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Super Serious Starfighter Sunday on The Bastion, November 2nd


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Last call for nominating teams anyone on teams not nominated by tonight will be assigned a team automatically.


If you don't want to be on a team and just wanted to solo queue let me know in a post please.


Thanks in advance. :)



Also I swaped Sanic to the first teams line up because well we haven't seen or heard from Zen in 2 weeks now.

Edited by Drakkolich
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Bad news, my fellow space monsters. Apparently I'll be working Sunday evening T_T, and comically it starts at 4. If this started at 3 instead I could be there for an hour, but alas, as it stands I'll probably be gone for the whole ding-dang thing.




Aww man that really sucks, well hopefully you can make the next one. I'm gonna fill in your spot on that team then.

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All the teams have been setup, team #4 is missing a member but I just didn't know who to put there. Hopefully you guys can pick someone up in /GSF on the night of. Or maybe someone else will sign up.


Looks like we have 8 teams so far with 5 Empire and 2 Republic my team will be playing republic to offset that imbalance. We have a few people that are saying they will be late I'm sure each team can pick up some solo queue players the night of until their teammates arrive.


Looks like its going to be a hell of a night. Let me know if there's any problems with any team so I can rearrange stuff for you. Have fun and start practicing. ^^


This doesn't mean you can't still sign up if you want to play I'll just keep adding more teams.

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Hopefully it can rotate servers also so different people can enjoy "home field" advantage.


One of the big problems with rotating servers, is all the people that spent time leveling characters for the event would have to do it all over again and more importantly the players the server transferred for it would be forced to do so again. I would rather just keep doing them on The Bastion and have more and more people level or transfer here for them so everyone knows what to expect every time.


I am thinking though if this is as popular as I think it's going to be I might do extra ones on other servers for players that just don't have the time or money to make it to The Bastion for these events. I'm still working on the time frames for these events but I think it's going to be every 3 weeks.


For example if there was an event on Bastion every 3 weeks, maybe the week before each one we could do a random server, or something like that. The big problem with this approach is it puts a lot of presure on people to get characters up everywhere just to be ready.


For now you should just expect them to be on Bastion and prepare accordingly if you want to participate.

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My only gripe about keeping it on the Bastion every time is lag/latency. I know my lag to The Bastion is about 3 times as high as it is on my East Coast servers (although still just about 100ms), and I've been kicked out of games there far more than I have been on any other server.


Not that it will stop me from showing up or anything, just saying it makes me mildly sadface.


Back on topic, though... I don't believe I've met Jaret, Ah'smar, and Kalphitis, so this is for them:

My character on The Bastion is spelled "Häwke". He's not maxed yet, although I'm hoping he will be, or close to it come Sunday. I may actually bring over a different toon for the event, depending on what we need.


Feel free to drop me a message in game (or a PM on the forums) to coordinate any training runs/to see who likes to fly what, etc. I may be able to hijack my guild's Mumbles for the evening if that would help. I'll clear it with the GM tonight to make sure.


I may also be able to wrap up my prior engagements a little earlier than 10pm EST. Hopefully, we can make it all work out. Cheers, and looking forward to meeting you all!

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My only gripe about keeping it on the Bastion every time is lag/latency. I know my lag to The Bastion is about 3 times as high as it is on my East Coast servers (although still just about 100ms), and I've been kicked out of games there far more than I have been on any other server.


Just wanted to drop a line on this, my latency never changes between east/west servers (at least in my case) latency has more to do with whats going on locally. Might want to check some connection stuff out to make sure thats not the reason (wife streaming, other **** in the background etc)


Locally one of my neighbors downloads or streams an absurd amount of content starting around 6pm PST and this drops the whole neighborhood into lag spikes (wish I knew who it was so I could cut his line)

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I will be on and will join in on my character Shtooper, mostly on my gunship. Not looking forward to getting my *** handed to me by Ana. But it will be like old times. Dont have a team but cannot commit to the times online.
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Just wanted to drop a line on this, my latency never changes between east/west servers (at least in my case) latency has more to do with whats going on locally. Might want to check some connection stuff out to make sure thats not the reason (wife streaming, other **** in the background etc)


Locally one of my neighbors downloads or streams an absurd amount of content starting around 6pm PST and this drops the whole neighborhood into lag spikes (wish I knew who it was so I could cut his line)

Doesn't seem to be that. I can be running 34ms for JC, hop to Bastion, and I'm at 100ms. Go right back to JC, and I'm back to 34. And it's sustained either way. Not to say I never get prolonged spikes on JC or anything, but there's a difference in the stable base ping.


In reality, 100ms isn't going to make a HUGE difference compared to 30ms, but it is a bit of a difference. And my pings on East Coast servers all pretty much fall in line with the ping to JC. Bastion's the only West Coast server I've logged into, and it's the only outlier in terms of ping.

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Doesn't seem to be that. I can be running 34ms for JC, hop to Bastion, and I'm at 100ms. Go right back to JC, and I'm back to 34. And it's sustained either way. Not to say I never get prolonged spikes on JC or anything, but there's a difference in the stable base ping.


In reality, 100ms isn't going to make a HUGE difference compared to 30ms, but it is a bit of a difference. And my pings on East Coast servers all pretty much fall in line with the ping to JC. Bastion's the only West Coast server I've logged into, and it's the only outlier in terms of ping.


This is the difference I've seen between East coast and West coast servers for me too. I get about 30-40ms on East coast ones while 90-100ms on West coast ones. I'm on the East coast though so I'm very used to playing with that 100ms that The Bastion gives me. Maybe I'm just used to it, but when I got to East coast servers I can't tell the difference the smaller ms makes at all.

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This is the difference I've seen between East coast and West coast servers for me too. I get about 30-40ms on East coast ones while 90-100ms on West coast ones. I'm on the East coast though so I'm very used to playing with that 100ms that The Bastion gives me. Maybe I'm just used to it, but when I got to East coast servers I can't tell the difference the smaller ms makes at all.

Well, that's why I said it wasn't going to make a huge difference, and it was a pretty minor gripe. I live in the east, but not exactly on the coast.


I can tell ever so slightly. It doesn't affect the way I fly or anything, but I've noticed a few more times here and there I'll kill people after I've gone beyond them, or similar, very minor lag things. It doesn't really affect my play at all, but I've just noticed little tiny things being every so slightly out of the time I'm used to. And not to say something like that doesn't happen on my native server as well, but it seems to be a little more common when I'm playing on The Bastion.


Bottom line, it's not a make or break issue for me. It's just a minor gripe. Of course, if everyone went to JC or something else on the East Coast, the West Coast peoples would probably run into something similar, so there's always going to be a ping difference for someone, regardless of which server we play on. And I don't really want to make alts or start transferring toons to EVERY server, so having The Bastion be the "home base" for something like this is perfectly fine with me.



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I hope you guys are ready because tomorrow nights the night. ^^ Don't forget to turn your clocks back tonight. ^^



Ack, I know I just told you I'd help fill in for teams missing players/late arrivals (like Hawkë) but I think I may actually be late too (unavoidable parenting duties, dang kids always interfering with my super-serious gaming). I'll check in via /gsf when I can manage to log on, and if anyone still needs a fill-in at that point, I'd be happy to comply*.


* this with the warning/understanding that my Bastion ships are nearly bone stock, so I may only be a half-step upgrade from a random 2-shipper who would otherwise have been backfilled into the match. Given the caliber of competition, my primary contribution may end up being Food Ship.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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I hopped on an hour or so ago, just because I had time to squeeze a couple of games in. I think this super serious event is going to be a hit. There was already at least one team out there practicing, plus I ran into another visitor from Jedi Covenant (hi Eichman!). If there are a bunch of us rolling alts just to watch the spectacle, I have to believe there's a lot of interest here. Looking forward to it.
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