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Share your KDY horror stories #wipe #ragequit #knowyourclass #pullaSedd etc.


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Over in my thread on the impact of 12xXP we have been sharing stories on running Kuat. Pick a few of the :( KDY stories you have.


This weekend, running with a Level 19 Shadow Tank. I know that tank & heals don't have a lot of great skills early on but this person had no clue how to even do the basics of tanking. Refused to pull mobs and instead his one with force lightning, dying pretty early in fights then waiting for a "revive" (he didn't know what rez was). OK so noob stuff no big deal. Me and another runner try to help him with a tank rotation and he ignores us. Wow. Way to learn the class/role. Our joke was "pulling a sedd" was trying to tank and dying pitifully. #pullasedd #listentopeoplethatknowwhattheyretalkingabout #ltptkwtta


But here is a real tanking horror story from a later run.

Another tank that know how to pull/keep agro (unfortunately - you see why) kept pulling Khoris further away. I said then shouted for him to bring him mid. I stand and shout "BRING HIM HERE!!" I try to pull agro as DPS but can't hold it. I yell again "STOP MOVING FURTHER AWAY HE WILL RESET!!".

Khoris reset at 2% health to which we get tank going "***?!" and he ragequits. #listentopeoplethatknowwhattheyretalkingabout #ltptkwtta

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#listentopeoplethatknowwhattheyretalkingabout #ltptkwtta


People don't listen in FP....


Someone dropped group after the 1st pull because of RL issues. We clear Hanger and about to the last part of the Armory when we get a replacement. Instead of heading the path cleared he runs the path that instead cleared. Pulls a group and start spamming help as we are already fighting the last guy in the Armory. He keeps running towards us and pulls another group and dies. We kill both groups without wiping. He starts complaining that we need to help when he calls for it. We point out that there was clear path to use, the normal path EVER group takes. As he heading to the lift he pulls a another group and dies, than ragequits.


One thing I have notice about KDY. The guy that spam spacebar is the one that waste more time trying to kill everything and/or wanders off and pulls things.

Edited by Warrgames
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Over in my thread on the impact of 12xXP we have been sharing stories on running Kuat. Pick a few of the :( KDY stories you have.


This weekend, running with a Level 19 Shadow Tank. ..../snip


laughing at people stupidity? I'll pass


Too much of this on these forums.

Why don't you guys play with your guildmates instead of doing PUGs all the time?

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Over in my thread on the impact of 12xXP we have been sharing stories on running Kuat. Pick a few of the :( KDY stories you have.

I pair with my wife for FPs. We haven't had a bad run in KDY in months. Instead, we have had a lot of ordinary runs and a few stellar runs when we were grouped with other players (who we suspect were raiders running alts) who knew their class and the op. With some of them, taking down the final boss was actually fun, that's how awesome the team was.


If you aren't having that kind of experience, I suspect that either your luck is bad or you are. Two good players can clear most tactical FPs (Manaan's water boss maybe being the exception) even without companions.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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I've honestly never had any issues in KDY.....ever. Most runs nobody even talks other than "Hi all" and "Thanks all". How you can have so many problems is beyond me...unless there is a common denominator that you're conveniently overlooking:rolleyes:


If you think everybody sucks at playing this game other than you, I believe you call them idiots in your other thread, you should probably refrain from PUGGING completely and make your own groups where the group meets your high standards.

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I've honestly never had any issues in KDY.....ever.


Pretty much this. KDY is pretty much the easiest content in the game. Had a ragequitter once (he was flaming us and threatened to leave so we wouldn't be able to finish, I said the above statement and he promptly left) and we finished it with 3 ppl and my Treek, no sweat.


Recently did an Assault on Tython with a shadow who either stood around doing nothing or did the occasional saber strikes on bosses. So basically 3 manning it, didn't really make it any harder but it took twice as long which was quite annoying.

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we finished it with 3 ppl and my Treek, no sweat.


Sorc in our guild says to borderline tanks, "Treek is waiting". (Or words to that effect). Her and a guild Marauder run HM FPs with them and their two Treeks. (I've relayed this before). Granted all are at or close to 40k hp.

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I've honestly never had any issues in KDY.....ever. Most runs nobody even talks other than "Hi all" and "Thanks all".


Pretty much this. I've leveled several characters now with at least a daily KDY run and never encountered worse than the very rare wipe at the end boss. After going over tactics, great success! And a few wordless quits from people who seemed to have no reason.


If you want a bad story I give you Czerka Labs HM where I once had a guy get instagibbed at the droid boss, three tries in a row. He was trying some trick by going upstairs, you see... He ragequit when we didn't kick the healer. His replacement had worse gear and we killed the droid easily, as well as oneshotted the rest.

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Last week i ran KDY with 3 random people on Imp side, Harbringer, 2 of them was from 1 guild that shall remain nameless let's call them Tom and Harry, the 3rd person let's call him Bob said "Let's do this as fast as we can" and i jokingly said in chat "Oh good thing you mentioned that, i was planning on going as slow as i could"


The first section we get to is the prisoner one, we clear one side and skip the elite because why kill it when we don't have to, we run to the middle to get to the other wing, they pull the elite and drag it all over the the other side, me and Bob killed it while they did minimal dps, then we cleared the 2nd wing and left a mob or 2, they do the same thing, they then slow bring it to me and Bob at the elevator where we are waiting for 5 minutes because they have put walk on not run + sprint, needless to say i will never be joining that guild in the future.

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If you can level with 12x class story content why run KDY at all? Unless I guess you've not bought the expansion yet which makes me wonder why the 12x was mentioned in the op.


Planetary comms. Doing KDY and a random FP over the course of a few days as you level (yes, it's a 12x event, but not everyone levels 1-55 in one sittings) gets you as much as 30 of them or so each day, and replacing your mods a couple times as you trek to 55 is very helpful (especially around the end of Chapter 1.)


Plus it's fun and breaks up the monotony a bit. Why not?

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As some others already mentioned: no horror stories to tell about all my KDY runs.


The only thing I remember is that one guy who kept running upfront and alone into every mob on the way. I (healer) let him die every single time, hoping he would eventually realise that he is doing something wrong. However, he didn't. It didn't even seem to bother him at all. So we other 3 kept on clearing the mobs while he was running back from the med station. ;)

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One issue I've had is people saying "I know the puzzle, let me do it" and then doing it wrong.


That has happened about 99% of the time that one has come up. I've only ever seen it done once correctly. Now I just say "we'll see" whenever anybody says that and then have a good laugh when they muck it up (again). No point in getting in a state about it.


I suppose I could do the puzzle myself, but I've got to a place where I rather look forward to seeing this little scene acted out again. It's the highlight of the flashpoint for me.



The other thing is you often get some idiot who manages to aggro every single thing on a prison level, all at the same time. Depending on the group you either survive and end up feeling like big damn heroes, or everybody's dead, Dave.


Also had a pair of players who refused to self-heal in between fights and just ran to the next mob. When questioned about it they said "Healing is for wimps." We'll that's all well and good, but they must have died about twenty times during the run. It was funny, but a little odd.


Lastly, had a guy get disconnected and then another guy quit because he didn't want to three-man the grenade boss, leaving us two Sage Healers fighting him. We got the pesky blighter in the end and we never really seemed in any danger, but man, I think it took about a week. :)

Edited by PLynkes
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If you can level with 12x class story content why run KDY at all? Unless I guess you've not bought the expansion yet which makes me wonder why the 12x was mentioned in the op.


Conquest points, planetary comms. I normally take a break every couple planets.


The only real issue I have in KDY is when fighting the Jedi/Sith boss on the Command Platform. The strat is simple: Let me tank. I will kite him back and forth between the koltos, he will do his AOE knockback which will knock ME back into one, upon which I will use it. You shouldn't take any other damage at all. When he does "battle trance" try to stack up NEAR one of them, so we can quickly use it, if needed, but not ON it so that it gets covered in circles.


Easy, right? NAY. People always seem to stand in the circles or use MY koltos.

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The only real issue I have in KDY is when fighting the Jedi/Sith boss on the Command Platform.
I wind up tanking this guy all the time on my Sorcs in DPS spec - rarely seem to get a real tank in the group. That said, it's not a problem. The fight is long, but that Jedi hits like a nerd.
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Aside from the prison pulls (which, as has been said, can be awesome or terrible), I don't think I've got any really bad KDY stories.


I did do an 8m Eyeless HM run once where, through a bunch of accidental deaths in the beginning, we ended up with 2 DPS down for the majority of the fight. We almost beat him, too (and, incidentally, discovered that he does not enrage). Took us about half an hour before the tank went down and that was basically the end. I did get some practice tanking on my sniper, though. :rolleyes:


Ran him again with the actual full group and it was a piece of cake. :p

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