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Why do so many people think Form VI is an inferior form of lightsaber combat?


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To the OP... The entire point of the form is to be easy to learn and keep up a acceptable skill level so that the Jedi can then devote LESS time to light saber training and more time to other studies. Yes it takes elements of the other forms...the easiest to learn elements. Imagine learning a Martial art irl that only takes the easiest to learn strikes and defenses then facing someone who has also learned the difficult maneuvers of another art. You will meet the fighter who can more easily defend against your attacks, or get through your defenses.


The idea of working force attacks into the art is by necessity. Without combining force attacks into the form another person would defeat you. Someone who has mastered form III? Eventually you get tired and make mistakes because you can't get through their defense. Form IV your basic defenses will be overwhelmed by their attacks.


Now since it does integrate force abilities, using form VI as a complement to another form, so you can integrate force abilities into a duel makes sense...BUT if you were going to be a dedicated duelist studying only form VI makes little sense because again the entire point of the form is that it is easy. Having taken a lot of Martial Arts I have only taken one that was not hard to learn and yet I would call effective in a real fight...Krav Maga. The reason it is effective though is because it is so damn brutal that you basically have to pretend that you strike the person you are sparring with, if you didn't you would cripple or main the other guy because it's about groin, joint, throat and eye strikes. It was a martial arts made for a military after all.


However Form VI was not made with the idea of being brutally effective as well as easy. It was simply made to be a balanced and easy form for the Jedi version of a noncombatant to be competent. The fact that some exceptional duelists (Exar Kun for one) managed to kick butt with it is a testiment to the artist...not the art.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Form VI is inferior if you're not using any Force Techniques, but that's just it: it's designed to be used with Force Techniques. It's the perfect form for a Sage/Sorcerer as it will give them more time to research exotic powers.


As far as I'm concerned, all Sages/Sorcs in the game use Niman.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Form VI is inferior if you're not using any Force Techniques, but that's just it: it's designed to be used with Force Techniques. It's the perfect form for a Sage/Sorcerer as it will give them more time to research exotic powers.


As far as I'm concerned, all Sages/Sorcs in the game use Niman.


If you look at how it's depicted in the Path of the Jedi? They do. So I'm with you here. :p The techniques displayed look like how the sage fights in SWTOR. Not a lot of movement. Mostly using the force to push, batter your opponents with telekinesis, and strike if they get in close or when they're stunned by a force attack.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Considering they are completely made up nonsense that only apply to coreographies, and have 0 value in an actual, real-life fight, even if you had lightsabers.... the amount of people who *care* is frightening.


I mean, look at the way they fight in the prequels... I could cut every single one of them down 2 secs after the fight began if they used such a weapon they way they use it.


In the OT, they at least used some logic, but it's still stupid. In PT they tossed it all out in favour of flash.

Edited by Jandi
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Yes real sword fighting that lasts 2 seconds would be far more realistic and fun to watch, say why don't we go for the same thing with space combat, no sounds, no visible weapon beams or blasts, or flames and explosions, just real physics damn how many Cat Girls we kill in the process and while we're at it there isn't music playing in the back ground in real life so lets get rid of that too. Wow wouldn't that make for a much better experience? (sarcasm off) :D
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Yes real sword fighting that lasts 2 seconds would be far more realistic and fun to watch, say why don't we go for the same thing with space combat, no sounds, no visible weapon beams or blasts, or flames and explosions, just real physics damn how many Cat Girls we kill in the process and while we're at it there isn't music playing in the back ground in real life so lets get rid of that too. Wow wouldn't that make for a much better experience? (sarcasm off) :D


Wait, real life doesn't have background music? :eek:

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Yes real sword fighting that lasts 2 seconds would be far more realistic and fun to watch, say why don't we go for the same thing with space combat, no sounds, no visible weapon beams or blasts, or flames and explosions, just real physics damn how many Cat Girls we kill in the process and while we're at it there isn't music playing in the back ground in real life so lets get rid of that too. Wow wouldn't that make for a much better experience? (sarcasm off) :D


They did that, called Battlestar Galactica.

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Yeah by B5 was crap. /snort


B5 was FAR from crap, at least imo, UNTIL the last season. That last season was crap but I think largely because they were originally canceled and then at the last minute had to cobble a season together. It was basically the first TV series I can think of where an event in season 1 seemed minor and then in season 3 it had a major impact and made perfect sense. It also did something I wish star wars would do (and hope it does in Episode VII) and is rare in general, tackle mythic themes without the stark black and white moral compass.


The new Battle Star Galactica did that too...don't get me wrong and in many ways did do it better. I just don't think BG would have been possible without B5 though. Star Trek and Star Wars had done a good job at pigeonholing space opera and sci-fi. When DS9 tried to break the mold a lot of people got annoyed and many Trekies said it completely sucked because it betrayed Roddenberry's vision.

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