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Why does EXPERTISE favor DPS classes 2 or 3 to 1?


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During PVP combat...


60% damage boost to players

37.5% damage reduction from players (2 to 1 bonus to dps over tank)

20.38% healing boost. (3 to 1 bonus dps over healers)


So... why is this like this? Why not 50% to all 3?


These imbalances play out in just about every 1 v 1 combat situation, where a spike damage dps class will slaughter a tank or healer merely because the expertise favors their class 2 to 3x more.


So again, I asked, why not make it 50% to all 3? Anyone?


Would it slow down battles/combat? Yes.

Does that then make combat more strategic in nature? Yes


Is that a bad thing? I think not.

Edited by OrionSol
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If base damage is 100, +60% makes it 160. 37.5% of 160 is 60, and 160 - 60 = 100.


I don't know how the healing % was chosen.


The healing % most likely is directly related to the pvp trauma de-buff. So the devs tweaked the numbers they wanted to see there with that.

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Someone will surely be able to confirm this, but IIRC healing was higher in an earlier version of the game. It was deemed OP for whatever reason (who cares though, seems to be working well now) and reduced to balance it out. Healing DOES work significantly differently than damage though, so it wouldn't make sense for it to be the same (heals always hit and the potential for DR far outweighs the potential for reducing healing).
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The healing % most likely is directly related to the pvp trauma de-buff. So the devs tweaked the numbers they wanted to see there with that.


This is correct.


Bear in mind that the following formula is two years old and has likely been tweaked substantially by this point, but...


"PvP Trauma Ignore % = 20 * ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 0.01 / 0.2 ) ) ( Expertise / max(Level,20 ) / 0.72 ) ) Trauma ignore overcomes the Trauma (-30% healing received) debuff that players get in PvP, so it effectively improves healing."


Edit - a more recent post seems to say this was simplified to "PvP Healing Boost = Expertise / 9900" - but it's still the same general idea (trauma ignore.)

Edited by Gnoblesse
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DPS expertise is there so that people with low expertise get crushed by players with full expertise but people with full expertise don't do outrageous numbers in pve.This requiring properly geared toons to succeed in pvp.

As an above poster mentioned, full expertise verus full expertise the +damage and + damage resist cancel exactly.


Healer expertise is so that BW have a tuning tool to make healing less or more effective in pvp without it adversely effecting pve.


(Trauma - Healing_Expertise) is a co-efficient they can set to whatever they want to tune healing in pvp and only pvp.



The stat is there for BW, not the players.

Edited by CaptainApop
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It all has to do with making tanking and healing and DPS work as intended in PvE in its raw form. Expertise was used to


1. Make PvP gear not as strong at base form as PvE gear yet at one time balance it out to where top PvP gear was as effective against other players as top PvE gear. Power creep turned that into a mountain of grossly inflated expertise over time and it is no longer looked at in most cases due to bolster.


2. Adjust damage levels to balance the trinity in PvP without affecting their output in PvE. Also not really adjusted that much and turned out they started nerfing and buffing otherwise over time.

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