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Annoying bugs that remain, and the workarounds that folks have found...share your own


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Ok, for me, there are a few bugs/annoyances that persist that I have found workarounds for.


1) "Weapon sits in hand after destroying a box, even if I mount"


This is an odd one. If you destroy certain boxes for quests, you will draw out your weapon, but it will remain in your hand instead of getting put away like normal. This persists even if you mount, and most of the time it looks odd because you hold the weapon in your palm....very strange for a cannon.


Workaround - hit Z once to draw the weapon normally, and then it will get put away properly.



2) Nameplates on your stronghold and in sectors controlled by X guild


This is a rather annoying one IMO. They did not add either nameplate to the UI editor, and sometimes the nameplates persist (they do not fade out all the way) keeping them stuck on your screen until you zone or log. Look forward to the day that they either add close icons or just add them to the UI editor.

Workaround - Hit Ctril+U+U to reset your UI. This will flush out the nameplate. That is hold Ctrl, then hit U twice.



3) Phasing problems when grouped and leveling planet to planet


This has always been a problem...sometimes the game asks you when you enter your starship entrance if you want to chose your group leaders instance, sometimes it does not. This can be very annoying, having to travel to a common location, like the fleet, just to make it work.

Workaround - Use stronghold quicktravel or simply the emergency fleet pass if it has no cooldown. I have found the most success at lining up the instances by using the starship entrances on the fleet. Let your group leader enter first, then you enter...you should be prompted to join the group leaders instance.



4) Game wants me to return to my ship and use my holoterminal, but my cooldowns are in play and it's a long walk.....


This has become more prevalent with the current 12XP boost, if you only do the class quests. Depending on how you use your travel options you could end up stuck and have to walk.

Workaround - Use stronghold quicktravel. You starship remains on the planet you parked it last if you travel to your stronghold and then travel to your ship. No cooldown. This way you can skip the run entirely.



How about any annoyances or bugs you guys found that you found workarounds or solutions to?

Edited by LordArtemis
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I have found that if my inventory is full of crafting items I can't quite use up, or gear none of my comps can use, but the nearest vendor is on the other side of the map, Stronghold Travel is nice. GTN stuff, store it, or sell them to the pre-fab decoration droids. Works as a quick armor repair/mail check as well.
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4) Game wants me to return to my ship and use my holoterminal, but my cooldowns are in play and it's a long walk.....


This has become more prevalent with the current 12XP boost, if you only do the class quests. Depending on how you use your travel options you could end up stuck and have to walk.

Workaround - Use stronghold quicktravel. You starship remains on the planet you parked it last if you travel to your stronghold and then travel to your ship. No cooldown. This way you can skip the run entirely.

Unfortunately, the workaround won't even work half of the time. Same goes for returning to Coruscant/Dromund during class stories. A lot of quest progress conditionals required you to enter the ship/capitol planet through the spaceports. Capitol Planet quick travel perk, Ship travel perk nor house-to-ship jump will bypass that you will still have to exit and then go back again through spaceport. Troopers know it all to well, General Garza won't let you get back to her for the 1974374th time fast...
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Unfortunately, the workaround won't even work half of the time. Same goes for returning to Coruscant/Dromund during class stories. A lot of quest progress conditionals required you to enter the ship/capitol planet through the spaceports. Capitol Planet quick travel perk, Ship travel perk nor house-to-ship jump will bypass that you will still have to exit and then go back again through spaceport. Troopers know it all to well, General Garza won't let you get back to her for the 1974374th time fast...


Its a good point, Ive had this happen a few times to me. But I would say that traveling to the stronghold, then ship, then exit sometimes still represents less time than having to travel to the spaceport entrance/elevator. Especially in the case of Coruscant, which has a spaceport that feels like it is large enough to house half of the game.

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Its a good point, Ive had this happen a few times to me. But I would say that traveling to the stronghold, then ship, then exit sometimes still represents less time than having to travel to the spaceport entrance/elevator. Especially in the case of Coruscant, which has a spaceport that feels like it is large enough to house half of the game.


Too bad the mission triggers in many cases still force us to run through all these lifeless empty spaces, though such design flaws are probably too enmeshed in the base game to change without massive rework, and the travel improvements we have been given since launch are probably the best we can expect (being able to speeder in most, lower QT / Fleet Pass CDs, additional travel perks, strongholds).


I have lost count of the number of times the past several weeks I've had a mission say something like 'return to your ship', and done so using the legacy starship travel perk, the shuttle on ground (Your Ship), or stronghold > ship, only to have the mission NOT update because it was expecting me to run through the giant empty spaceport or hanger for a trigger.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Bug: Accepting your Personal Conquest Reward may leave an empty "Personal Conquest Reward" entry in your mission log, that will then fail to update the next week you achieve your personal conquest target, leaving you unable to claim that future week's reward. The empty mission entry will not be updated or overwritten when you achieve the conquest goal again, because it basically leaves you without the objective to complete.


Workaround: Be vigilant and check your mission log for empty Personal Conquest Reward quest entries after accepting a personal conquest reward. If you abandon the mission, it will "clear the cache," so to speak, so completing the conquest goal in a subsequent week will pop up the reward normally.


You can delete the empty shell mission at any time before attaining the subsequent week's conquest goal, so if you don't notice it until you're at 25,000/35,000 the next week, you'll be fine if you abandon; if you're already at 38,000/35,000 and wondering where the hell your reward is, you will have to ticket.


(I had to not only ticket this when it happened to me--I also had to pull aside one of the devs at the Seattle Community Cantina and bring this to his attention so he could flag my ticket for some extra investigation attention after the ticket had gone unanswered for a few days.)

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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  • 1 month later...

Companion summon replaced with sell button:

hit summon on another companion, then immediately hit sell on the companion you want to summon. Won't interrupt summoning and will summon the companion you needed


Unusable stronghold gathering nodes

Edit mode, remove then drop the item, close interface: you can now gather.

Works also with porting to elsewhere then back in


Weapons stuck out

Unequip weapons, reequip them.



Not bugs but some convenient tricks:


PvP Comms

Buy orange gear from the vendor when you are about to hit the cap, play a bit less than 2h, port back to vendor buy items with the comms you earned, sell old ones, buy new ones with the comms.


Healing companions

Either mount/dismount fast or right click unsummon/summon companions.



Force jump to NPC/players to move faster


Passing mods around

Drop mods in legacy gear/weapons send them to alts.


GTN sales

Put one item to the price per unit you like to sell your mats on the GTN, afterwards all stock will be calculated accordingly upon porting


GTN Scammers

For mats set the max price to say 1M, usually hides all the scammers sales, or at least the most obvious ones ;)

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Not bugs but some convenient tricks:


PvP Comms

Buy orange gear from the vendor when you are about to hit the cap, play a bit less than 2h, port back to vendor buy items with the comms you earned, sell old ones, buy new ones with the comms.


Caveat: All orange PVP purchases will bind to you when 3.0 Early Access is deployed on 2 December, regardless of the timer remaining. So this won't work to stack PVP comms pre-3.0 to use after level 60.


If you wait until after 3.0 and then use this to store comms earned betwen 55 and 60, however, you should be good :)

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MOST HATED BUG EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


some times mobs stay in combat with your companion, literally for AGES, soooo many times I have run away from combat, only to have the mobs chasing me and my companion across half a map or so, only fix I have found is to run away really far, then allow your companion to go back to fight, they will run back across the map and then fall out of combat...sometimes though this does not work and it's just insanely frustrating.....


I remember it was introduced in patch 1.2.... yup lol... I have just become so used to it now its pretty much a game play feature....that still makes me so mad at times lol.

Edited by jarshr
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MOST HATED BUG EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


some times mobs stay in combat with your companion, literally for AGES, soooo many times I have run away from combat, only to have the mobs chasing me and my companion across half a map or so, only fix I have found is to run away really far, then allow your companion to go back to fight, they will run back across the map and then fall out of combat...sometimes though this does not work and it's just insanely frustrating.....


I remember it was introduced in patch 1.2.... yup lol... I have just become so used to it now its pretty much a game play feature....that still makes me so mad at times lol.


Even worse when you combat stealth and it doesn't break combat with your companion, the mob chases your companion through stealth so you can't pop back out 50m away from said mob and out of combat heal...

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If you close the mailbox window with a message expiration tooltip visible, the tooltip will not go away.


Solution: Hover over another area that has a tooltip, such as an item.


If you have two missions asking you to travel to the same planet, traveling there will only trigger one of them. This can happen at least with Trooper when both Jaxo and Garza ask you to travel to Coruscant.


Solution: After traveling to the destination planet once, travel elsewhere and back again to trigger the other mission. You don't have to leave your ship in between.

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The lightsaber animation bug, when you use for instance any form of jump or overload on a sorc who is equipped with an animated lightsaber such as the gree lightsaber the animation stops working and the becomes static. Been present in the game since the first animated lightsaber appeared.


Only workaround is again to sheathe / unsheathe saber.

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only fix I have found is to run away really far, then allow your companion to go back to fight, they will run back across the map and then fall out of combat...sometimes though this does not work and it's just insanely frustrating.....

Set your companion to Passive and you'll get out of combat much sooner. It's the second icon on your Companion Bar, which looks like a person crossing their arms. Just don't forget to click it off before the next time you want to enter combat.

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4) Game wants me to return to my ship and use my holoterminal, but my cooldowns are in play and it's a long walk.....


This has become more prevalent with the current 12XP boost, if you only do the class quests. Depending on how you use your travel options you could end up stuck and have to walk.

Workaround - Use stronghold quicktravel. You starship remains on the planet you parked it last if you travel to your stronghold and then travel to your ship. No cooldown. This way you can skip the run entirely.


Players being too impatient to walk is hardly a bug...

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Players being too impatient to walk is hardly a bug...


Was wondering why would you make such comment so checked your posts and well:


To summarize, you were lazy enough to not read a price,


II understand that its hard for you to understand you need to take responsibility for your own mistake.


Be careful where you click when you loot. If you are dumb enough to fall for it, then you deserve to fight the PvPer.


So I guess I agree with the following:

Absolutely. What I enjoy and what other people enjoy aren't the same thing.

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Was wondering why would you make such comment so checked your posts and well:


So I guess I agree with the following:


Can you actually answer how a player having to travel by speeder instead of "lol, instawarp everywhere!!" is a bug?


Look forward to you answer.


I want the game to not blindly hand players more 'i win' buttons. Which 'instawarp without cooldowns' is just another. Your quotes of what I said do nothing but support my point in this thread

Edited by Cidanel
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MOST HATED BUG EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


some times mobs stay in combat with your companion, literally for AGES, soooo many times I have run away from combat, only to have the mobs chasing me and my companion across half a map or so, only fix I have found is to run away really far, then allow your companion to go back to fight, they will run back across the map and then fall out of combat...sometimes though this does not work and it's just insanely frustrating.....


Alternative workaround, get out of range (usually some 30 odd meters) make sure you have trash loot then send your companion away to sell it. This will clear the combat flag immediately so you can heal.


NOTE: This will remove stealth, so be sure to not be in range of other mob...

Edited by LeJarC
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Can you actually answer how a player having to travel by speeder instead of "lol, instawarp everywhere!!" is a bug?


Look forward to you answer.


I want the game to not blindly hand players more 'i win' buttons. Which 'instawarp without cooldowns' is just another. Your quotes of what I said do nothing but support my point in this thread

You don't make me feel like you don't want players to insta win but instead pay for their errors or their stupidity. Subtle difference. At least that's what I got from browsing your post history.


While you do have a point I totally disagree with punishing people for their mistakes.Well as long as they don't learn from them.


Now contrary to you mostly everyone here posted helpful hints. As such I would expect you to post the answer to the above mentioned issue not I.

Edited by Deewe
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Players being too impatient to walk is hardly a bug...


Can you actually answer how a player having to travel by speeder instead of "lol, instawarp everywhere!!" is a bug?


Look forward to you answer.


I want the game to not blindly hand players more 'i win' buttons. Which 'instawarp without cooldowns' is just another. Your quotes of what I said do nothing but support my point in this thread


....your point being its not a bug (you are correct) or that my suggested workaround for a common complaint is somehow "i win", instawarp or any other inane hyperbole you have to offer?


Your views on QoL are crystal clear. There is no need to attempt to assassinate the character of those that make QoL suggestions or helpful comments because you stand against QoL changes...this type of behavior tends to be petty and self destructive.


Your post history most definitely stands in evidence.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet... if so, sorry.


Easiest & fastest way to heal companions to full health after a fight:


Use Rocket Boost (companion will be dismissed) and then self buff (companion will be summoned with full health). Instant and painless.

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Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet... if so, sorry.


Easiest & fastest way to heal companions to full health after a fight:


Use Rocket Boost (companion will be dismissed) and then self buff (companion will be summoned with full health). Instant and painless.


Ah, yes. Also dismiss and summon works for this as well. I do that quite often.


By the way guys, thanks for all of the tips and workarounds. Please keep them coming, it's a good read.

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