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Please just end this Socorro madness


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I like them, and I have them all now. Eventually I will get the collection unlocks on them as well. The sabers in particular are some of the neatest looking ones in the game.


Why get the collections unlocks for them?

You could just stock up on a near-infinite supply now for anything from 1 credit to 100 credits per item. Heck, I'm sure there are plenty who would happily give their socorro weapons to you for free.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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I actually made 150 credits.


It's great you wanted to share that you sold them .... but right there is the problem.


150 whole credits.


It's just not worth listing them for the pocket change you get for them.


You spent real money on cartel coins to buy packs and made less money than I did for killing one pack of trash mobs on Makeb that cost me nothing.

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It's great you wanted to share that you sold them .... but right there is the problem.


150 whole credits.


It's just not worth listing them for the pocket change you get for them.


You spent real money on cartel coins to buy packs and made less money than I did for killing one pack of trash mobs on Makeb that cost me nothing.


No that is the point. People are saying they can't sell them for more than 5 credits or give them away and I proved them wrong.


And no I didn't spend a single cent of real money on these packs, so I didn't lose any money at all.

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No that is the point. People are saying they can't sell them for more than 5 credits or give them away and I proved them wrong.


150 credits isn't proving them wrong.


It's pocket change and not worth mentioning. You get that from trash mobs so it's still pretty much giving them away.

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I think the GTN speaks loudly here. It's the best barometer of what is popular and what isn't. Lately the GTN is flooded with Socorro weapons and Cybernetic armour. When things are listed at 50 or 100 credits and still don't sell, I think it's fair to say the majority of players don't like them.


The problem seems to be that the contents of packs are mapped out several months in advance. They go with a theme for a Shipment and then revise / reskin it over the next 3 or 4 packs. So if they design a range of stuff so fugly that no-one wants it, you know it's going to be flooding the GTN for months to come.


Because it's a grab bag system, rather than direct sales, it allows them to fill up the grab bags with junk no-one much wants as they hunt for the stuff they do want. If the contents of these packs were sold directly via the CM they'd realize that some designs just don't sell and would need to try harder.


True. Even on my own server, i can't find anyone who use any of these weapons (Socorro) ou armours (Series xxx). And the GTN is really overflooded by those items without any chance to be sold. Even at the magnificient (sigh) sum of ... 10 credits.


As for me, i don't even try to sell thoses weapons and armour pack : delete.

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