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Why do the 2 blaster rifle classes have 10m range attacks?


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Seriously. Their best attacks are basically point-blank range and are more suited for a pistol or shotgun weapon types.


The vanguard, which I think is vastly underplayed, would seriously kick a** with a shotgun instead of a rifle.


The operative, which is modeled after James Bond and his Walther PPK, should use a pistol if even Lethality spec is limited to 10m attacks.


The mercenary is probably the biggest offender in the spectrum of Star Wars iconography. Dual pistols when Boba Fett used a rifle?? This *is* a Star Wars game, right?

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If I remember correctly when the website first came out


merc "jango fett"


Sorcerer "palps"


Juggernaut "vader"


Guardian "obiwan"


Assassin "maul"


Sent/Mara "that one blue chick"


Scoundrel "Han solo"


Commando/vanguard "clones/storm troopers"


Sages "yoda"


I think that's it... gunslingers is uh made up thank god

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Seriously. Their best attacks are basically point-blank range and are more suited for a pistol or shotgun weapon types.
Or a vibro knife.


The vanguard, which I think is vastly underplayed, would seriously kick a** with a shotgun instead of a rifle.
Pyros one of the most popular specs in the game. Also, a trooper with a shotgun sort of contradicts your last argument, no?


The operative, which is modeled after James Bond and his Walther PPK,



The mercenary is probably the biggest offender in the spectrum of Star Wars iconography. Dual pistols when Boba Fett used a rifle?? This *is* a Star Wars game, right?


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The mercenary is probably the biggest offender in the spectrum of Star Wars iconography. Dual pistols when Boba Fett used a rifle?? This *is* a Star Wars game, right?


Let's go down this "Star Wars lore" rabbit hole and see where we end up. If everything in TOR just mimicked the movies:


- Snipers wouln't exist. There were no sniper rifles in any of the movies,

- Force users would be able to jump 20 times higher.

- Lightsabers would cut through anything and everything, including flesh, one hit death.

- Sith would be able to force choke you from across the universe. Why play Warzones when I can just trick some pub sucker to jump on the holo with me while I proceed to force choke him without even leaving my ship?

- Ranged characters would have an accuracy rate of oh.. 2.35% (1% if BW ever puts in Imperial trooper class) whether they are using blaster pistols or rifles.


Things get changed when it is translated into games. Without such alterations and compromises the game would be unplayable.

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The sand people used sniper rifles to attack the pod racers in EP 1.


Maybe, you should finally watch those movies? :cool:


Eh, maybe I shouldn't have added the second part to my original sentence. My original point was that there were no sniper class/characters in the movies :p Even Zam was a BH with a touch of operative thrown in. As for the Sand people, well uh, I'm not exactly sure what they are but the finasse and low key profile that is generally associated with snipers is definitely not part of their defining characteristics.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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Eh, maybe I shouldn't have added the second part to my original sentence. My original point was that there were no sniper class/characters in the movies :p Even Zam was a BH with a touch of operative thrown in. As for the Sand people, well uh, I'm not exactly sure what they are but the finasse and low key profile that is generally associated with snipers is definitely not part of their defining characteristics.


And your broader point (which is a good one) is that developers don't have the same freedoms that authors and producers have for movies/books. Developers have to deal with the demons "Balance" and "mechanics"


you brought up mechanics the most, ill touch on balance. in an MMO where characters will compete with each other, whether it be in a raid setting (against PvE mobs) or in a PvP setting (against each other), there has to be a mediocrum of balance, or complete aspects of the game simply don't work. classes need balance...the game environment needs balance (to remain playable for the bulk of the audience).


thats the reason why certain classes can only shoot their blaster rifle 10m...while others can shoot it 30. it's based on the class, and it's intended role, and needs to be balanced as such.

Edited by Elyx
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Why do commandos have an ability called stockstrike "Strikes the target with the butt of the rifle, dealing 2247 - 2463 kinetic damage" that actually uses the barrel of an assault cannon?


Class symmetry and balancing were bigger in the devs minds than cosmetics.

i.e. Even if doesn't make sense, it kinda makes sense. From a certain point of view...

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Why do commandos have an ability called stockstrike "Strikes the target with the butt of the rifle, dealing 2247 - 2463 kinetic damage" that actually uses the barrel of an assault cannon?


Class symmetry and balancing were bigger in the devs minds than cosmetics.

i.e. Even if doesn't make sense, it kinda makes sense. From a certain point of view...


I've always thought the Vangaurd and Commando classes should have had their names switched. On the other hand, I kind of feel like Jesse Ventura from Predator every time my Commando goes on an op, so I guess it isn't that weird.

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I've always thought the Vangaurd and Commando classes should have had their names switched. On the other hand, I kind of feel like Jesse Ventura from Predator every time my Commando goes on an op, so I guess it isn't that weird.


Weird, prior to launch there was this great video of Commando with ac/dc in the background that now seems to be blocked by normal youtube. But just for giggles, I'll link it from a different source of what I thought when they announced the commando class specs and how fast I would be making a gunnery commando. As it turns out, I made a gunnery commando but I only stayed with my assault specialist.... anyhow this is what I envisioned the class to be.

Commando - Big Gun

Got a vanny too of course, he's a bit dusty atm.

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