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What criteria is used to determine whether a pilot is or is not an Ace?


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unless you know the pilot you can't tell. 5 ships doesn't really mean anything, people can have that and still be terribad. You can assume your in for a tough fight when you see lots of 5 shippers on the other side, and be pleasantly surprised if it turns out to be a cakewalk.


As to the ace thing, everyone has a different idea of what it means. For me I consider someone an ace when I have to watch out for them or pay special attention in a match. There are a lot of people that fit this bill.

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Though I doubt you are actually serious, in before someone takes it seriously. Five ships doesn't make an ace, and there's no explicit requirement. If you have to ask, you don't really know!



But there's no way this isn't meant as a baiting post.

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Though I doubt you are actually serious, in before someone takes it seriously. Five ships doesn't make an ace, and there's no explicit requirement. If you have to ask, you don't really know!



But there's no way this isn't meant as a baiting post.


I don't really know. That's why I'm asking. Because one of you might know.


How the hell am I baiting anyone? I'm simply asking how I can identify an Ace, or a highly skilled player out of a list whenever I get a queue. I can help my team by warning them of players to watch out for.

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It's based on past performance. If you are worried about them because they are really good, then they could very well be an ace.


The term is informal. If you don't know who the aces are, keep playing and you will soon enough.

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I don't really know. That's why I'm asking.


So, lets pretend that there was an answer here. Pretend that you really didn't know, and it was something simple like "if he has five ships and at least three are mastered, he's an ace".


How would that help you? Would you be like, "oh, ok. I'll take that knowledge and it will improve my life". Why would you watch out for them any more or less that way?


Anyway, if you are serious, there's no real definition. you just sort of know.


Also this has come up before, but you would rather ask incendiary questions than type anything at all into Google:


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It's baiting because of old posts on the topic, and because there are so many differing opinions. And because it's just not an easy thing to define.


The obvious answer is "an excellent pilot", but that's probably pretty useless to you.


The only way to really tell is to fly with/against people. You start to see the same people at the top or near it in the scoreboards at the end consistently. You fly with/against them, and you know they're doing something above and beyond almost every match you're in with them. They're always where they need to be before you get there. If against you, almost always reacting to your first shot. Often flying elusively, sometimes evading you while still slicing through other enemies. Flying against the best of them can sometimes just make you feel irrelevant no matter what you do.


Best advice I can give you is to keep going out there, and find out what "excellent" in this game means to you. Then you'll have your answer.

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Simple: Everyone's afraid of the ace, even with stock ships.


Not so much afraid as respect. An Ace can change the course of a battle IMO. There are very few pilots I consider Aces, and no I am not one.


Just my 2 creds

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Not so much afraid as respect. An Ace can change the course of a battle IMO. There are very few pilots I consider Aces, and no I am not one.


Just my 2 creds


I'd agree with this.


I think someone in another thread described there being two tiers of elite pilots: Rogue Squadron grade and Wraith Squadron grade. Personally I think that's more useful since it's a tier system rather than either having such a narrow definition that it excludes all pilots that can't single handedly carry a team, be so broad as to include any pilot that gets more than a 1:1 K/D, or anywhere in between. Granted you'll never have anyone agree on what makes a Rogue or Wraith grade pilot but bonus points for the EU reference regardless.

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And since this thread apparently has visibility now, I'll say this:



GSF has no method of ranking, and as such, no idea of what a "good pilot" really is. As players, I think you puzzle out real fast who the aces are, because most of the skills needed to win a game are similar to those needed to win duels are similar to those needed to provide top support are similar to those needed to carry bads are similar to those needed to cooperate- but the skills are similar, not the same.


If the game had a "ranked mode", then we would just assume that THAT would be the end-all of what defines a pilot. If the ranked mode involved getting the most kills without dying, then we would see more pilots wanting to do that. If it involved winning Kuat Mesas Domination, then we would see more pilots and teams figuring out the best way to do that. If it was 3v3, then we'd see the best 3s comps pop up on the forums constantly, to the point where the mods would have to push it to a single thread.



Without a carrot- or even a map- players make their own. Some use the map as the scoreboard, others want to win, some count the number of times they succeed at something that isn't counted anywhere else (enemies peeled, damage prevented, area denied). There was some thread on some knock-off forum posting some guide, and on that guide it said that an ace can fly all the ships. Really? Why is that? Who decided that? If you try to pin it down, it becomes very judgmental, and players of video games are not going to take an honest appraisal of their skills. This means that you'll see transparent lies on this topic left and right.


It may help to look at things you don't have skin in- for instance, violinists, or chess players- to notice the very strange curve that separates the VERY top from this sparse upper crust from the continuum. That applies to video gaming too, of course, and you can see it if you look in League or Starcraft as well. Does it apply in GSF? No, I'm sure this is different, and everyone is about the same.... unlike every other field of human performance...



Anyway, without a way of ranking (and IMO the game is largely nicer BECAUSE of this- when the devs say the game isn't that competitive, this is a huge part of what they mean), we don't really have to worry. If you see a pilot on the other side and you are a bad sport who hates people who make you lose, and you hate him, he's probably an ace. If you love a challenge and are thrilled to see him, then he's probably an ace. If you see him on your team and know you'll get peels and he'll be tearing people up and you get to work with him and that's great, he's probably an ace.








But if you want to go document what that is, in a game specifically designed to make that frustrating or impossible, well, you'll be writing some screed trying to claim that the guy that shot you down isn't an ace because he had to use a battle scout to do it, or gunships don't count because they play with their left hand down their pants aiming with their right hand, or bombers don't count because they press 1 and go make a sandwich... well, that doesn't sound like you are interested in documented high performers as much as you have an agenda, right?

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