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As a Story Tourist who just came for the 12x XP class stories, so frustrated. :(


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I am basically SWTOR's dream customer. I'm someone who would have never bought their game in a million years, because I don't like paying money to Kill Ten Rats (aka standard MMO leveling/advancement), but who was lured in by the prospect of getting to see all the class stories without any grind, and now I've spent $50 on the game in the span of a month. If SWTOR can attract people like me, they'll be rolling in dough.


But so far, while I love the story content, this experience has just been *amazingly* frustrating. It all comes down to the insane hoops I have to jump through to gear myself.




People told me I needed to get GTN credits, so buy cartel coin packs and sell them on the GTN. Okay, I did that. There was a 36 hour delay for some reason, which is terrible. I had to figure out the right pricing ratios of cartel coins to GTN prices, too... if SWTOR just sold me credits directly, it would save so much hassle.



Then people told me I needed to get a speeder and a +41 power crystal from the GTN with those credits, and then unlock them across my characterse using cartel coins. Okay, I did that (bought a +41 power crystal, level 10 req, sea green hawkeye from the GTN, and a purple speeder that came in one of the packs from the GTN), but now how the hell do I unlock them?


Apparently there's some way in the "Collections" to do so -- but when I look on the YouTube videos telling how to unlock your stuff (isn't it a little crazy that people have to produce YouTube how-tos for such basic features?), they have a little blue icon that does the unlock trick on the things they've obtained in the collections interface, and I don't. I see no place to unlock my speeder globally *or* my crystal. The crystal doesn't even appear in collections for some reason, even though when I mouse over it the game tells me it's a "Cartel Item"! *** is going on?


Oh, and I'm supposed to buy orange armor in the GTN, unlock it, and then mod it somehow, and then share the mods across characters with the same primary stat, but the armor looks insanely expensive in the GTN, to the point where I might just be better off paying cartel coins?



How the eff does any of this work? I don't want to figure out your stupid inventory system, I just want to have fun playing a cool KOTOR story.



Can SWTOR either produce a guide explaining to story tourists how to do all this mind-numbing busywork, or just let me pay 20 to 30 bucks to skip worrying about gear entirely? Just give me gear that's great for me and my companion doing the story content but wouldn't work well in a flashpoint or whatever they're called, so real players don't have anything to complain about.


Jesus, this is so needlessly FUBAR. It's as if they made a huge promotion for bringing new players to the game, and then totally structured it around people who already understand how all this stuff works. I've played maybe a dozen MMOs in the past, half to the endgame, and I've never seen something *this convoluted*.



The actual time I spend playing the game leaves me deeply impressed, but this meta stuff just leaves me feeling frustrated, angry, deflated. As it stands, I can't recommend SWTOR to any of my friends, because none of them have 1/10th the patience I do for figuring out this kind of arcane BS.

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SWTOR is clearly not for you then...


Except SWTOR *is* for me, because they created a promotion *specifically aiming to attract people like me*. If they didn't want me, they wouldn't have put the promotion out there. Now they need to do a better job of catering to people like me, people who basically just want to play KOTOR 3 through 10.

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Okay, whoever was giving you advice was painfully imprecise and flat out wrong.


You didn't need to do any of that. Simply using the crystals in weapons you get from your story line and random loot drops would have been sufficient. You can gear out just fine through planetary comms and some really cheap green items from the GTN.


A full orange set with constantly updated mods is the ideal, but with 12x XP you outlevel gear far too fast for a huge investment.


Honestly, for the purpose of just seeing the story, if you did sell cartel packs on the GTN, a single pack should have been sufficient funding.


For the speeder, you unlock it by having the Speeder Piloting skill and then right-clicking the speeder in your inventory.


I reiterate that honestly, the person advising you was not well informed themselves it seems...

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So many questions, I'd suggest you join a guild. One of the ones advertising in the leveling areas.


Not only can they answer questions as you come across them, but you will also learn from others questions.


I've joined two, one on my Republic and one on my Empire chars. Nobody has any clue. "Oh, isn't there an icon that unlocks it? Well, if you're not seeing it, dunno what to tell you"

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But so far, while I love the story content, this experience has just been *amazingly* frustrating. It all comes down to the insane hoops I have to jump through to gear myself.


Actually, gear is crazy easy these days, you should have been here at launch, that was much harder.


The reason you're having trouble is that you don't have a rich alt to fund your leveling.


12x XP wasn't meant for new players, you actually DO needs to run the side missions to get comms and gear to keep up with leveling if you don't have 1 or more lvl 55 toons with money.


Besides, those side quests are actually decent the first time.


Run an Imp toon from start to finish without 12x XP, then run a Pub toon from start to finish without 12x XP, THEN you can skip the side missions.


People told me I needed to get GTN credits, so buy cartel coin packs and sell them on the GTN. Okay, I did that. There was a 36 hour delay for some reason, which is terrible. I had to figure out the right pricing ratios of cartel coins to GTN prices, too... if SWTOR just sold me credits directly, it would save so much hassle.


You listened to advice without understanding the advice. That isn't how knowledge and wisdom are gained. :)


If SWTOR sold you credits directly, it would be a disaster. Those credits you obtain in the game from selling cartel market items had to come from somewhere, another player. If they sell directly then they are invented out of thin air and massive inflation would happen.


How the eff does any of this work? I don't want to figure out your stupid inventory system, I just want to have fun playing a cool KOTOR story.


If you don't want to learn it, then don't play the game. 12x XP isn't going to be here much longer, you'll be back to the old way in a few weeks anyway.

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Okay, whoever was giving you advice was painfully imprecise and flat out wrong.


You didn't need to do any of that. Simply using the crystals in weapons you get from your story line and random loot drops would have been sufficient. You can gear out just fine through planetary comms and some really cheap green items from the GTN.


A full orange set with constantly updated mods is the ideal, but with 12x XP you outlevel gear far too fast for a huge investment.


Honestly, for the purpose of just seeing the story, if you did sell cartel packs on the GTN, a single pack should have been sufficient funding.


For the speeder, you unlock it by having the Speeder Piloting skill and then right-clicking the speeder in your inventory.


I reiterate that honestly, the person advising you was not well informed themselves it seems...


That unlocked the speeder for my char -- I don't think it unlocked it globally for every char on my account, which is what I'm aiming for?



As for story tourism, with just the items I've got, the big problem with my current gear (the gear that I get handed through the story missions) is the boss fights. Part of that is that apparently a lot of bosses have kill-you-easy abilities I need to interrupt, but unless it's one of the AoE ones that places a big glowing red circle on the ground, I don't know when I need to interrupt because I have no way of seeing what the boss's moves are. Is there some text combat log I should be looking at that says "Boss X is chargin' up his big huge attack right now"?

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The point of 12x XP is not so that people who have never played the game and have no intention of playing it past the class stories don't have to play the game normally. You're still expected to have to gear your character. If you don't already have a geared 55 to help fund your alts, it will be a struggle, since you aren't *meant* to level that way. I totally understand your frustration, but from Bioware's perspective, they're just giving a perk to players who have probably already leveled multiple characters and are tired of doing the same planetary quests over and over.


It's a lot easier than what you're doing though.


What I do for 12x XP leveling is to just buy green armor off the GTN. They might be ugly, but you'll be replacing them in a few hours of leveling anyway. Greens sell from 500 - 5k credits for the most part.


It is not feasible to mod out your orange gear during 12x XP, which is where people run into this problem. It is only feasible to do that when you're leveling normally, since you pick up enough planetary comms doing the side quests to keep your gear up to date in orange shells.


An alternative is to run flashpoints for gear, but you'll still need to supplement your armor with bits and pieces if you go this route.


TL;DR, you can either wear ugly armor and level cheaply (and get pretty armor and mod it out once you're max level) or you can waste millions of credits looking pretty while you level.

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12x XP wasn't meant for new players, you actually DO needs to run the side missions to get comms and gear to keep up with leveling if you don't have 1 or more lvl 55 toons with money.


That doesn't mean it's not for new players, that just means they didn't think it through.


Besides, those side quests are actually decent the first time.


No they're not? They're painfully boring. Do 5 of this, gather 10 of that, kill 6 of that other thing. Why would I want to do that again? I've already done it in a half dozen other MMOs.


If you don't want to learn it, then don't play the game. 12x XP isn't going to be here much longer, you'll be back to the old way in a few weeks anyway.


As soon as 12x XP disappears, I'm gone. But in case you haven't been paying attention, they've been discussing potential ways to make it permanent after December 1st.

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if SWTOR just sold me credits directly, it would save so much hassle.


So would watching the stories on YouTube.

Some things, however, are done a certain way to encourage you to play the game. Buying cartel packs and selling them is one option. The other one is actually playing the game.



Then people told me I needed to get a speeder and a +41 power crystal from the GTN with those credits, and then unlock them across my characterse using cartel coins. Okay, I did that (bought a +41 power crystal, level 10 req, sea green hawkeye from the GTN, and a purple speeder that came in one of the packs from the GTN), but now how the hell do I unlock them?


Apparently there's some way in the "Collections" to do so -- but when I look on the YouTube videos, they have a little blue icon that does the trick above the things they've obtained, and I don't. I see no place to unlock my speeder globally *or* my crystal. The crystal doesn't even appear in collections for some reason, even though when I mouse over it the game tells me it's a "Cartel Item"! *** is going on?


You didn't "need" a +41 power crystal. It just gives you a small boost in stats. But we didn't have +41 crystals when the game first came out and we managed to level our characters just fine. You would've too.


Speeders can be bought from the fleet, opposite the GTN, from the GTN or from cartel packs.

If you want to unlock any cartel item for your entire legacy, you equip it first on one character then you log in to another character, find it in the Collections tab and unlock it for CC.




Oh, and I'm supposed to buy orange armor in the GTN, unlock it, and then mod it somehow, and then share the mods across characters with the same primary stat, but the armor looks insanely expensive in the GTN, to the point where I might just be better off paying cartel coins?


Stop. Unlocking. Random. Things.

Unlocking is supposed to be about the things you'd like to have on all characters, not everything you ever buy from the GTN.

You also don't need to buy an expensive armor if you don't want to.

You can buy armor pieces with mods already in them (just be careful to pick the ones for your class) and you'll be fine.



How the eff does any of this work? I don't want to figure out your stupid inventory system, I just want to have fun playing a cool KOTOR story.


It's pretty simple actually. You just have to realize that you can't just jump in a game and think you'll know everything in 10 secs. Give it some time.

And I'll say it again: If you just wanted to just watch the story, you could've watched it on YouTube videos. When you're playing a game, you need to familiarize yourself with its mechanics first. This is not Angry Birds.



Can SWTOR either produce a guide explaining to story tourists how to do all this mind-numbing busywork, or just let me pay 20 to 30 bucks to skip worrying about gear entirely? Just give me gear that's great for me and my companion doing the story content but wouldn't work well in a flashpoint or whatever they're called, so real players don't have anything to complain about.


There are already a lot of guides. Google them.

And you don't need good gear if you're just going to see the story and be done with the game. Just buy green or blue armor pieces from the GTN, keep upgrading every few levels and you should be fine.


Jesus, this is so needlessly FUBAR. It's as if they made a huge promotion for bringing new players to the game, and then totally structured it around people who already understand how all this stuff works. I've played maybe a dozen MMOs in the past, half to the endgame, and I've never seen something *this convoluted*.


The actual time I spend playing the game leaves me deeply impressed, but this meta stuff just leaves me feeling frustrated, angry, deflated. As it stands, I can't recommend SWTOR to any of my friends, because none of them have 1/10th the patience I do for figuring out this kind of arcane BS.


You said it yourself.

They want "players" not tourists. Why should they needlessly make the game a Farmville version of what it is right now so that you or any other "story tourist" can have an easier time? It's not like you're ever going to turn into a source of steady income for them.

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The point of 12x XP is not so that people who have never played the game and have no intention of playing it past the class stories don't have to play the game normally.


You don't have any evidence for that assertion; on the contrary, it's just implemented poorly for its intended purpose.


TL;DR, you can either wear ugly armor and level cheaply (and get pretty armor and mod it out once you're max level) or you can waste millions of credits looking pretty while you level.


Very useful to know, thanks.

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Except SWTOR *is* for me, because they created a promotion *specifically aiming to attract people like me*. If they didn't want me, they wouldn't have put the promotion out there. Now they need to do a better job of catering to people like me, people who basically just want to play KOTOR 3 through 10.


You're right, SWTOR is for you. You're just playing it wrong.


You realize every single quest in the entire game is fully voiced, with plot and story, right? The planetary quests get monotonous if you're on your 5th playthrough, but if you have never done them before, you are skipping about 90% of the game's story by only doing class story.


I suggest trying to play the game normally and not skipping quests... you may be pleasantly surprised.


Again, 12x XP is for people who have already leveled a bunch of alts, NOT for people who have never played the game before! People keep being surprised when they can't level from 1-55 without gearing. The answer why it's so hard is that you aren't meant to level that way, Bioware is just giving a perk to subscribers who want to get some extra alts to 55 before the expansion hits. That's it.

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That unlocked the speeder for my char -- I don't think it unlocked it globally for every char on my account, which is what I'm aiming for?



As for story tourism, with just the items I've got, the big problem with my current gear (the gear that I get handed through the story missions) is the boss fights. Part of that is that apparently a lot of bosses have kill-you-easy abilities I need to interrupt, but unless it's one of the AoE ones that places a big glowing red circle on the ground, I don't know when I need to interrupt because I have no way of seeing what the boss's moves are. Is there some text combat log I should be looking at that says "Boss X is chargin' up his big huge attack right now"?


Okay. I think understand your points now.


To the speeder across your legacy:

If you open up your inventory, you will see a "Collections" button on it. Click this.

Reference Image: Collection Button


Now, on the left-hand side of the interface you will see a massive tree of Cartel Packs, Armors, etc... keep collapsing the tree until all you see are the Mounts. You should see one of the sub-categories of the Mount / Vehicle / Speeder section have some percentage greater than 0%. Click this sub-category and scroll through the options in the right hand window. Reference Image: Collections Interface - Finding Your Speeder


When you find the speeder you are looking to unlock, this is the location of the button you are looking for: Account Unlock Button on a Speeder


Note: Once you have unlocked it in your Collections, you can transfer an infinite number of copies to the character that made the unlock. You need to log into another character to see the unlock for legacy icon. Roughly follow these steps and you should be good to go.


As to the interrupts, if you go into the interface editor, you can turn on your target's cast bar. If you see them casting an ability, that's when you should use your stuns, knockbacks, and interrupt abilities.

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Except SWTOR *is* for me, because they created a promotion *specifically aiming to attract people like me*. If they didn't want me, they wouldn't have put the promotion out there. Now they need to do a better job of catering to people like me, people who basically just want to play KOTOR 3 through 10.


I actually don't think the promotion was aimed at you.


It was aimed at existing players who have been around awhile, maybe been away from the game for a bit, to bring them back and let them level an alt while waiting for the digital expansion.


Doing 12x XP on your first toon just causes you to miss WAY too much content, you wouldn't stay anyway since once it goes back to normal, you'll not likely do it the old way.

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You don't have any evidence for that assertion; on the contrary, it's just implemented poorly for its intended purpose.


It's actually implied, since it's a subscriber exclusive, and the reason why they're offering it now is to help people get to 55 so they can enjoy the new content and level cap increase.


If you've never played the game and are leaving as soon as your class stories are done, it's not meant for you, period.


You also are totally wrong about the side quests. You're assuming they're just "go kill 5 rats" with no other depth to them and that's inaccurate. The class stories have objectives like that you have to complete anyway. To be honest, some of the most memorable quests in the game are NOT class stories! Every planet has an in-depth storyline, and side quests which supplement that storyline. If you're playing the game for the story, you are doing it wrong by not doing the story! The Belsavis story in particular is amazing. The entire game is story and you're skipping it because you think class story is the only story.


I just don't understand being angry that you can't play a game without playing the game.




To answer your other questions, click the little + symbol by your ability buttons, then click Open Interface Editor. There should be a Target Castbar box you can toggle on which will allow you to interrupt things easier.


Also, you can only unlock something purchased from the cartel market across all your alts if you do it from an alt. If you are looking at collections from the character you originally bought it from you won't have an option to unlock.

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From what I gather from your post, MMO's are not for you. They are all gear intensive, and are full of treasure hunt--kill kill kill quests. If you don't like that, regardless of how many MMO's you have played, you're in the wrong genre. Also, the boss fights encourage under-geared or under-leveled folks to team up, which isn't such a terrible thing. Try playing the game as intended, it might surprise you.
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Is there some text combat log I should be looking at that says "Boss X is chargin' up his big huge attack right now"?

If you open your Interface Editor and look around, you will see some small bars for your own and your target's casts. I think they are called cast bars. Make sure that your Target castbar is enabled, then make it large and put it somewhere obvious so you will notice it when it appears (it is invisible when the mob is not casting something.) The ability being cast or channeled will appear as well.


That's how you see things (like potshot, snipe, final offer, terminate, and so on) that need to be interrupted.


Note that some boss attacks cannot be interrupted. For those, try using a knockback or 4-second stun. Those may not work either, but sometimes they do (e.g. Palace Interrogators in Dread Palace).


BTW I leveled 2-3 toons without knowing what an interrupt was, but I was leveling in a group with people who did.

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I am basically SWTOR's dream customer. I'm someone who would have never bought their game in a million years, because I don't like paying money to Kill Ten Rats (aka standard MMO leveling/advancement), but who was lured in by the prospect of getting to see all the class stories without any grind, and now I've spent $50 on the game in the span of a month. If SWTOR can attract people like me, they'll be rolling in dough.


But so far, while I love the story content, this experience has just been *amazingly* frustrating. It all comes down to the insane hoops I have to jump through to gear myself.




People told me I needed to get GTN credits, so buy cartel coin packs and sell them on the GTN. Okay, I did that. There was a 36 hour delay for some reason, which is terrible. I had to figure out the right pricing ratios of cartel coins to GTN prices, too... if SWTOR just sold me credits directly, it would save so much hassle.



Then people told me I needed to get a speeder and a +41 power crystal from the GTN with those credits, and then unlock them across my characterse using cartel coins. Okay, I did that (bought a +41 power crystal, level 10 req, sea green hawkeye from the GTN, and a purple speeder that came in one of the packs from the GTN), but now how the hell do I unlock them?


Apparently there's some way in the "Collections" to do so -- but when I look on the YouTube videos telling how to unlock your stuff (isn't it a little crazy that people have to produce YouTube how-tos for such basic features?), they have a little blue icon that does the unlock trick on the things they've obtained in the collections interface, and I don't. I see no place to unlock my speeder globally *or* my crystal. The crystal doesn't even appear in collections for some reason, even though when I mouse over it the game tells me it's a "Cartel Item"! *** is going on?


Oh, and I'm supposed to buy orange armor in the GTN, unlock it, and then mod it somehow, and then share the mods across characters with the same primary stat, but the armor looks insanely expensive in the GTN, to the point where I might just be better off paying cartel coins?



How the eff does any of this work? I don't want to figure out your stupid inventory system, I just want to have fun playing a cool KOTOR story.



Can SWTOR either produce a guide explaining to story tourists how to do all this mind-numbing busywork, or just let me pay 20 to 30 bucks to skip worrying about gear entirely? Just give me gear that's great for me and my companion doing the story content but wouldn't work well in a flashpoint or whatever they're called, so real players don't have anything to complain about.


Jesus, this is so needlessly FUBAR. It's as if they made a huge promotion for bringing new players to the game, and then totally structured it around people who already understand how all this stuff works. I've played maybe a dozen MMOs in the past, half to the endgame, and I've never seen something *this convoluted*.



The actual time I spend playing the game leaves me deeply impressed, but this meta stuff just leaves me feeling frustrated, angry, deflated. As it stands, I can't recommend SWTOR to any of my friends, because none of them have 1/10th the patience I do for figuring out this kind of arcane BS.


There are so many inconsistencies in your ramble that I almost thought this was a troll post.


You are NOT Bioware's dream customer. This is an engaging MMO with an engaging story, and can be quite grindy at times. It's not just a story that you can hit and run without having to involve yourself at least half heartedly in the game itself. Bioware's dream customer, as well as Blizzard's dream customer and any other MMO maker's dream customer is someone who is here to stay for the long haul, to continue to give them money so they can keep doing what they do to pump out content to be enjoyed by people who are here to experience the whole ride. It's not their problem that you're just here for the story. That's only a part of their product.


Most MMOs are not catered to "story-tourists", even SWTOR, which has a very engaging and well put together story. I have a hard time believing that you've played a dozen MMOs, because someone who has should know all this.

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I understand your frustration but you did it wrong (perhaps not your fault).


You didn't need to do any of that. The class stories and side quests (many of which have great stories of their own) gear you enough to get you through the entire game. You never even have to stop at the GTN.


My advice:


Ignore the fact that you are getting a 12x XP boost for class stories. Try to hit the main class story and planet story on each planet. You will get enough gear and items from those missions to keep you geared properly. You got bad advice from people who weren't thinking about what you wanted to do.

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That unlocked the speeder for my char -- I don't think it unlocked it globally for every char on my account, which is what I'm aiming for?


The speeder can be unlocked globally, if it is a cartel market speeder, but you still much purchase speeder pilot training for each alt.


You must then go into collections for each toon and click the little icon to retrieve a copy from collections on each toon. You pay CC once to unlock the speeder, then you get a copy for each toon.


The speed pilot training isn't global.


As for story tourism, with just the items I've got, the big problem with my current gear (the gear that I get handed through the story missions) is the boss fights. Part of that is that apparently a lot of bosses have kill-you-easy abilities I need to interrupt, but unless it's one of the AoE ones that places a big glowing red circle on the ground, I don't know when I need to interrupt because I have no way of seeing what the boss's moves are. Is there some text combat log I should be looking at that says "Boss X is chargin' up his big huge attack right now"?


Yes, the problem is that you don't know how to play the game and you want to skip all the learning.


If you had leveled a toon or two to 50 or 55 without the bonus XP, you'd have played long enough to learn that stuff.


Gear isn't going to help with lack of knowledge and skill.


I'll repeat, 12x XP isn't meant for brand new players, it removes much of the core of the leveling experience and makes it harder than it needs to be. For those of us with existing high level toons, it isn't a problem, we know how to play and can fund the leveling process.

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Yes, the problem is that you don't know how to play the game and you want to skip all the learning.

I don't think that's a fair assessment. The OP's inquiry about how to know when the mob is casting something that should be interrupted indicates to me that he or she is trying to learn to play.


If you run enough pugs, you might think half the players in the game do not know they even have an interrupt ...

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That doesn't mean it's not for new players, that just means they didn't think it through.


You're right, they didn't even give it 5 seconds of thought before putting it into place...


You know what? They sure did... they even removed all training costs (which runs about 1.5 million credits from 1 to 55, give or take)...


But they don't want to make it silly easy, then why bother. What, did you want an "I Win" button to click?


No they're not? They're painfully boring. Do 5 of this, gather 10 of that, kill 6 of that other thing. Why would I want to do that again? I've already done it in a half dozen other MMOs.


Let me guess, you spacebar through the conversations, even the first time. :)


A lot of those side quests are flavor, the core class story on each planet is actually pretty thin, the planet mission, then the side quests, provide background and fluff out the class story.


They aren't ALL side quests you know, there is actually a branching story on each planet as well. Some of them, such as Belsavis, are actually important to do or the end game content doesn't make sense (read: Dread Masters).


As soon as 12x XP disappears, I'm gone. But in case you haven't been paying attention, they've been discussing potential ways to make it permanent after December 1st.


Goodbye, can I have your stuff?


Honestly, if this is the only reason you're here, then you aren't adding anything other than a few bucks to Bioware's pocket and you'll never be happy with the experience.


Even if 12x XP stays, or becomes a purchased buff, you'll never really be happy since the game wasn't designed for it.


But go ahead, smash your head against the wall some more. :)

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OP, as others have said you were given terrible advice. Whoever that person was do yourself a favor and do not take any more suggestions from them.


Personally, I don't understand the problem people are having gearing toons through 12x XP. My main and only 55 before this XP boost has several million credits. The amount of credits or gear I've sent to alts I've been leveling? Zero.


So far I've leveled a Gunslinger, Marauder, and Powertech to 55 since the launch of 12x XP. The BH I already had at level 33 and had gear and Planetary Comms built up for him but the other two I took from Level 1 to 55 from scratch. All I did was choose gear over lockboxes and Planetary Comms for mission rewards and once I had around 10-15K credits built up I hit the GTN every 5 levels or so and bought green level gear to upgrade my stats. Some of these pieces I'd get for as low as 500 credits. As soon as I hit Lvl 47, I headed directly to Makeb, activated the buff, and breezed to 55 in a matter of hours.


Now getting those 55's fully geared for endgame will be a little more challenging but I found following the above structure for a brand new toon worked really well and enabled me to enjoy the class stories I otherwise may not have ever attempted.

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