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Joystick Control for GSF


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Has anyone found a way to use a flight joystick for galactic starfighters? I just got into into the game about a month ago and would love to try GSF, but I hate mouse and keyboard for flight games. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


It is possible.. But you will lose a lot of precision...


EDIT : And next time you wanna post something about that.. Make a quick search. There is a post about it and how to do it in page 3.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Has anyone found a way to use a flight joystick for galactic starfighters? I just got into into the game about a month ago and would love to try GSF, but I hate mouse and keyboard for flight games. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Your missing out on 2 maps and complete pvp in balanced grouping to go along with absolutely no developer attention. I wouldn't miss out on this awesome mini-game.

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My bad I didn't look far enough back. Also it's kind of a shame it isn't supported. That's a major turn off for me to trying it.


I'd suggest just skipping it, the mouse controls are super terrible, and when asked about adding more sensitivity options Musco said go buy a gaming mouse and try and figure it out. They don't care about making this a quality experience. Apologists make all kinds of excuses for no joystick support. BioWare was told by lots of players it was a must have as soon as they told us they were working on the SSSP a few months after launch, and they decided to ignore that anyhow.


Go get X-Wing and TIE Fighter from GoG.com, they are vastly superior space combat experience despite being over 20 years old.

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I'd suggest just skipping it, the mouse controls are super terrible, and when asked about adding more sensitivity options Musco said go buy a gaming mouse and try and figure it out. They don't care about making this a quality experience. Apologists make all kinds of excuses for no joystick support. BioWare was told by lots of players it was a must have as soon as they told us they were working on the SSSP a few months after launch, and they decided to ignore that anyhow.


Go get X-Wing and TIE Fighter from GoG.com, they are vastly superior space combat experience despite being over 20 years old.


opinions are like *****holes everyone has one!


That being said lack of joystick support is FAR from the most important thing to GSF. I am always surprised at the level of disdain over this decision. Would I love joystick.... sure. I have an expensive one I never use since very few modern games utilize it. But in the end a choice was made to make the game mouse + keyboard and IMO there is nothing wrong with this.


Adapt and survive I say :D

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Your missing out on 2 maps


The game has five maps.


I'd suggest just skipping it, the mouse controls are super terrible, and when asked about adding more sensitivity options Musco said go buy a gaming mouse and try and figure it out.


It's a keyboard and mouse game. Yes, obviously it would be great if they add joysticks, but it is just so much effort for a very small subsection of their playerbase to have a good control scheme.


More importantly, the controls are fine.




The point is, if you come in here and are like "I would play this game except it doesn't have a joystick", yea, guess what, we know. We all know people who won't play because they didn't go all the way there. But they obviously have reasons, many of which are clear from outside, and most of which probably come down to the number of players who would stop in and say "I would play, but I don't have a joystick".


Also seriously, the mouse controls are perfectly fine for controlling the game. Everyone is on the same footing, and you can make your ship do all the things it needs to do.



And when it comes to X-Wing and TIE Fighter, those games are great, but comparing a 1 player campaign to a 16 or 24 player team pvp experience is just not even similar. You want a space sim versus scripted AI, or you want a space arcade sim with a bunch of allies versus a bunch of enemies? These two do not stand in for one another, and if someone wants to be in a 16 player deathmatch they will always be disappointed by a bunch of AIs.

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opinions are like *****holes everyone has one!


Which is something they don't share with my X-55. I mean, I'm sure that would be added to the long list of Someguy's Cry Thread Copy #5344: Reasons Why I Lost GSF Despite Being The Best Pilot And Everyone That Beat Me Has No Skill.


For summary:


1)- Joystick devel is expensive, requiring a lot of hardware and space in a test lab. Unlike mice, you can't just use a standard interface that is supported at every level you might want to build at. There is also a lot of diversity with joysticks.

2)- The game is tied to SWTOR, so they knew that their existing playerbase had or did not have joysticks in some proportion.

3)- The gulf in controls would create a gap. Any proper joystick would control the ship's pitch, yaw, and roll, whilst also giving you a way to manually aim the reticule, gimballing your guns separate from your controls. This would allow you to do things that the mice cannot, such as firing at zero deflection whilst banking, or taking a snap shot at a rising opponent in the lower left whose movement your are tracking by going to the upper right, etc.

4)- If you go to do joysticks right, you either do them correctly or your game literally has bad controls in an unarguable and real fashion. If you instead make a K+M game, then those are the correct controls.

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Well, their point does have merit- joysticks are a vastly superior control option. The future will have MORE joystick games, not less, and joystick support is slowly working its way from a ghetto to a standard.


The problem is, supporting a range of control schemes has obvious issues above and beyond the technical challenge.

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I guess I really opened up a can of worms with this thread. :eek: Anyway my vain hope was that joy sticks would be supported. I mean even sony managed to support them in Star Wars NGE (yeah I played it, and I'm willing to admit it...:p). But in all honesty if it's a flight game, not having joystick support just isn't fun for me.
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Yea, that's reasonable. I am sad they don't have them. I think the game works without joystick support, however.


There's no question that Bioware lost players without joystick support- of my circle of RL friends, two of them laughed when I said it didn't have a joystick. Neither has given it a chance. It was make or break for them, and they aren't the only ones.


The flipside is, we're rare. It's not common to find joystick wielding players compared to the broader numbers that these games need to appeal to. If joysticks were in the game, how many players would be here crying about that fact, etc? I think it's not an obvious victory for a real cost.

Edited by Verain
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