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The Class Story Leveling Event


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With the way the itemization works, this is basically a total failure unless you already have high level alts. Thanks for nothing, Bioware.


Nah, run a flashpoint or 2 every 10-15 levels & you're fine. Or if you like pvp do warzones & cash in the warzone commendations for PC's.

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Same as many mentioned above - would love to keep the 12 xp boost. I started my subs again due to this, but I`m not interested in the regular grind feast, as ive started 8 characters to try the different playing styles.


Due to real life issues i cant play too much - but i love the storyline.


But I would love if they could - as in wow - have an ingame character to turn off the xp boost as we see fit, and keep it as a sub thingy.

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I came back to the game because of this boost. Unfortunately, I did not learn of it until the end of October, so I have only been able to make it through two characters.


Please offer this as a perk on the Cartel Market. I will buy it so that I can run through all of the stories.... and avoid the side missions.


Why I originally left:

The normal leveling curve this game offers is one of the worst I have experience in any MMO -- there should not be a 'curve.' Each group of levels should take the same amount of time to complete (each level between 40-50 should all take the same designated time... not increase as you hit each level). Also, the side quests were not fun and only served as a time sink away from the story. I grew disinterested and left the game.

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Also, the side quests were not fun and only served as a time sink away from the story. I grew disinterested and left the game.


This is true in only a few cases. I did find myself lost at times though when doing the side quests and when the bonus quest started to update I really got lost.

The side quests to me were about 60% along with the Class quest, not the story but along the same path with a bit of a detour. This contention has been very aggravating when I was only normally leveling. x12 bonus made it even more irritating and I have abandoned a lot of side quests.

I had to keep myself from getting to A.D.D on my class quests and my log was too full by the end.


I hope x12 class XP continues with new Updates or Holidays. I really enjoyed participating in class quests just for the sake of doing them. I have 4 chars that are lvl 30 or higher from this and I hope I can create more classes in the near future.


I only created different classes to take advantage of the x12 Class bonus.

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I really wish they would just leave the x12 experience on. I have levelled many toons to various levels prior to this buff and I honestly can not bring myself to redo the side quests any more. Particularly since they differ very little between different classes on the same faction.
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I re-subbed and pre-ordered the expansion as soon as I heard about the class leveling event. I was excited to power level some alts, but didn't read through the event details thoroughly so I was under the impression that it lasted much longer. So I opened up swtor this past Tuesday and was really excited to play, only to find out that it ended the day before. Now I'm so bummed out that I don't even think I'm going to play the expansion at all. I'll just let my sub run out.


12x EXP email information


Just curious, how long you thought this limited time offer was going to last? The email, sent on October 8th (two months ago) clearly stated it was for a limited and would end on December 1st.

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Well since your "Just curious" and because you, much like myself, don't read thoroughly, I will elaborate. I was told about the xp boost probably a couple weeks ago now but didn't really look into it because I thought it would make sense if it lasted even past the release date of the expansion. Maybe until Christmas. I mean why not right?


This must be your first MMO. Do you really think that SWTOR was going to run a 12x EXP leveling event while releasing an expansion? Doing so would enable players to cap new content in record time, bypassing content that was intended to last for quite some time.


It's important to remember that I hadn't played swtor for several months and had unsubscribed from the newsletters long before the email you referenced was sent. I skimmed over the developer blog but missed/didn't remember the end date. Maybe I misread it, I don't know. In any case, I knew the expansion release on the 9th so I figured I had plenty of time.


I didn't return to playing SWTOR until the 12x EXP event either, however I read the details and understood the event details beforehand.


You trying to be a troll? "...how long you thought this limited time offer was going to last" is irrelevant. My posts primary message was about whether or not they should bring back the xp boost, and why, but of course you take the part of my post that is of the least significance.


I wasn't trying to be a troll, just pointing out that the terms of the 12x EXP boost were well obvious in the original email advertisment sent by Bioware. Reading comprehension is a good thing.


Could I have commented on your support of 12x EXP? Yes, however I didn't know that such was a requirement to participate in this conversation.

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This must be your first MMO. Do you really think that SWTOR was going to run a 12x EXP leveling event while releasing an expansion? Doing so would enable players to cap new content in record time, bypassing content that was intended to last for quite some time. .


They could easily stop the 12x exp at 55. Just saying. I was extremely ill and couldn't play until the last week of the thing, so I'm disappointed.

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What wonderful arrogance. So naive. How would a 12x boost for CLASS missions (1-55) affect the new content (which is not class missions)? I'll wait.


Actually the entire new storyline content counts as class missions (you can't play it as a group for example).


So there's that.


So who's arrogant or naive now?



Besides, there were ample information available when you preordered to show when the 12xp event ended.


But let's all go ahead and insult anyone who dares point out that if you had only bothered to do a modicum of research, you could have spared yourself all of this grief instead of growing up and taking some responsibility for your own actions, shall we? :rolleyes:

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How do you figure that?

Are you a programmer?

Do you know for a fact that it's easy to code in a stop at lvl 55 for the 12x XP boost?


I'm not a programmer, no.

But they put stopgaps on leveling when you reach top level, no?

They allow you 1-3 hour exp boosts, no?

They have several ways in place to manipulate EXP gains and the time allotted on those.

Each quest has a different tracker type, apparently, if they can differentiate between 'story mission' and 'group mission' and 'side misson'.

Tag the Shadow of Revan quests as something that isn't affected by the 12x exp gains. Adjust the EXP values of Makeb quests for those with the 12x exp boost to make it so you hit 55 at the end or so, leaving 55-60 for Shadow of Revan content.

Flat out disable exp gains when a character hits 55 using this system and have a popup asking if they wish to continue to gain EXP at this time or wait until they start Shadow of Revan stuff.


Sure took me five minutes to figure out how to do this with knowledge of systems used in the past. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm sure you didn't either...right?

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What wonderful arrogance. So naive. How would a 12x boost for CLASS missions (1-55) affect the new content (which is not class missions)? I'll wait.



The 12x XP applied to all missions designated as part of the main story of a character, in regards to the initial load screen after the character select and the different Chapters of the story (1-5 at this point).

Edited by idnewton
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I'm not a programmer, no.

But they put stopgaps on leveling when you reach top level, no? Sure, but that's since there are, you know, no more levels...

They allow you 1-3 hour exp boosts, no?Are you suggesting the 12 xp should be 3 hour boosts? Or should they have given everyone a 1 month boost? Because both of those could have been abused after the expansion was launched.

They have several ways in place to manipulate EXP gains and the time allotted on those. And you still don't know that any of those would be easy to implement for a 12x XP for class story only event.

Each quest has a different tracker type, apparently, if they can differentiate between 'story mission' and 'group mission' and 'side misson'.

Tag the Shadow of Revan quests as something that isn't affected by the 12x exp gains. Adjust the EXP values of Makeb quests for those with the 12x exp boost to make it so you hit 55 at the end or so, leaving 55-60 for Shadow of Revan content. In which case they'd have to either change that tag at a later date to include it in future possible class xp boost events. Not to mention that doing it that way would eventually lead to a cluttering of mission types.

Flat out disable exp gains when a character hits 55 using this system and have a popup asking if they wish to continue to gain EXP at this time or wait until they start Shadow of Revan stuff. again, you have no clue if that's easy to implement or not.


Sure took me five minutes to figure out how to do this with knowledge of systems used in the past. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm sure you didn't either...right?


Eeeh, none of the suggestions you have there are "easy" by any stretch of the imagination.

Because you still don't know how much effort it takes to do that.

I have tons of suggestions on how to stop inequality and poverty, but that doesn't mean any of them are "easy" to implement by default just because I can come up with them.

But I put some answers in red just to be specific.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Eeeh, none of the suggestions you have there are "easy" by any stretch of the imagination.

Because you still don't know how much effort it takes to do that.

I have tons of suggestions on how to stop inequality and poverty, but that doesn't mean any of them are "easy" to implement by default just because I can come up with them.

But I put some answers in red just to be specific.

Jesus, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall.

Do you know whether or not it's easy?

If you do, do you know the way they have their coding and internal mechanics set up? Care to share with the class?

Was the system easy to implement in the first place?

If not, they still did it, and still have the mechanics in place to implement it again.

They've shown that they can control the flow of EXP in several ways. Stopgaps, timed measures, individual mission value for EXP based on level, etc and it's simply unreasonable to assume that they can't set it up to use any one of those.

They've fiddled with experience six ways past sunday but you insist that I can't know if it's 'easy' or not. Sure. Maybe I can't. But maybe you can't either, and I'd have to guess it's pretty easy because


PS: Inequality and poverty is incredibly different from coding a game because inequality and poverty are systems of human oppression motivated by power and greed and coding is, well, a mechanical thing with a system of arbitrary values and interactions. If something is fixed in a program, it most likely can be fixed by adjusting values and adding in new lines / reformatting old lines of coding. It's a bad comparison. I don't know why you're so weirdly 'defensive' about this.

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How about this:


When you hit the current max level of the game and complete the storyline in a character of class X, you get a legacy skill for that class. That skill (which would have no cooldown), when used, gives a 1-hour boost of maybe 12x to class missions.


That way classes don't have to be ground-out repeatedly, and those who don't want the boost can just not use the skill.

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All of your debating about how easy it would be is meaningless because only doing things that are easy isn't the right reason to develop a game. Do you think the SWTOR devs sit around and say 'guys lets only do things that can be done easily because if it takes a lot of effort it isn't worth it." I'm sure they want to make the game as best they can, regardless of if it's easy or not.

Er, no, that's not how it works. These suggestions are non-essential additions. The devs can carry on with the game just fine without ever bringing this back, let alone in the ways suggested. Unless you can convince them this is worth their while, they ain't adding it.


You're right. Choosing the easy way isn't the way to develop a game's core. But this isn't the game's core. This is extra stuff which doesn't even need to be added at all. Unless they get something out of it, it's just a waste of time and resources. If you can't convince them, they're not doin' it.

Edited by idnewton
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Jesus, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall.

Do you know whether or not it's easy?

If you do, do you know the way they have their coding and internal mechanics set up? Care to share with the class?

Was the system easy to implement in the first place?

If not, they still did it, and still have the mechanics in place to implement it again.

They've shown that they can control the flow of EXP in several ways. Stopgaps, timed measures, individual mission value for EXP based on level, etc and it's simply unreasonable to assume that they can't set it up to use any one of those.

They've fiddled with experience six ways past sunday but you insist that I can't know if it's 'easy' or not. Sure. Maybe I can't. But maybe you can't either, and I'd have to guess it's pretty easy because


PS: Inequality and poverty is incredibly different from coding a game because inequality and poverty are systems of human oppression motivated by power and greed and coding is, well, a mechanical thing with a system of arbitrary values and interactions. If something is fixed in a program, it most likely can be fixed by adjusting values and adding in new lines / reformatting old lines of coding. It's a bad comparison. I don't know why you're so weirdly 'defensive' about this.


I'm not the one claiming that it is or is not easy.


You are claiming that it is easy. But you don't know if it is or not.

Hence your argument is moot.

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Who cares if its easy or not? I'm pretty sure they get paid to do their jobs and programming is programming. I'm willing to bet SoR wasn't easy. Or fundamentally changing skill trees into disciplines. But they gave us that. Point is unless you're a dev you have no idea what's hard or easy. That being said though, they already have 12x coded. They just have to bring it back as a feature. Which is totally plausible. There's no reason they can't do this and I think it would be profitable if they did. I hope they do give us 12x here as a permanent option.
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  • 4 weeks later...
I actually hope that they bring it back as well, even if it just lets me get a few characters up to 55 so I can get to the expansion material with a new character. I love the story it's just the dry quests in between that feel like such a drag.
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