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Super Serious Starfighter Saturday on The Bastion, November 29th


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If someone else would like to take my spot in team #2 that'd be fine with me, I'll fly with anyone. I've been out of the loop for awhile but still understand team preferences =)


Currently your confirmed with our team. As long as your down to fly with us, we would love to have you. Plus getting a 4th is a pain in the ***. Let me know if you would rather fly with someone else, otherwise welcome aboard!

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Currently your confirmed with our team. As long as your down to fly with us, we would love to have you. Plus getting a 4th is a pain in the ***. Let me know if you would rather fly with someone else, otherwise welcome aboard!
Oh **** no! I was just saying in case I was taking someone else's usual spot. Can't wait to see how we do!
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Update. I'll be able to join this one. :cool: I would love to fly with same team if there are spot left otherwise I can be on any team (If they would like to accept me into their team :p) I can stay until 6 pm pst. I'll try to be there when the event start(which is 6 am in my local time, gonna be flying right of the bed again. :D)
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1. I am available the whole time.

2. I will be flying for the Empire.

3. I will be flying the Quell (Long ranged missile boat and duelist-extraordinaire).

4. As of this post Tier 3 Primary, Maxed secondaries (both of them), tier 2 shield, maxed engines, all maxed minor components.


I am looking for a squadron to run with for this event and any future ones. I have only recently come back to the game (about a month ago) and am in no way an ace but I feel I can hold my own out there against most pilots.

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Sorry man I really try to make it at times I think the most people will play. You seem to work a lot of weekends what times are good for you by the way?


I work a lot of nights in general, but I'm usually available on Friday nights and part of Thursday night. I'm available for *some* Sunday nights, which is why I thought I'd be able to participate in the first one, but it's somewhat unpredictable.


I'm sure I'll eventually be able to make one.

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My brother Rhalok and his friend Kruwger would like to participate, Sith I'm sure they'd be willing to fly with you and Xia. They don't have mastered ships but pretty close with their Stings (which they're very good with =) Anywho let me know and I'll coordinate with them.
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I am Risp'iege'lorku and Rjam'io'nottow on imp and pub, respectively.

And when i heard about a GSF 'event' i was like hell yeah!


I can be on the whole time.

I can play on imp or pub.

I will be flying anything but a strike fighter, but i'm best as a gunship.

I have a couple gunships maxed on each side, a bomber maxed on each side, and a scout on each side that's almost maxed. Everything else is ~halfway or stock.

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Talant and I are in the same guild, so it's a given that we'll be queuing as a team! I have more maxed pub ships than imp, so I'll likely be queuing pub, but we'll see how it goes.


I usually run Pike/Quell or Flashfire/Sting in TDM, and often run tensor scout in domination. I do run Mangler gunships on both sides as well, just now getting into the bombers.


That said, we'll be glad to take any others... could especially use someone who specializes in bombers or scouts. I'm pretty flexible though, I try to keep at least one type of each ship on hand.

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Alright updated everyones's stuff, I will be making teams Sunday night of anyone still in the solo list. If you want to make your own team you have until then as usual. :)


Bauglir if I don't hear anything by Sunday night I'll be placing your brother and his friend on Sith aces team.

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Oh I think I am going to not participate in this one actually drak, I have been wanting and recently have been doing, class quests since its ending soon. still have like 3 characters left to go, so I am kind of Binge class questing to get the last half of the stories. I'll make the next one though. Edited by tunewalker
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Character name: Wrassim (Empire)

What time you can be on for: I can be on the entire 4 hours but I might be a few minutes late.

What ships you will likely be flying: Probably just Blackbolt

How much requisition you have on the ships you mentioned: All tier 1 upgrades, T3 DF, T2 Powerdive

Edited by RickDagles
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Alright guys just finished updating all the teams I know there are a couple still missing members however last time we had a few people floating around filling up teams. Just make sure to /cjoin GSF and I'm sure you will be able to fill your teams up.


Good luck and have fun practicing. If you need mumble information for the event please feel free to private message me here or in game.


Sorry to everyone trying to find me in game at the moment I haven't been playing all week. Dragon Age Inquisition grabbed a hold of me and hasn't let go yet. :p

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Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to make this one, unfortunately... I've got a friend in town this weekend who I haven't seen in a long time, so we're going out on Saturday night. I may be able to hop on to solo queue for like a game or something, but even if I can do that, I won't be able to stick around for teams or anything. :(


Sorry to everyone trying to find me in game at the moment I haven't been playing all week. Dragon Age Inquisition grabbed a hold of me and hasn't let go yet. :p


Same boat. Not done with it at all yet, but I've put waaaaay too much time into that game since it came out on Tuesday. Kind of amazed at the effort to pull the game off. Really enjoying it so far, and as a result, I haven't even logged in to SWTOR all week. :eek:

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Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to make this one, unfortunately... I've got a friend in town this weekend who I haven't seen in a long time, so we're going out on Saturday night. I may be able to hop on to solo queue for like a game or something, but even if I can do that, I won't be able to stick around for teams or anything. :(




Same boat. Not done with it at all yet, but I've put waaaaay too much time into that game since it came out on Tuesday. Kind of amazed at the effort to pull the game off. Really enjoying it so far, and as a result, I haven't even logged in to SWTOR all week. :eek:


You missed me flying a double torp on JC :( That was funny seeing me go against Zucky mastered Mangler yesterday with my half geared Comet double torp.

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Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to make this one, unfortunately... I've got a friend in town this weekend who I haven't seen in a long time, so we're going out on Saturday night. I may be able to hop on to solo queue for like a game or something, but even if I can do that, I won't be able to stick around for teams or anything. :(




Same boat. Not done with it at all yet, but I've put waaaaay too much time into that game since it came out on Tuesday. Kind of amazed at the effort to pull the game off. Really enjoying it so far, and as a result, I haven't even logged in to SWTOR all week. :eek:


Ah, that's where you've been. I suppose this is an acceptable excuse.


On topic: I won't be able to make this event either, unfortunately. It's my anniversary, and while Mrs. Power is pretty tolerant of my gaming, I think she'd murder me in my sleep if I participated. "Happy anniversary dear, here are some flowers, now I have to go play in a GSF event. What? No, no, you don't understand: it's SUPER SERIOUS."


You missed me flying a double torp on JC :( That was funny seeing me go against Zucky mastered Mangler yesterday with my half geared Comet double torp.


It was funny indeed. Not particularly effective, but certainly entertaining. Incidentally, thanks for suggesting the double-missile T3 GS, I've been messing around with that...it's similarly amusing and ineffective all at once.

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Spot of bad news, my birthday was on the 19th and as a present I received a trip to reno... starting this Saturday *Facepalm*


Extreme apologies to my team, this thing came up as a surprise and unfortunately GSF gets bumped for the trip. Anyways goodluck everyone, and sorry again to my team :(


No worries Pincer, have fun and be safe =)

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