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You know, it really is rude to pull if you're not the Tank.


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Well, it happened. I got votekicked for the first time for "making people learn the hard way."


I queue for Hard 55 GF and get an instant queue for Athiss. Both DPS are around 26k HP. The very first pull the DPS jumps in without letting me apply buffs or stims, and I have to burn Call just to pick up everything. I politely ask him not to do it again.


While I'm getting explosives and collecting bio mats off the animal corpses, they run off and pull another group, and one of the DPS dies. I tell them if they're gonna keep pulling and not let me do my job, then they can tank the boss. They start throwing insults at me at this point, but I catch up to them, and right before the first boss, both DPS jump into the boss before I can even heal from the last pull. So I decided okay, enough is enough, and I let them tank the boss. Healer couldn't keep them alive (the first boss is a joke too), and we wipe.


I say in group chat that I gave them fair warning and they didn't listen. They call me "worthless trash tank", one of them threatens to report me to Bioware for "not doing my job" and they votekick me.


Was it a douche move? Yes. But I feel it was justified here. They didn't listen, so they got the privilege of a repair bill and the downtime to wait for another tank.

i would have voted to kick you as well. if youre lolly-gagging behind getting mats etc and not pulling fast enough, this is what happens.


trying to "send them a message" is your right i guess, and this is the consequence. i think everyone was happy in the end. they got rid of you and you got rid of them.


then again last time a tank left my hm meltdown in the first 2 minutes, we 3 manned it in 15min so maybe they were able to finish

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I agree with your methods. DPS who think they're tanks are a pita for the healer as well. I know that them dying isn't my fault if they decide to pull, but I still dislike it if anyone dies on my watch.

Also as a healer I'm making a point of staying with the tank at all times to reinforce the concept, that the tank and the tank alone should initiate combat. If the DPS decide to rush ahead they will find themselves both without their tank and their healer.

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Honestly, it all comes down to the group.


Sometimes, you have slow tanks. Certain fights the tank must start; some trash pulls the wise dps can handle just fine with proper CD usage. All contextual.


And sometimes, tanks are jerks. Yes, you perform a unique role and it's hard to get you through the group finder at times, but that doesn't mean you are entitled to a God-Complex.

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Honestly, it all comes down to the group.


Sometimes, you have slow tanks. Certain fights the tank must start; some trash pulls the wise dps can handle just fine with proper CD usage. All contextual.


And sometimes, tanks are jerks. Yes, you perform a unique role and it's hard to get you through the group finder at times, but that doesn't mean you are entitled to a God-Complex.


I think when the tank is slow the 'right' thing is to speak up and say I/we are ready. I've had dps start fights while i was waiting for the healer to regenerate force/energy or some dps to heal themselves. I'd be lying to you if I said we always had problems but more often than not we had problems in lower level fp/heroics or with people in less than ideal gear. When that kind of behavior continues the problems usually compounded if it wasn't addressed.


If the tank isn't responding and you are standing around waiting for a couple minutes then yeah a dps can/could be justified to start with some trash. The only thing that makes sense to me is these people (dps) are in a rush and can't wait 20 seconds for the tank to move forward and start the fight or take 10 seconds to ask what's up/why aren't we going.


Of course sometimes tanks/healers/dps are jerks that's what random groups with strangers who have no concern about how they treat other people in "lol a game on the interwebz".

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And sometimes, tanks are jerks. Yes, you perform a unique role and it's hard to get you through the group finder at times, but that doesn't mean you are entitled to a God-Complex.


It's still ok to let weak/standard attack the healer. They can handle it, right?

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