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Devs: Help new GSFers by adding GSF-specific mouse sensitivity defaulted to 25%


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Most MMO players have their mouse sensitivity turned way up, but GSF is nearly unplayable that way. And when I advise new players to crank down mouse sensitivity, they say they can't find the option in the game's menus--because it doesn't exist.


Really not sure why this isn't in game. If they can invert vertical for GSF, they should be able to adjust sensitivity.

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Dude speak for yourself, I do fine with 10k DPI on everything (from browsing the forums to GSF). Why should I be penalised into doing more work when the status quo is those who need variable mouse sensitivity putting work into varying it?


You're just changing where the bother goes, but it stays there.

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Dude speak for yourself, I do fine with 10k DPI on everything (from browsing the forums to GSF). Why should I be penalised into doing more work when the status quo is those who need variable mouse sensitivity putting work into varying it?


You're just changing where the bother goes, but it stays there.


How "fine" do you do? Do you routinely get 20+ kills, occasionally topping 30? Do you get over 40% accuracy in something other than a Gunship? I do, and I play with 800 DPI. I believe many other aces play with low sensitivity as well.


And frankly, the goal here is to increase retention for those who try GSF for the first time. Right now, many new players say it is too twitchy and hard to control. A lot of that is due to their mouse sensitivity bring too high and making it far too difficult to do subtle turns or aiming. It's why some people can't break 20% accuracy.


BioWare isn't going to invest resources into new ships or maps if they can't broaden the GSF player base. For that, they need to make it accessible for those without awesome gaming mice. If that means you have a one-time "bother", then so be it. Though my guess is you, too, would do better with lower sensitivity.

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If you have a gaming mouse use its software, otherwise Start> Control Panel> Mouse> Pointer Options> Pointer Speed



Yes, that is what I have to tell people. And their response is generally. "I don't want to slow my mouse down on Windows and for all my games just to make GSF pkayae. That's stupid." And they never play GSF again.


That is why GSF needs its own setting, defaulted to something low.

Edited by Nemarus
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First, I don't think everyone plays with low mouse sensitivity in GSF, but I know many do. I would be distressed if mine defaulted to some ghetto speed.

Second, adding a very strange input tweak is relatively unlikely to happen, and I go into this later.

Third, EVERYONE already has this, and many mice have it as a built in feature. The G600 and I think every other Logitech can just switch between speeds on the fly. But without that, you have the Windows thing- every OS lets you change speed, and most mouse drivers do too, and then flat out most gaming mice.


So I think this is impractical, mostly.







Nemarus brings up a really solid point with his last post. In practice, the game would be more palatable if SWTOR had a "GSF Mouse setting" feature, that could be set with things like acceleration, speed, etc, and the default would be "use OS settings", but if anyone was distressed about the way the mouse works, BAM, one stop fix in game, and no special hardware needed. It's one of those subtle things that will dramatically change for the better the first impression of a new player. And GSF could use a lot more of those, and we keep bringing them up around these parts.





But it won't happen. Look at all the tooltip bugs they can't fix, and then look at all the tooltip / game disjoins, then look at how even small changes take ludicrous amounts of time to happen and the only balance change for like six months was Ion Missile getting nerfed, which might even have been on purpose. This is the game with balance changes by accident and no patch notes. This is the game where plasma deals "900 damage initially and then another 900 damage over

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I have no problems with a setting to adjust it, as long as a player that has been playing for awhile can still use what hes use to. I myself am way off norm from what I hear, I use about 4k dpi, my mouse is really fast. It's why when you watch my videos the mouse twitchs a lot.


From bottom left of my monitor to top left my mouse only moves about half an inch.

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I have no problems with a setting to adjust it, as long as a player that has been playing for awhile can still use what hes use to. I myself am way off norm from what I hear, I use about 4k dpi, my mouse is really fast. It's why when you watch my videos the mouse twitchs a lot.


From bottom left of my monitor to top left my mouse only moves about half an inch.

Pretty much this, although I only run at 1800 DPI or so. 4K seems kind of insane to me, but to each their own. :eek:

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Hell I use a M570 trackball and have to set the sensitivity down to next to last in OS for about everything. Because with a trackball you only have to use your thumb a little bit to move your cursor clear across the screen! lol


I don't at least at this point think I could play with a regular mouse at all.


I agree a new sensitivity tool in game would be great, but I think the only ones who would truly benefit from it would be us vets.

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No, that's definitely not true. If you've been playing a long time and DON'T have your sensitivity where you want it, you are in the minority.


One of the greatest weaknesses of this game has always been it failing to have simple customizations that some games have had since the 90s or at worst mid 2000s. Start a new character, spend 15 minutes doing buttons, etc.


So this would just be something like that.




Anyway, if your mouse sensitivity isn't perfect for you, you're a noob. It's really that simple. Adding sensitivity won't benefit vets more- in fact, it shouldn't benefit consistent players at all.







Nemarus wants to make that easier for a noob to fix, and that part is a great idea.

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No, that's definitely not true. If you've been playing a long time and DON'T have your sensitivity where you want it, you are in the minority.


One of the greatest weaknesses of this game has always been it failing to have simple customizations that some games have had since the 90s or at worst mid 2000s. Start a new character, spend 15 minutes doing buttons, etc.


So this would just be something like that.




Anyway, if your mouse sensitivity isn't perfect for you, you're a noob. It's really that simple. Adding sensitivity won't benefit vets more- in fact, it shouldn't benefit consistent players at all.







Nemarus wants to make that easier for a noob to fix, and that part is a great idea.


Yes I like the idea!


What I can not seem to convey is:


The sensitivity issue is mine only, being limited by the mouse I use. Not a noob issue son hehe.

I have of course adapted to my mouse but a little more adjustment would not suck.

And of course everybody would benefit from Nemarus's idea!


If you think that tweaking with levels, builds, etc. is a noob thing then I guess that's the "pot calling the kettle black"! LOL

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