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Season 3 Furious Rewards Announcement


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This guy will get the rewards, he reached 1650 then decided to troll everyone else by losing everything down to 1 rating on my server on his other chars. It's quite hilarious how people hate him. :D He said he had so many baddies on his team in solo ranked that he just decided to become one of them.



Edited by SirMannii
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This guy will get the rewards, he reached 1650 then decided to troll everyone else by losing everything down to 1 rating on my server on his other chars. It's quite hilarious how people hate him. :D He said he had so many baddies on his team in solo ranked that he just decided to become one of them.




That guy got 1650 on anything? Rofl then there really is nobody that is allowed to complain.

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That guy got 1650 on anything? Rofl then there really is nobody that is allowed to complain.


Well, I don't know him, but that's what he said in an conversation with me a week ago. I haven't been playing for days now, don't have the time, but he's been very active in solo ranked queue on both factions trolling all of us who tries to get rating. It's not against any rules so why bother. :D And everyone who complain about the high rating are people who haven't played much anyway. You might not achieve it on your every char or your main, but it isn't hard to achieve it on at least 1 of your chars. It's just about the amount of time you put into it. I'm not going to get 1650 as highest earned on my Sniper, didn't manage to get it more than 1390, and 1608 on Gunslinger. :o

Edited by SirMannii
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Despite all odds I reached 1630... Few more hours and I will get my rewards. phew..


As some of the lads say, you need to add most prominent (trolls, skanks and players who are "too good" to your friends list and be smart when you queue. to think i was 1200 3 days ago

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Despite all odds I reached 1630... Few more hours and I will get my rewards. phew..


As some of the lads say, you need to add most prominent (trolls, skanks and players who are "too good" to your friends list and be smart when you queue. to think i was 1200 3 days ago


GZ! That is some rating you gained in 3 days.

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What's the Problem? Isn't this exactly what the ranked community was looking for? If you follow the PVP forum, only a carefully selected group of players is allowed to play ranked anyway.


Lowering the reward-ceiling by 4% whilst losing 50% of their population for soloqueue whilst not taking into consideration the extreme faction imbalance imp v rep - who asked for that?


Being forced to roll trash imp just to stay competitive is lame, so is making the rewards exceptionally harder to reach with 50% less players aspiring (at most) to get them. Doesn't matter for me, already got them. Doesn't mean its not an issue.


(Inb4 "Just go team ranked", ye I'll fetch my imaginary friends and queue up immediately)

Edited by AdamLKvist
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What's the Problem? Isn't this exactly what the ranked community was looking for? If you follow the PVP forum, only a carefully selected group of players is allowed to play ranked anyway.


The only thing people in the PVP forum is asking for, is some *very* basic criteria:

- 2018 expertise

- Advanced class picked


That's all. Sure, some people suggest you should get augments, but that's on bioware - instead of tweaking bolster for augments, they just removed all bolstering received for not having augments, meaning that the extra augment stats are -huge-.


Imagine someone entering group finder for story mode raids, with green level 10 gear, and you wouldnt have the chance to votekick them.


Personal opinion:

Change the queues to:

- Ranked = team ranked, rewards ranked commendations

- Solo queue = current solo ranked, rewards normal comms, can only queue solo, not as a group. No leaderboard etc

- Reg queue = current reg queue, no changes.


Disallow conversion of reg comms to ranked comms.


Yolo ranked has nothing to do with ranked, besides the fact that its called rank. Your rating is in no way necessarily a measurement of how good / bad you are, but rather who you were lucky enough to get on your team / queue dodge etc. There should only be ranked for groups.


If that wouldnt happen, change the rewards - in no way should someone beeing lucky enough to get a decent team in yolo ranked be able to get the same rewards someone in team ranked did. From watching solo ranked streams, those are normally over within 1-2 minutes. Group ranked matches (when ELO sort of works) normally lasts for 3-5 minutes, simply because it's equal skill.

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Disallow conversion of reg comms to ranked comms.



not nearly enough people do group ranked for this to be a good idea at all, it would just end up with a very very small minority of players in top pvp gear which really wouldnt help anything

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The entire solo rating system needs to be reworked, shouldnt have anthing to do with wins/losses, Tanks, Heals & DPS should be rated on their Protection, Heals & DPS regardless of the match outcome, that is the only way to stop the trolls or undergeared from queueing & seperate those that are actually skilled from those that simply get lucky Edited by LucasEighty
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The entire solo rating system needs to be reworked, shouldnt have anthing to do with wins/losses, Tanks, Heals & DPS should be rated on their Protection, Heals & DPS regardless of the match outcome, that is the only way to stop the trolls & undergeared from queueing


Because that'd be a flawless system.. am i right?

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not nearly enough people do group ranked for this to be a good idea at all, it would just end up with a very very small minority of players in top pvp gear which really wouldnt help anything


By your logic nightmare raids should give gear that is in no way better than what you get from hardmode - after all, only a very very small minority of players will get the nightmare raid gear.


My point is, if you want the best ranked gear, you do *proper* ranked. If you want the best PvE gear, you do nightmare raids.


You can't buy nightmare level gear with ultimate comms, and you should not be able to buy ranked pvp gear with regular comms.




Because that'd be a flawless system.. am i right?


I agree with the gingernut - going by dps / hps / protection would be just as broken as now, or more - tab dotting, focusing on hots rather than on bigger heals, and /stucking as soon as someone dies to get max rewards.


While I agree the current ELO system is flawed, what's beeing suggested here is just as flawed (if not more so). I think Sithbracer (?) mentioned a different ELO system where you never lose rating - you just gain rating for matches won, and gain 0 rating from matches lost. That'd be a better solution for yolo, but I still maintain it should not reward ranked comms.

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By your logic nightmare raids should give gear that is in no way better than what you get from hardmode - after all, only a very very small minority of players will get the nightmare raid gear.


My point is, if you want the best ranked gear, you do *proper* ranked. If you want the best PvE gear, you do nightmare raids.


You can't buy nightmare level gear with ultimate comms, and you should not be able to buy ranked pvp gear with regular comms.


the problem with that, is that people actually do NiM content and there are multiple drops per boss, where as very few groups actually do group ranked frequently on most servers, if you could only get ranked comms from group ranked they would need to up the comms you get because it would take ages to get enough comms for a full brutalizer set (and the stat boost between the 2 tiers isnt that great as it is), or else even the top pvpers on a server would have issues getting the gear they deserve simply because no one wants to queue against them.

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By your logic nightmare raids should give gear that is in no way better than what you get from hardmode - after all, only a very very small minority of players will get the nightmare raid gear.


My point is, if you want the best ranked gear, you do *proper* ranked. If you want the best PvE gear, you do nightmare raids.


You can't buy nightmare level gear with ultimate comms, and you should not be able to buy ranked pvp gear with regular comms.


This is an awful idea! People complain about scrubs & trolls Qing now, you just wait till fresh 50s have to Q ranked to get upper-level comms & gear. That's not counting the fact that people will quit PvPing in both Regs & Ranked because of the gear unbalance that would occur. It would be just like back at launch.....that was awful & nearly killed the game.

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Perhaps not but any restrictions on expertise & advanced class or valor isnt going to stop someone from basicly /stucking at the start of every round


For players that do such things or do any other sort of behavior that is not involved with trying to win there should be a strong effect when they are reported. The troll behaviors we see now in ranked should not be tolerated by BW, and it would not take that much in the way or resources to check up on reports with screen shots and get these trolls out of the queue. It's a much better system than what you are proposing. BW just does not seem to want to do this right now.

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the problem with that, is that people actually do NiM content and there are multiple drops per boss, where as very few groups actually do group ranked frequently on most servers, if you could only get ranked comms from group ranked they would need to up the comms you get because it would take ages to get enough comms for a full brutalizer set (and the stat boost between the 2 tiers isnt that great as it is), or else even the top pvpers on a server would have issues getting the gear they deserve simply because no one wants to queue against them.


This is correct. Ranked is enough of a ghost town now. Making the top gear less available would only worsen the problem. I have been full Brute since the day after the new gear dropped on my main, and I am in favor of reducing the advantage the better gear gives, and reducing the time it takes to get it. I'd actually love it if the only affect better PvP gear had was cosmetic. Success in PvP should be more about skill, and less about gear in my opinion, although I do understand folks feeling the need to see their character progress in power. It's just not something I feel.

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By your logic nightmare raids should give gear that is in no way better than what you get from hardmode - after all, only a very very small minority of players will get the nightmare raid gear.


My point is, if you want the best ranked gear, you do *proper* ranked. If you want the best PvE gear, you do nightmare raids.


You can't buy nightmare level gear with ultimate comms, and you should not be able to buy ranked pvp gear with regular comms.


Wait, what?


You really can't make a 1:1 comparison between PvP and PvE in this regard. PvP is about the players, the challenge is between eachother. Not the content.


In PvE the challenge IS the content. Gear is pretty much all it is about.



In PvP, the absolute best way to handle gear is to eliminate it's influence entirely.

Now that is just wishful thinking and brings up a number of problems.


But you're so wrong in wanting better gear than players you're already outplaying anyways. That makes the whole point of PvP less fun overall as regs would be even more faceroll than they already are.

Edited by Evolixe
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