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State of the Server


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LOL was zu permabanned? or is it a temp ban? I will say that EGOs are what should be pushing people to clear content. If I recall correctly there was animosity between the large raiding guilds when I first started playing, and this pushed them all to clear content. There were rivalries, but everyone was for the most part cordial with each other.



and Cavy, just for you. *flashes world 5th dread master chievo.:p

It was a permaban, ye I couldn't stop laughing myself XD. I agree with what you say, but there don't seem to be much rivalries between Guilds. I guess there's always Server Third Brontes that a few Guilds have their eyes on.


You'll see Thor, I'll get that Dread Master title before the end of 2014! (Which definitely has nothing to do with the level 60 cap coming, yes, definitely has nothing to do with it.)

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As someone that's been considering a move to BC from Jung Ma, this is a nice thread to see. Unfortunately for me, I'm not seeing a lot of talk about RP. Is that not big on this RP server or do those people just not participate on the forums? If it's the former, then hopefully I can help bring some RP to BC whenever I arrive.


If anyone has more info/input on RP on BC, then I'd be very interested to see that here.

Hi cutie, don't let these Keyboard Warriors dissuade you from coming here. For information on this Server overall simply click HERE.

Hope to see you around! c:

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It was a permaban, ye I couldn't stop laughing myself XD. I agree with what you say, but there don't seem to be much rivalries between Guilds. I guess there's always Server Third Brontes that a few Guilds have their eyes on.


You'll see Thor, I'll get that Dread Master title before the end of 2014! (Which definitely has nothing to do with the level 60 cap coming, yes, definitely has nothing to do with it.)


My master the Dread Master Zuhara was not perma banned. He has simply chosen not to engage with lesser beings. He has appointed me as his voice, and bid me tell thee a thousand thrashings shall be upon you should you brave his PVP domain. Farewell plebeian. And choose your future words regarding the Lord of the 18 Servers well, lest thine deaths in pvp reach double digits.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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My master the Dread Master Zuhara was not perma banned. He has simply chosen not to engage with lesser beings. He has appointed me as his voice, and bid me tell thee a thousand thrashings shall be upon you should you brave his PVP domain. Farewell plebeian. And choose your future words regarding the Lord of the 18 Servers well, lest thine deaths in pvp reach double digits.

First he threatens to kill me with a cheese grater now his RP apprentice informs me that Zuhara threatens to trash me from the shadows.


Well, too bad for him I learnt his PvP Rotation so I can easily counter it.



You see, all it takes is an ignore for his PvP Rotation to be ineffective, he poses no threat to me.

Edited by Haivon
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Ok so, back in topic, I would very much like to get some guilds to gather like the past PvE summit we had but now, regarding all the aspects of gameplay. Honestly it sounds pretty much like dull and boring politics but I don't see that anything else would be fitting to define a matter like this. The whole server needs to improve, and it's up to the veterans and experienced people to take action.


I would like to call for another summit, one that involves into a solution, not just a world of words and people introducing themselves and talking about better times. We all need the talent pool in the server to get better, and if we want that, it's up to us to make it happen. If we want to.


I would very much encourage people to make more pugs though, more vets spamming gen chat bringing new people into harder gameplay styles and teaching while we settle a date for this to happen if we decide that it should happen at all.


There is not much else to do than that, sharing and teaching, so I'd love to see that coming.

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As someone that's been considering a move to BC from Jung Ma, this is a nice thread to see. Unfortunately for me, I'm not seeing a lot of talk about RP. Is that not big on this RP server or do those people just not participate on the forums? If it's the former, then hopefully I can help bring some RP to BC whenever I arrive.


If anyone has more info/input on RP on BC, then I'd be very interested to see that here.


I think RPers steer clear of these forums due to the sort of people who generally participate in the forums and the sort of conversations which evolve. I'd be very much interested in trying to help and evolve the RP community in any way I can, but I don't know anything about it nor do I have any clue what the RP community feels could be helpful. I know there is a separate webpage the RPers use but I don't remember the URL for it.

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For PVE, it seems like there are very few guilds or groups of people that are in nightmare content and many struggling to get into hardmodes that have been out for a long time. Only one group of people (pub and imp) have done anything at all in DP NiM and Hateful remains undefeated on Imp side, the only masks coming from off-server. Again, the only collaboration coming in PVE is in small doses and no guilds seem to be able to attract a large enough player base to accomplish much before falling apart. Again, petty squabbles seem to be the problem with egos getting in the way. The last truly great 16m teams were months and months ago with DF and DP HM clears (Imp side) although there seem to be some 16m teams on pub side making some progress. Again, most really serious PVErs seem to leave for off-server guilds. Personally, I would love to let bygones be bygones and see a very competitive 16m team be initiated by someone (maybe I'm the only person on the server who would want to see it) with regards only given to player skill and commitment. In terms of even for casual PVE content we suffer, with "SM warriors" not stepping or stepping very lightly into HM content and more inexperienced PVE players just plain being terrible having not bothered to look at even a dulfy guide.


Suggestions for PVE

For PVE, it seemed like http://www.leftoversraiding.org, a place to communally schedule raids with your own rules, did not seem to appeal to other guilds. The advantages of which I had outlined in a previous thread some time ago, but here is a google doc from that: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JF2VpEBwDZkAP3smM_XxuIH8Tb3QDXgMoJW8MeuQ278/edit?usp=sharing. I'm not sure which other things might help. I tried with the guild summit a while ago, but it kind of fizzled and nobody really other than one guild ever contacted me about leftovers, something with the potential to vastly improve the PVE community if just a handful of more guilds start scheduling HM runs and more players start signing up for runs. Obviously I'm active on the site but I don't want to push for my own particular thing for the rest of the server if there is a better alternative. Also, remember that the /raids channel is available to PUG groups for any level, SM to NiM to find raiders to join you.


What are other perspectives on this? Is BC really just kind of a farm server for others, where we're used by players enjoying life on "easymode" to hone skills before we get drafted by the pros? Or are we something else?


Begeren Colony is explicitly an RP server. If the RP community is thriving, then the server is doing well, no?


Also, with respect to PVE, you seem to be measuring the health of the community against its ability to clear difficult content. Why think that this is the appropriate metric? If the majority of players on this server are having fun leveling, doing dailies, flashpoints, and SM operations, then the server is doing fine, is it not?


Suppose that the majority of the server is dissatisfied with the easier content, and wants to clear hard mode or nightmare mode content. Clearing difficult content requires that players meet a higher standard of playing ability. Most players aren't simply able to play at the highest level naturally. They have to work hard at developing that ability. Thus, if the majority of players want to engage in this level of content, they have to be willing to put in the time and effort to become the types of players that can play at that level.


Are the majority of players on BC these kinds of players, i.e. the ones that want to clear NiM DP and are willing to master their class, develop raid awareness, and work with others to develop the right kind of group coordination? I highly doubt it.


If I am wrong about this, then the solution is simple. Provide these players with the opportunity to improve their skills. Help them learn their class by teaching them about gear, builds, rotation, cooldowns, etc. Take them to various operations (NiM TFB and S&V are great) to have them develop raid awareness and group coordination. There were guilds who tried to provide such opportunities in the past. The response was underwhelming. Perhaps you will experience more success.


If it turns out that the majority of players on BC don't have a desire to clear difficult content, or they express such a desire but are unwilling to work to do it (in which case they are being irrational), then it seems clear to me that you are expressing a minority opinion when you say that the server needs to clear NiM content. In that case, you should move to a server where there are more committed players, just as most committed players on BC already have. It really doesn't make sense to stay if gaming preferences and priorities differ so wildly between you (plus those you raid with) and most others on the server.

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If I am wrong about this, then the solution is simple. Provide these players with the opportunity to improve their skills. Help them learn their class by teaching them about gear, builds, rotation, cooldowns, etc. Take them to various operations (NiM TFB and S&V are great) to have them develop raid awareness and group coordination. There were guilds who tried to provide such opportunities in the past. The response was underwhelming. Perhaps you will experience more success.


What you said earlier, is factual. In regards to this little snippet though, there are maybe 3 guilds that do this (pub side) that I can think of, off the top of my head. While it may not seem like enough, it is a start. The guild I'm in has an overwhelming majority of people we've recruited from pugging off the fleet, one such player used explosive round every other ability, and he now tanks for our prog one team. We can only help those who want to be helped and are committed to what is NiM raiding. Some have natural skill and pick up fast, while others take a little longer. Consistency is a major issue as well.


Anyway, it might take as much as til 3.2 for newer/current casual sm warriors/hm heroes to get into NiM raids.

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We need another Guild summit!


The Dread Master Zuhara has declared there shall be another Guild Summit in his private stronghold. All those relevant to BC politics have already received an invitation. If you had not and are seeking to join us in this critical discussion for the future of this server, you map pay an entree fee of 5.4 million credits to the account Zuhara, (empire faction for pubs who attempt).


We will discuss a range of topics, but most importantly we will pay respect to the Lord Of The 18 Servers. All participants must come bearing gifts for his excellency. (Minimum of 500k value).


Plebeians need not apply.

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Since it seems that other members of the community feel that I am only self serving, I will not be hosting the server summit. I think if Caveh had the time he'd be a great person to do so.


Caveh will be hosting a guild summit on Nov 2 at 6 PM PST in his TS3. Please remember that Daylight Savings Time ends that day, so US clocks will go back an hour.

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If you are attending the guild summit (Sunday at 6PM), the TS info is as follows:


Server: ts6 [dot] gameservers [dot] com [colon] 9164

Password: giradda


Go to the channel called "PVE Guild Summit." The password for this channel is "progress". Hope to see you then!

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If you are attending the guild summit (Sunday at 6PM), the TS info is as follows:


Server: ts6 [dot] gameservers [dot] com [colon] 9164

Password: giradda


Go to the channel called "PVE Guild Summit." The password for this channel is "progress". Hope to see you then!


Excellent. Be sure to forward the updated administrator passwords for Dread Master Zuhara to Becky. You should still have her contact details.

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Been out of the world for a bit, but I'm going to leave my two cents regarding the state of PvP on the server here. I may or may not show up for the summit if I have time. We'll see.


Anyway, I'm more or less just going to echo what N'abi said. As a whole, the PvP community is surprisingly healthy for an RP server. Regs pop frequently and there's usually a fair mix of people in the queue. You've got your premades, of course, as others mentioned, but I've honestly never seen that as a problem. The biggest issues are, once again as others have mentioned, ego and the lack of ranked queues. You'll pardon me for a lack of optimism in this area, but the former is an issue that will never be resolved. It's something that is in no way unique to Begeren Colony or SWTOR in general and will persist in any setting where players are measured against each other.


As to ranked queues, the fix to this is relatively easy. We simply need to set up organized queue times and encourage participation from anyone interested. And honestly, as much as we'd all like people to be geared when they queue for ranked, we have to recognize that this is something that simply won't be feasible if we want consistent queues on an RP server. The number of people in full min/maxed brutalizer gear on the server is exceedingly small. Hopefully this will be addressed during the summit, because from my perspective at least, these are the only issues the PvP community really has at this point in time.

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Although I've mostly moved to EU servers, I still pop in every so often and figured I'd give my 2 cents on the PvE aspect of the server.


After a rather long hiatus (Roughly from launch of 2.0 till 2.7-2.8ish), I re-installed the game to come check up on the server... What I found, was pretty much a dead server in terms of PvE. When asking in Imperial Fleet about the status of progression, the first answer I got was "Who cares?", and that seems to sum up the general attitude of the server towards PvE/progression.


After looking around and some gearing, it seemed as if people were afraid of HM and NiM content on some level. Now, I don't know if this is due to lack of experience in HM, or bad experiences alltogether. The groups raiding HM and only starting to explore NiM had high DPS requirements on dummies, or very strict set of rules, effectively driving away those who might be somewhat interested in endgame PvE(I do not count SM to this category). To make it clear: You don't need to parse 4k on a dummy to do DP/DF HM, nor do you need to learn by heart the correct rotation to pull good numbers on a dummy, when most fights (NiM and HM) will require something else entirely. It is much more important to understand and know the class, and the fight, then adapt accordingly(eg. movement caused by mechanics, burn phases).


So what could possibly motivate people to improve their DPS? What could make them want to be good at their role? Failure. Nothing motivates someone to better themselves more than failure due to lack of DPS. However, with mostly SM pugs around, failure due to lack of DPS is rare, if not nonexistant due to the faceroll nature of the mode.


In other words, you experienced people out there, you who think you are good, and want more good people, start pugging and join pugs. Teach those who may not be as good, inspire them to improve themselves. Many people are completely oblivious to the concept of min-maxing gear, even if they understand the basics of their class. Don't ask for HM achievements in the hopes of a fast farm-run, but rather endure the wipes and help everyone in the group to understand the mechanics. At the same time, you might find some rough diamonds amids the rocks, who may some day be the crown jewels of the server. (To give an example, Te'fia was originally a PvPer, he joined Sovereign, and now is on Harbinger clearing NiM content on a regular basis.)


Also, you mid-tier PvE guilds struggling with HM content / just venturing to NiM, don't be afraid to ask for help from the better/more experienced raiders.


To come back to the general attitude of the server, I've seen people (after having been called out for something, eg. failing to play the objective in PvP) use the excuse of "This is an RP server". While you are correct in that sense, it should not be a rock to hide behind if you choose not to improve in the game mode you have chosen to play. People on PvE and PvP servers are (mostly) every bit as human as you are, so do you imply you are not as smart as those people?


As for NiM progression, first and foremost you need 8 steady players who are comfortable with their class and role and can spend night after night wiping on something, until the encounter clicks with that group. For 16man, I honestly suggest joint-runs with other NiM teams.


TL;DR: Don't be afraid to pug. Interact with 'worse' guilds and groups to help them improve. If your guild run is short one guy, look for a replacement instead of cancelling the raid. Failure is an option, and should be expected.


With regards,

Warstalker Taldari, formerly of Black Sun (Rising), AOE, Sovereign and Ascension (Strikes Back).

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This is just the perspective of one of the people who left bc for the harb awhile back hoping maybe that why we left and the observations I have made since we left may help and I hope you take it the way it was intended.


1. I don't think lack of good players is the number 1 issue.

I have seen players from bc do great on harbinger and can think of a whole lot of nightmare capable players that i have raided with in the past that are still on bc. You can also take a look at you're progression and pvp threads and see that they compete fairly well against a lot of other servers


2. Fail.

When we were on bc we could find good players but, while working on progression we would die a lot sometimes for hours for day after day just trying to make a bit of a dent in the fight and even if people pulled great numbers on a dummy and knew mechanics they would either get burned out or disappear and we would have to start all over with someone new. You can't let failure get to you early on, if you try nightmare or hard mode, you will fail, you will wipe, and you will die a lot. Don't take it personally try to keep raids light and have fun especially while failing, I know it's hard to have a good time when you are wiping every 2 minutes but this is when it's most important to this is the time that makes the kill worth it. Try the fight learn the mechanics and then find why you are failing and adjust.


3. Lack of Experience

On the harbinger most progression raiders have been raiding for at least a year at this point and so for someone new coming into a progression guild is surrounded by more experienced players to help them with there class or mechanics or strats. This is almost non existent on bc but is plentiful in bc ex-pats, I have a sentinel on bc I sometimes play on and I know Thorazine and Te'f still have toons over on bc also if you have a question about a fight we have done feel free to ask, as well as a lot of the players in guilds like sponsored by.


4. Consistent groups are hugely important.

Having a group of 8 players that play together often and like raiding with each other and trust each other is crucial, you gain experience together every time you bring in a new player it means teaching strats again getting used to healing/tanking with someone new and having a new person learn to dps around mechanics. forming a group that you can raid with week after week makes progression far smoother. Finding this group is one of the most challenging things in the game and once you have it know that you do and protect it.


5. Don't hold a grudge

I'm not sure if this is still a issue but I know that this game can cause a ton of drama between people and between guilds. If this happens don't take it personally the community is to small to cut off people like that so look past that troll or that ******e who ganked you on Ilum and give them a try because if you don't you are only hurting yourself.


tl;dr biggest issue is getting a consistent group of 8 who are willing to fail over and over and improve from it.

Edited by emania
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