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Commendations in 3.0


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Here goes everyone. Here is the information on the conversion rates around Basic Comms and what will happen when 3.0 launches. Just to reiterate for those unaware, here are the basic changes coming to Commendations:




And what about current sets? Is it will be still available or will be deleted like lovely rakatas? And what about gear tokens( unasembled parts)?

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I think if the prices rise on the planetary vendors that will not be an issue, considering we will now have a 1000 comm cap instead of 100.


Much better cap for casual players IMO.


it will be an issue, how will you afford anything as a fresh lowbie if the price increase on items, but the reward yield remain the same?

Edited by Lt-Snake
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it will be an issue, how will you afford anything as a fresh lowbie if the price increase on items, but the reward yield remain the same?


Running all heroics will cap you almost 4 times as you level if you do all the side quests.


I ended up with somewhere around 370 comms or so leveling 1-55 with all the heroics.


Remember that Makeb drops comms like candy, and running heroics with capped characters is easy breezy.

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Running all heroics will cap you almost 4 times as you level if you do all the side quests.


I ended up with somewhere around 370 comms or so leveling 1-55 with all the heroics.


Remember that Makeb drops comms like candy, and running heroics with capped characters is easy breezy.



makeb is only popular atm because of the 12Xp atm..when that's over no one will really care about it, and it will go back to how it was pre 12xp.. beside thats a high level planet so thats really doesn't help anyone from lvl 10-47..also you assume that you'll be able to do all the heroic..most planets people don't even group and i play on the harbinger...i still think buying mods will be an issue, if the raise the price of mods to what they sell for on makeb. it will be a nightmare to fully grade you pieces and your companion

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makeb is only popular atm because of the 12Xp atm..when that s over no one will really care about it, and it will go back to how it was pre 12xp.. beside thats a high level planet so thats really does help anyone from lvl 10-47..also you assume that you'll be able to do all the heroic..most planets people don't even group and i play on the harbinger...i still think buying coms will be an issue, if the raise the price of mods to what the sell for on makeb it will be a nightmare to fully grade you pieces and your companion


Fair enough. I would say that Makeb has FAR more appeal now to casuals with the reduced mob density and the current GSI sat buff. It is really the best spot to farm level 9 mats for Bio and Scav.

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Fair enough. I would say that Makeb has FAR more appeal now to casuals with the reduced mob density and the current GSI sat buff. It is really the best spot to farm level 9 mats for Bio and Scav.

yeah that's cool and all bro.. umm no offense, but what does that have to do with what we're talking about?:confused:

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Here goes everyone. Here is the information on the conversion rates around Basic Comms and what will happen when 3.0 launches. Just to reiterate for those unaware, here are the basic changes coming to Commendations:

  • All PvE Commendations will become Basic Commendations in 3.0.
  • The Commendation types "Classic" and "Planetary" are being removed from the game.
  • The types "Elite" and "Ultimate" will remain but the current Comms you have will become Basic.
  • Warzone and Ranked Warzone Commendations remain untouched.

Here are the conversion rates for all Commendations.

  • 2 Classic Commendations = 1 Basic Commendation
  • 1 Basic Commendation = 1 Basic Commendation
  • 1 Elite Commendation = 2 Basic Commendations
  • 1 Planetary Commendation = 3 Basic Commendations
  • 1 Ultimate Commendation = 3 Basic Commendations

The Basic Commendation cap will remain at 1000. However, when the conversions happen we will allow you to go up to 2000 Commendations. Note that until you go below 1000 again, you will be unable to earn any Basic Commendations. This includes if you buy an item and try to refund it. You must go below 1000 before you can earn more.


There ya go folks! All of the details and conversion rates on Basic Comms in 3.0.



Thanks Eric! I have updated the original post to include this information for those coming in late to the conversation.

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I think if the prices rise on the planetary vendors that will not be an issue, considering we will now have a 1000 comm cap instead of 100.

I don't think it will be an issue, but it would influence whether or not I dedicate some time to getting comms this week. If prices stay the same, I get a windfall with the conversion, if not...I don't.


But the cap increase is definitely good.

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So since if you max out all the current comms, you'll have around 3500 basics based on the conversions. What happens to the excess 1500? Are they lost or put into escrow until you're below 1000 again?


Also are missions in your current mission log going to be reset at launch?

Edited by Lt_Awoke
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I appreciate the information coming a week before the patch (rather than, say, 2 days or less) but as an individual I object to the (rather low) hard cap of 2000. I have something in the range of 2500-2700 on my main who doesn't really have anything to spend them on (fully optimized 180 gear) and I doubt very much I am alone in this regard.


Please kindly reconsider the 2000 hard cap.


2 cents respectfully submitted,


Syrlex of The Red Eclipse

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So since if you max out all the current comms, you'll have around 3500 basics based on the conversions. What happens to the excess 1500? Are they lost or put into escrow until you're below 1000 again?


Correct, the most Commendations you can have in 3.0 is 2,000. Any Comms over that limit will be discarded.


Go ahead and spend anything you've got that will put you over 2,000, because otherwise you'll lose that overflow (which is actually overflow-over-an-overflow).

Edited by DarthDymond
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I appreciate the information coming a week before the patch (rather than, say, 2 days or less) but as an individual I object to the (rather low) hard cap of 2000. I have something in the range of 2500-2700 on my main who doesn't really have anything to spend them on (fully optimized 180 gear) and I doubt very much I am alone in this regard.


Please kindly reconsider the 2000 hard cap.


2 cents respectfully submitted,


Syrlex of The Red Eclipse


Is't that excess around 12-20 isotope 5 vials with basic comms worth ? That's possibly what I would do. There are other methods too.





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Will we be able to buy (and stuff in the bank until we can use) the new 186 gear at leel 55, or will we be stuck unable to spend our converted comms on anything worthwhile and unable to earn comms from the new expansion content until after we can spend comms at 60?


For an example, will the expansion look more like:


A level 27 toon buying level 45 mods and banking them for later on live? or


A level 50 who has the comms but is locked out of buying level 55 gear on live?


One option will allow us to spend overflow immediately without wasting it on stuff we don't want, the other will severely nerf the rewards for a lot of the 55-60 expansion content for many of us...choose wisely Bioware ;)

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Dear Eric,


thank you very much for this information.


I have a question regarding "Sergeant Drev" (Classic Token Vendor on the Ziost Shadow) who takes unassembled Columi/Rakata/Campaign pieces which can be exchanged for Classic Commendation containers.... will he be removed from the game when 3.0 arrives?


I'm asking this because, I have still some unassembled Columi/Rakata/Campaign pieces, and I'm a little bit afraid that I can't exchange these anymore, when 3.0 arrives and the Classic Commendation will be removed. :sul_frown:


Also don't forget about those EC NiM tokens as well please eric I have a lot of those left over do I need to hand them in for gear or can we get basic for them?

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This is bull anyway cause its not like i can buy anything with basic comms that i can even use


Ah, perhaps that is true now, but you will be able to buy useful things after next Tuesday when Basic 186 rated gear goes on sale for level 60's at the Basic comms vendor. :)

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