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[spoilers for Jedi Knight final quest, "Doomsday"] bug or am I not understanding?


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Apparently, there's meant to be some sort of puzzle in the middle of the Dark Temple that you can use to summon a chest that contains some armor for T7. I've looked at some videos from a few years ago, and people on Twitter assure me it's there, but no matter how hard I look, there is no such puzzle. I even went so far as to reset the instance, and it's still not there. I made a video of where I think it's supposed to be.




Does anybody know if this is just bugged, or have I somehow neglected to do something that activates this puzzle?

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Can't speak for others, but when I did that puzzle (maybe six months ago?) it was super bugged. The lights kept flashing on and off randomly, and many of them would just stay dark.


Essentially it was impossible to tell what shape the puzzle was in, or what you could even change it to.

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How can people have had trouble with it?


Seriously if it`s one thing I can´t stand than it`s dumbing down things in regular single missions.

Dumbing down results in players stopping to think and use their head.

I mean come on....if you are stupid than that`s your problem. Use your head and get smarter, simple.

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Flashing was a bug?


I thought it was part of puzzle. It would have been a lot easier if lights didn't flash though.

But still you could easily see shape of Sith Empire icon.

Where are you? Dromund Kaas.

What planet is Dromund Kaas? Capital of Empire faction.

Empire? Sith Empire.


Edited by Halinalle
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Flashing was a bug?


I was actually wondering if it was a bug, but since all the 7 knights I accompanied on that mission over time plus I myself on my own Knight managed to solve the puzzle I didn't think of the flashing as much more than an inconvenience.


I would have preferred they fix the puzzle, instead of removing it. The game has far too few puzzles. :(

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