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Super Serious Starfighter Saturday on The Bastion, November 29th


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Just noticed this Drako, but wanted to let you know that Rjam and Talant are the same player. I believe Rjam is his GSF main on pubside, talant is just a legacy name that he often uses for his other alts. Sorry for the confusion Edited by spatnatz
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Just noticed this Drako, but wanted to let you know that Rjam and Talant are the same player. I believe Rjam is his GSF main on pubside, talant is just a legacy name that he often uses for his other alts. Sorry for the confusion


Alrights thanks I fixed it for ya. I figured you guys would want to be on the same team. :)

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I just found out from the wife that our Saturday plans fell through so I should be around. If someone needs a sub I will be glad to be that sub, but otherwise I am also happy to solo queue. The times coincide w/ dinner and my kids' bedtime so I won't be around for the whole thing, but I should be around for much of it.
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Nice more people is always awesome, for those that are looking to be subs I would suggest looking in /gsf for teams that need more people or look at the teams on the front page for the ones with blanks in them and contact someone from that team.


Look forward to flying with and against everyone tonight. ^^

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Hey guys just wanted to let everyone know for some reason twitch isn't letting me upload or highlight anything from this night that I recorded. I had a ton of technical issues that night so it doesn't surprise me. If you do want to watch stuff from that night it's still in my past broadcasts at the moment and will remain there for about another 10 days.


I know I said I would be putting it on youtube so sorry I can't make that happen with this one. The link for the direct twitch feed is here.


I also just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be scheduling anything for the entire month of December I'm going to be really busy with the holidays as I think most will. I will pick up scheduling more events once January rolls around.


Thanks ^^

Edited by Drakkolich
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