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Dark Council Order Of Power


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So does anyone know the order in who was the strongest to weakest of the Dark Council Members? You don't have to add Baras and Thanaton, though adding them would be a nice little addition to your response. Also I am talking before Nox is named a member of the Dark Council. It always feels like because of how the Dark Council acted in the Inquis Campaign that it was Marr>Ravage>Darth Mortis>aaaand thats about as much as I know of the Dark Council. So please share with me if you have any ideas, opinions, answers, whateves. Thanks! :D
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I don't think Jadus and Baras ever were on the Dark Council together, but I'm not going into Zhorrid and we don't know who succeeded her assuming she's killed. Current members before Corellia are: Thanaton (Ancient Knowledge), Acharon (Biotic Science), Marr (Defense), Ravage (Diplomacy), Jadus (Intelligence), Mortis (Justice), Baras (Offense), Decimus (Strategy), Rictus (Mysteries), Vowrawn (Production), Aruk (Philosophy), Hadra (Technology).



In my opinion, depending on power and influence:

  1. Marr (Defense) -- duh. He takes over power quickly and seemingly seemlessly, plus he is head of an important sphere.
  2. Baras (Offense) -- close on Marr's heels. It seems doubtful that Marr would have let the whole Voice business go on that long if he could just crush Baras.
  3. Vowrawn (Production) -- clearly commands respect from his fellows. Probably, his experience and geniality have something to do with it.
  4. Jadus (Intel) -- said to be second only to the emperor, though the source probably isn't an expert on the Dark Side. Probably knows more about Vitiate than he lets on. A political visionary with great cunning and influence. Only places low due to uncertain fate and the reorganisation of his sphere.
  5. Thanaton (Ancient Knowledge) -- head of an important sphere and schooled in Sith Sorcery, but clearly not that highly-regarded by most of his peers. His background may have something to do with it, as may his moralising.
  6. others in no particular order


Assuming on how you play him / her, Imperius / Occlus / Nox probably ends up second or third on the list. S/he is clearly powerful, with or without ghosts, but may have trouble finding allies and is a bit of a wild card. Marr's treatment of him / her can be read in many ways, but to me it seems Marr has high regard for their new peer's skills, but does not consider him / her a political rival -- at least, not yet ... The issue is compounded by the large number of empty seats on the council. With Arkous, Baras, and Decimus all gone, Marr is solely in charge of the Ministry of War, while Kallig only has the IRS to rely on.


Edited by DogeDandolo
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I don't think Jadus and Baras ever were on the Dark Council together, but I'm not going into Zhorrid and we don't know who succeeded her assuming she's killed.


This actually isn't too complicated at all:


No matter how the Agent's Act I ends, Jadus regains his seat on the Dark Council. He might not exactly be attending meetings in person given his popularity at that point, but even if the Agent beats him, it's indicated that he never technically loses his position within the Empire.


Edited by JLazarillo
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This actually isn't too complicated at all:


No matter how the Agent's Act I ends, Jadus regains his seat on the Dark Council. He might not exactly be attending meetings in person given his popularity at that point, but even if the Agent beats him, it's indicated that he never technically loses his position within the Empire.





Jadus only regains his seat on the Dark Council if the Agent sides with him, becoming the Hand of Jadus, and killing his daughter, Darth Zhorrid. In all other outcomes (letting Jadus escape, Jadus being captured by the Dark Council or the Agent talking Jadus into abandoning his plan), Zhorrid retains her seat on the Council, at least for a little while. There are suggestions that, eventually, her peers on the Council grow tired of her and have her killed because she's a deluded little girl, not to mention completely insane.


Edited by BenKatarn
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In the novel the real guys in power were stated to be Marr, Vowrawn, Rictus, Mortis and Rictus,


With Darth Marr considered to be the "leader". Although he still couldnt do what he wanted in the face of those other dark council members,.

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I think a better way of examining the dark council would be to note the camps they fall into.the dark council seems to be divided between "Liberals" and "Conservitives" right now, it seems the Liberals, under Marr hold control of the council (perhaps Thanaton's replacement by the more Liberal Inqusitor was what tipped the balance of power?)
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In the novel the real guys in power were stated to be Marr, Vowrawn, Rictus, Mortis and Rictus,


With Darth Marr considered to be the "leader". Although he still couldn't do what he wanted in the face of those other dark council members,.


You said Rictus twice :p


And I think Marr can do whatever he wants. I didn't see any help from other DC members on Makeb, after all. In the SI final , he tells Ravage to shut up, who surprisingly complies. That has to mean something.

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I think a better way of examining the dark council would be to note the camps they fall into.the dark council seems to be divided between "Liberals" and "Conservitives" right now, it seems the Liberals, under Marr hold control of the council (perhaps Thanaton's replacement by the more Liberal Inqusitor was what tipped the balance of power?)


Was it true the Dark Council looked down on Thanaton?:confused:

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Was it true the Dark Council looked down on Thanaton?:confused:



Consider the final class story mission for the SI within the Dark Council Chambers. When Thanaton is asking the Dark Council to exterminate the SI, Ravage flat out says, " I swear if one of you doesn't swat Thanaton right now I will." That's a clear sign of prejudice, however at the end when Mortis breaks Thanaton's neck he shows genuine remorse for doing so and Marr states that, "he was a better Sith than he was given credit for."



It isn't all cut and dry, not everyone on the Dark Council is of the same mind and opinion .

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You said Rictus twice :p


And I think Marr can do whatever he wants. I didn't see any help from other DC members on Makeb, after all. In the SI final , he tells Ravage to shut up, who surprisingly complies. That has to mean something.




And nha. You need to read the novel to get a better idea of how the dark council works. It states that Marr wanted to put Karrid straight on the council but couldnt since he would recieve major backlash from the other council members.

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This question is actually one of very few questions that i would call " interesting" :rak_03:


like in every "vs" series it is quite hard to say who beats who. my bet is that darths like Baras, Jadus, Marr are around equal levels of power


i still think we are lacking some knowledge on like Arak or Hadrus, but i might be wrong

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This question is actually one of very few questions that i would call " interesting" :rak_03:


like in every "vs" series it is quite hard to say who beats who. my bet is that darths like Baras, Jadus, Marr are around equal levels of power


i still think we are lacking some knowledge on like Arak or Hadrus, but i might be wrong


Hadra, you mean? She's dead.


And idk anything about Aruk. I know that Baras wasn't bad, but Marr just has to be superior.

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Consider the final class story mission for the SI within the Dark Council Chambers. When Thanaton is asking the Dark Council to exterminate the SI, Ravage flat out says, " I swear if one of you doesn't swat Thanaton right now I will." That's a clear sign of prejudice, however at the end when Mortis breaks Thanaton's neck he shows genuine remorse for doing so and Marr states that, "he was a better Sith than he was given credit for."



It isn't all cut and dry, not everyone on the Dark Council is of the same mind and opinion .


True enough and a good point.

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Hadra is dead, replaced by Karrid. Karrid died, Darth Acina is that Sphere of Technology.

Arctis died and was replaced by Thanaton, who was killed to be replaced by Nox.

Jadus/Zharrid are both gone and the Sphere of Intelligence is disbanded. Lana Beniko is the Sphere of Sith Intelligence.

Vengean was killed and replaced by Baras. Baras died, replaced by Arho. Arho died, replaced by Arkous. Arkous is dead. Marr has operational control over both military spheres once again.

Acharon is dead. Decimus is dead.




So we have Marr, Ravage, Mortis, Nox, Acina, Aruk, Rictus, Vowrawn

and Beniko

are left. That's 9/12. Not too bad.

Missing Spheres of Military Offense, Biotic Science, and Military Strategy.

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Hadra is dead, replaced by Karrid. Karrid died, Darth Acina is that Sphere of Technology.

Arctis died and was replaced by Thanaton, who was killed to be replaced by Nox.

Jadus/Zharrid are both gone and the Sphere of Intelligence is disbanded. Lana Beniko is the Sphere of Sith Intelligence.

Vengean was killed and replaced by Baras. Baras died, replaced by Arho. Arho died, replaced by Arkous. Arkous is dead. Marr has operational control over both military spheres once again.

Acharon is dead. Decimus is dead.




So we have Marr, Ravage, Mortis, Nox, Acina, Aruk, Rictus, Vowrawn

and Beniko

are left. That's 9/12. Not too bad.

Missing Spheres of Military Offense, Biotic Science, and Military Strategy.


You are mistaken.



Beniko is head of Sith Intelligence, but she is not on the Dark Council, she's not even a Darth. She is for Sith Intelligence what Keeper used to be for Imperial Intelligence, nothing more.


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You are mistaken.



Beniko is head of Sith Intelligence, but she is not on the Dark Council, she's not even a Darth. She is for Sith Intelligence what Keeper used to be for Imperial Intelligence, nothing more.



I believe her position is more akin to that of Minister, unless you were referring to the original Keeper, who become Minister further down the road.


Also, Lana is not even a Lord, mind you. :p


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I believe her position is more akin to that of Minister, unless you were referring to the original Keeper, who become Minister further down the road.


Also, Lana is not even a Lord, mind you. :p


Do you think it is possible she will become at least a Lord somewhere down the line?


I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes a Darth.


Plus I know a certain Dark Council member who could use her at his side xD

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Do you think it is possible she will become at least a Lord somewhere down the line?


I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes a Darth.


Plus I know a certain Dark Council member who could use her at his side xD

It's not that she doesn't qualify, it's that she refuses taking a title.

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Do you think it is possible she will become at least a Lord somewhere down the line?


I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes a Darth.


Plus I know a certain Dark Council member who could use her at his side xD


The thing is that Lana simply is not interested in having a title. She has no interest in being "Lord Beniko" or "Darth Beniko", she is just "Lana Beniko" and that is enough for her.


Player Character: "You're unusual for a Sith. You don't even have a title."

Lana Beniko: "Knowledge, answers, truth, the Force: these are the things I hold dear. Titles don't interest me."


If the situation somehow required that Lana be elevated to Lordship or Darthhood, I believe she would take a title. But for herself a title holds no meaning, she just wants to serve the Empire as best as she can. Beyond that, she has no ambition whatsoever, which Darth Marr comments with "welcoming the novelty".

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I believe her position is more akin to that of Minister, unless you were referring to the original Keeper, who become Minister further down the road.


Also, Lana is not even a Lord, mind you. :p



I think the Imperial Agent is sort of the new keeper. He's been made a "Commander" (How far up the ranks this is I am not sure, but considering this rank gave you control of all Imperial Forces on Makeb, it must be at least like Colonel). He would be something like the new Keeper, even if he's slightly independent (if you make him go Batman). Then again, it is stated in the Codex that he shares power with Lana, "A former Commander of Imperial Intelligence" refers to him, and presumably since Keeper gives you a list of possible candidates for Sith Intelligence, it seems to me you may become a sort of Front-Line version of Keeper. Just what I presume, btw. Hell, we might get Watcher 2 back as Keeper, if she chooses to return to the Empire after her... well, after her brain becomes disentangled.


Hope we get to hear more from Lana. I want to see how she acts as Minister of Intelligence, and how she acts around the Imperial Agent in particular, considering he's part of the old guard. Oooh, what if we get Watcher 3 back? And that Fixer? I miss the old gang.



(Pardon me saying him, it is a him for me, it may not be for you. Bertie Carvel's voice sort of sold me on gender)

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The thing is that Lana simply is not interested in having a title. She has no interest in being "Lord Beniko" or "Darth Beniko", she is just "Lana Beniko" and that is enough for her.


If the situation somehow required that Lana be elevated to Lordship or Darthhood, I believe she would take a title. But for herself a title holds no meaning, she just wants to serve the Empire as best as she can. Beyond that, she has no ambition whatsoever, which Darth Marr comments with "welcoming the novelty".


If Sith titles are the Necromonger way, as the SW/SI storylines suggest, she'd already be able to be a Darth, given she aided directly in the defeat of one.


You keep what you kill.

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If Sith titles are the Necromonger way, as the SW/SI storylines suggest, she'd already be able to be a Darth, given she aided directly in the defeat of one.


You keep what you kill.


She never killed him. She was his servant and she did not engage in combat. She helped, but she'd not get his title for that. Arkous's apprentice could get it, maybe. If he's not a traitor. If not, then let Marr find a decent replacement by himself. One loyal to him!

Back to Lana.

It's obvious that she already got rewarded with her new role. The lack of a lordship is the only thing she could complain about, she didn't really fight anyone, nor did she work that much alone.

Comparing how Nox defeated Thanton, all by himself, and then look at how a group of Imperials defeated Arkous for her while she was gathering information (With an assistant, that republic agent) isn't really enough.

Putting her on the Council would be foolish. But she does deserve a lord-title for her work, obviously.

But she didn't "want" one, so no use in giving her it. But she shouldn't be capable of being a Darth through some computer work and some intellectual assignments. That would be too much for too little.

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