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Why are purple lightsaber crystals so rare?


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How are black sabers wrong?


George Lucas created a foreunner black lightsaber, called the Darksaber which therefore makes it G-canon in the SWU. Doesn't matter if the science seems off to you, his universe,his rules;like it or not.


Ok, we got it, you fancy it.



However apparently most people find it disgusting and since it is not G-Canon as you say it could easily be left off this establishment.

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Ok, we got it, you fancy it.



However apparently most people find it disgusting and since it is not G-Canon as you say it could easily be left off this establishment.


Actually, I am indifferent to most of the saber colors was just curious in how they were wrong.

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really dont understand why they thought this would be a good idea. take away those stupid black center lightsabers and make purple crystals on par with the rest of them...


It is very silly seeing so many black-core sabers, but I can explain why. It cost something like 40k a piece to pull your stuff out out of the item. Only people interested in cosmetics throw away so many credits. The PvP and PvE drops come with black-core in them. If you want a normal white-core, you have to go out of your way and buy another white-core color and replace it.


Yet, the ONLY way to get Cyan or Purple is through a 1:10 chance random reward 1,000 warzone commendation chest. Worst, they are only PvP crystals.


Magenta is kinda-a reasonable with rare drop schematics off of trash mobs and farm-able but tedious materials.


STILL, this makes black-cores more common than white-cores at end game AND it makes black-cores FAR MORE common than purple or cyan.


Now, I understand the need for cyan and purple to be rarer than normal colors, but I do not understand how its okay for black-cores to be the most common color.


It doesn't make any sense. If we are using Rule of Cool instead of cannon for color crystal availability, then they need to lighten up cost for the exotic color crystal schematics.


Now that I think about it. I need to use that purple power crystal I was hoarding for my future Republic alt, since it is so rare.

Edited by DrBomber
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Well if you think about it... how many Purple sabres did you see in the films? I'd say they're pretty rare there, too.


At the same time however every Acolyte NPC on Dromund Kaas and their mother has one. At least it should be treated like Orange Color Crystals to where you can only attain them at level 50 +/- (depending what 1.3 will add).

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FYI you can craft Magenta crystals with Artificing also, but you probably have to find the schematics somehow (treasure hunting/underworld trading/drop/whatever).


The magenta schematics are world boss drops, I saw the crit one drop from the Nar Shadda world boss. I can't remember where the other ones drop.

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At the same time however every Acolyte NPC on Dromund Kaas and their mother has one. At least it should be treated like Orange Color Crystals to where you can only attain them at level 50 +/- (depending what 1.3 will add).


I agree with this, if there are "rare", don't have all the mobs running around with them.

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The magenta schematics are world boss drops, I saw the crit one drop from the Nar Shadda world boss. I can't remember where the other ones drop.


The event recently featured Trapjaw or whatever it's name was that dropped level 31 Magenta schems as well. Not sure if he still has it in his loot table however.

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I thought I read somewhere that the lore states purple crystals are indeed rare. Mace Windu worked his *** off to get one.


Which is fine until 20 level 14s line up using it. In the actual game, NPCs using Orange color crystals are more rare than those using Purple at this rate. It's kind of funny.



EDIT: Why not make it cost 90 daily tokens for a 41+ [enter spec] or something? You'd need to be level 50 to be any good at farming those dailies anyways to attain it. I feel that would justify it.

Edited by tXHereticXt
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I would agree with this but my level 18 maurader had missions in a dark temple where just about every enemy in there had a purple lightsaber. I have come across a good amount of enemies with the purple crystals so it makes no sense that level 18 npcs can find these crystals but we can't.


You think that makes no sense? Try the price of a land speeder (not a bike) . . . 1.5 million credits. Then explain how so many citizens in the more developed cities can afford them. You don't see bikes when you look around or take a taxi. :cool:

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I thought I read somewhere that the lore states purple crystals are indeed rare. Mace Windu worked his *** off to get one.
Purple might be much rarer in Mace's time, which is 3000 years give or take from TOR's current time.
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Can't you buy the crafting schematics for all the so called "rare" crystals with daily commendations at the Mission Support vendors? There's vendors for them on Belsavis and Black Hole and they both sell schematics.


Those are the basic colors: Blue, Green (I think), Yellow, and Red.

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Purple might be much rarer in Mace's time, which is 3000 years give or take from TOR's current time.


Purple also came from Illum though didn't it? I'm not sure on Episodes 1-3 era and the status of Illum but that's kind of the pivotal moment in the world-story. You reach Illum and you're battling for resources.


You'd think the daily mission vender there would at least offer purple crystals (made) or/as well the schematic

Edited by tXHereticXt
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Well if you think about it... how many Purple sabres did you see in the films? I'd say they're pretty rare there, too!


In all seriousness though I have no idea! Not a huge fan of purple sabres myself, but putting the only one I know of on a PvP vendor seems a bit silly.


Eh, it'll change eventually.


How many RED lightsabers do we see in the movies? Darth Vader was the only one to have one in the original. :p


IMO, Colours should never, ever, be rare. It should be the TYPE of crystal that is rare. LIke I might get a purple crystal at level 10 with 3 End and then not be able to get another one until I do operations with 43 End on. That's suit me just fine.

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How many RED lightsabers do we see in the movies? Darth Vader was the only one to have one in the original. :p


IMO, Colours should never, ever, be rare. It should be the TYPE of crystal that is rare. LIke I might get a purple crystal at level 10 with 3 End and then not be able to get another one until I do operations with 43 End on. That's suit me just fine.


How many green did we see? The fact that there is only effectively two lightsaber wielding people in Eps 4-6 doesn't mean red is a rare crystal. And in Eps 1-3 the Sith are under Bane's Rule of Two. Not exactly a plethora of Sith lords running about.


Red is a synthetically made crystal. That makes it like.. the cubic zirconia of crystals.

Edited by Marak
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Not quite, the Columi weapons are light blue crystals. Rakata are either Red-Black or Blue-Black, IIRC. I don't believe purple actually exists in a vendored saber, but I could be wrong on that. They are indeed rare.
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Not quite, the Columi weapons are light blue crystals. Rakata are either Red-Black or Blue-Black, IIRC. I don't believe purple actually exists in a vendored saber, but I could be wrong on that. They are indeed rare.

For empire, columi is purple.

Republic is cyan.

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Yellow crystals arent through archaelogy is why. Yellow is a gemstone and obtained through Treasure Hunting.


Orange i have found and am currently using in my saber. Have yet to see silver..or puruple..or white but hey im only in my late thirties :)


ive found a few orange crystals but they have been in moddable blasters and sabers so i simply tore them out.

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Purple and white were sold at a vendor on fleet before 1.2 was released and then the vendor disappeared for good. This is likely why they are so rare. There needs to be rare crystals in the game, if everyone could get everything then what would the point be?


I have a purple crystal that I bought for like 500k from the vendor when 1.1.5 was on the servers, at that time you could get purple, white, cyan, and magenta. I'm sure they'll release more purple schematics and crystals when another color is introduced and made rare, for now though purple is one of the rare ones, as well as white.

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