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The great ninja snare nerf of... when, exactly?


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I'm sure you all recall the patch that broke a bunch of tooltips and also nerfed ion missile (both tooltip and in-game). It also nerfed EMP system (in game, not the tooltip).



It probably also was when Ion railgun went from 12 to 6 seconds (in game), but the XML didn't change, so no one really knows for sure.



But, I think it may have either disabled or greatly nerfed interdiction drive as well.





At this point I have to wonder- did the devs nerf many snares without telling us? While obviously ion railgun is very powerful, ion missile is a lot less thrilling, and it's rare that I bring out the interdiction drive / interdiction drone build.




At this point I consider EVERY snare suspect, in magnitude, duration, and in "whether it even works at all". Does anyone have some data from in game, ideally testing against another player who you are in voice chat with?

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I'm sure you all recall the patch that broke a bunch of tooltips and also nerfed ion missile (both tooltip and in-game). It also nerfed EMP system (in game, not the tooltip).



It probably also was when Ion railgun went from 12 to 6 seconds (in game), but the XML didn't change, so no one really knows for sure.



But, I think it may have either disabled or greatly nerfed interdiction drive as well.





At this point I have to wonder- did the devs nerf many snares without telling us? While obviously ion railgun is very powerful, ion missile is a lot less thrilling, and it's rare that I bring out the interdiction drive / interdiction drone build.




At this point I consider EVERY snare suspect, in magnitude, duration, and in "whether it even works at all". Does anyone have some data from in game, ideally testing against another player who you are in voice chat with?


Oh I dont know if you know this, but the tool tip isnt just nerfed on Ion Missile, the Missile itself is bugged. The Snare actually does nothing right now. It says 6 seconds.... its actually 0 seconds.... dont pick the left one for now.

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Snare time is correct. Snare effect is just plain weak on interdiction drive.


Most likely, the lag monster ate your snare. See also: "Why is that scout holding steady at 6.5km behind me and still locking clusters?


See also: "Why did I eat a Slug at over 17km from the Sheep??" "Why did this BLC shot got me while I'm now 500m behind him after a short joust??" "Why did this protorp *********** never lock while my target isn't leaving my arc??"

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Snare time is correct. Snare effect is just plain weak on interdiction drive.


Can you give me something more definite? I'm looking for "I definitely snared this guy yesterday, and it totally worked", and MUCH BETTER "I got snared by explicitly interdiction drive because I know what the debuffs look like and the ships feel like and this definitely had the effect" or even BEST "I totally tested this with my buddy and X".


Most likely, the lag monster ate your snare.


If the snare is real, most likely would be the snare applied bet the debuff did not draw in, over a chain of close interdiction drive uses. Lag is definitely not why. Not everyone lags all the time, and I don't draw conclusions based on "this one time, this thing in an online game happened". If I make a post, it's because I've seen this MULTIPLE times. It could totally be something like the snare just not drawing, but can anyone actually CONFIRM, and not just assume I don't know what I'm talking about? Recall that we already have MULTIPLE discrepancies, some of which we've been able to test, such as the ion railgun duration being 6 seconds instead of the 12 on the tooltip.


See also: "Why is that scout holding steady at 6.5km behind me and still locking clusters?


I never made that post.


See also: "Why did I eat a Slug at over 17km from the Sheep??" "Why did this BLC shot got me while I'm now 500m behind him after a short joust??" "Why did this protorp *********** never lock while my target isn't leaving my arc??"


I never made that post either. Though I did make one about how it's odd that thermite drops much more readily than proton, despite ostensibly having the same targeting params.



Don't put posts in my mouth. I bet neither one of you got on an interdiction drive ship and flew it out and tested it in response to my post, right? Well, I wouldn't make the post if I hadn't have seen it look odd in at least five games.

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I never made that post.




I never made that post either. Though I did make one about how it's odd that thermite drops much more readily than proton, despite ostensibly having the same targeting params.



Don't put posts in my mouth. I bet neither one of you got on an interdiction drive ship and flew it out and tested it in response to my post, right? Well, I wouldn't make the post if I hadn't have seen it look odd in at least five games.


Damn.. We got Verain to miss a joke. :cool: We know you didn't make these posts. It is just common complain aboutt lag I had along many others....

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so after the starfighter event on Bastion I can definitively state with experience that snares are working fine. I was regularly snared, sometimes with multiples reducing my maneuvering ability to 0. Almost everyone ran snare builds, and it was very effective.


Can't say with any certainty about ID, but everything else appears to be working fine.

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so after the starfighter event on Bastion I can definitively state with experience that snares are working fine. I was regularly snared, sometimes with multiples reducing my maneuvering ability to 0. Almost everyone ran snare builds, and it was very effective.


Can't say with any certainty about ID, but everything else appears to be working fine.


They are not working correctly as in as, advertised in the tooltip. The %s of snare are all down from what the tooltips say as is the time length of the effects.


This is all very well documented for MONTHs by Verian and myself with actual science done to prove hypotheses. I'm sure the thread was made to maybe, remind the powers that be that a few patches ago almost everything that is lockon (minus protons) became brokendick with no patch notes or explanation. We're of a mind to think that something broke in configuration management of a build or two.

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