest marker says to go east, you follow the road to a Republic Base it's directing you through. You haven't had any reason to go south yet, it hasn't led you that may. However, that's the way you should be going, because that's where the Imperial base and road is. unless you just like to explore for the heck of it, you wouldn't know that. Sure, you may very well be able to slip past the Republic base, but that's not where it should be leading you through. Also, it's quite a drive down south. A long drive in a different direction then what a new player is being directed to go. Same thing over on Belsavis. The route you should be going is way up north.


Imperial Hoth, just before the map with the castle of ice (I am assuming that is the one you are referring), side missions have to be turned in from dealing with those White Maw Pirates, so I Quick Travel back to the base I had to report to anyway because of the planet quest line, turn in those missions, follow the map out of the base, see the pretty ice castle, go to the next Imp base (planetary quest lines do wonders at telling you where your base is), report, go on to the around the Ice Castle missions, then the Ice Castle one and whatever class missions are in the area, report back, turn in, repeat. I did this on my first character who went to Hoth.


Why would I go north when not exploring for map EXP and just following the missions?


And before someone brings up "new players", I was a new player a little over a year ago, and I never once followed the GPS blindly. When I did get guard-ganked-wiped-whatever, it was because I wasn't follow the map and I was just exploring to find out where those were.


Now, in my opinion, legacy maps for already found faction zones would be nice, or at least allow legacy quick travel spots. Just a pain having to unlock all of them every time I roll a new character.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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...at the same time, they shouldn't tell you to turn into a lake, or make a u-turn on a highway. If it's going to give you directions it should at least be good directions.


Exactly. I love it how the lot of you are acting as if you are somehow superior to those who rely on GPS. How is it Siri's fault that your dumb*** did not pay attention to what is around you? Once in awhile Siri may tell me to turn left while I'm on a highway but I do not automatically grab the wheel and give it a heave. Learn to use your brain!


GPS are computers and computers, just like humans, do make mistakes. Besides, what the hell does this have to do with in-game GPS? Siri never once told me to head to Canada just to reach Ohio; the GPS in game purposefully directs you to enemy bases/strongholds, and with the stupid Fog of War, it makes it a pain in the backside to backtrack because there are some bases you cannot go around (like how you can drive right over Leth Outpost).

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Part of it is "that looks like a normal enemy post ahead with foes I can fight why am I dead all of a sudden"


But assume you are completely aware, you stop before being attacked. You've still driven five-ten minutes to get to a dead end, you need to get to the next spot and maybe you're new or maybe you haven't been on this planet for a while and the map is only showing "go through the base that will insta kill you", there's no option to say "tell me the next best route".


It's a bug. It's the kind of bug that makes newer players say "bleep this broken bleep I'm going to another game".


And remember, it's a game. Games are supposed to be fun. They aren't there to prove you're superior to everyone else with your spotting capability and your ability to memorize the map of every planet. Right now, on three planets, the map bug is unfun. It should be fixed.

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I thought it was fun. I have funny stories to trade with friends about how I almost walked into an enemy base, or about how I drove right through an enemy base without noticing. I had fun realizing that this was not the right castle, and exploring to find the safe way to my destination.

I didn't do it because I needed to feel superior to anyone, I just thought it was fun and kind of funny. I certainly didn't immediately assume that BioWare did it to be complete jerks and/or that everyone at BioWare hates me personally. (I do believe that they feed on player tears, but that is for other reasons.)

I get frustrated by jumping puzzles (screw you Macrobinoculars) or bosses with idiotic mechanics that glitch really easily (*koff*Vigilant*koff*) but not by a map that I can easily get filled in so I can figure out which way to go. That's just me, and I honestly don't know anyone who has ever gotten this worked up over the map in this or any other game. But then, even at my most frustrated moments, I would never think to come to a gaming forum and deliver a personal attack at the developers.

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