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Hypothesizing about potential 3.0 talents


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Some early Arsenal talent hypothesizing based on structural information gleaned from the Sorcerer disciplines.


Level 10: Tracer Missile

Level 12: Barrage

Level 16: Power Barrier + Stabilizers

Level 20: Upgraded Arsenal + Terminal Velocity

Level 24: Tracer Lock

Level 26: Heatseeker Missiles

Level 28: Light Em' Up

Level 32: Pinning Fire + Range Increase

Level 36: Power Overrides

Level 40: Energy Rebounder

Level 41: New Ability, possibly a long cast, high damage nuke on a longish cooldown or a 10 second cooldown instant with a 5 second snare.

Edited by fujeo-finell
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in the stream didn't musco mention a new ability for arsenal mercs? I believe it was called blazing bolts or something like that,i think it replaced unload.


If blazing Bolts is arsenal and not [pyro replacement], then it would be the level 57 ability. And with Tracer Missile being an ability replacement for Power Shot, im not certain that Arsenal is getting a second replacement ability.

I could be wrong though.

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I'll just add this in here for everyone.


Level 57: Blazing Bolts (Overrides Unload)


I say overrides rather than replace because I'm assuming Blazing Bolts will remove Unload from the Arsenal rotation completely, rather than simply replace it ala Tracer Missile and Power Shot. For example: the level 57 Madness ability Demolish shares a cooldown with Crushing Darkness, making them both mutually exclusive,


Most, if not all talents will be rotational in nature, rather than simple output increases. By that I mean most, if not every new talent you gain will change your rotation in some way.


Most, if not all talents will have two effects, either affecting two different sets of abilities or having two charges for the same ability.


I'm going to assume that any scaling talents that your class can currently acquire will be baked in to level gains, as well as any current talents with static output increases.

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Guess we'll never get that jet pack escape we've asked for for over a year now. Personally I don't see a point in overriding Unload, it seems needlessly confusing for new players and a waste of Unload as an ability in general. I guess Pyro will still have it, but still.


Pretty psyched about getting a skill to cast something on the move, though.


A new utility talent for a ranged root would be great *nudgenudgeBW* :jawa_redface:

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What would be kind of cool is if (assuming Blazing Bolts shares a cooldown with Full Auto) you'd use one for better damage but the other situationally for utility reasons. Sort of like a more-common version of how Gunnery is better off using Charged Bolts than Grav Round...if they're focusing an Assassin who's just popped Force Shroud, and HIB & Full Auto are on CD.


I just hope Reflexive Shield becomes a shared Utility. Probably Heroic, maybe Masterful. I'm just imagining having both Reflexive Shield and Electro Shield available...Commando would be even MORE fun to solo with.

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What would be kind of cool is if (assuming Blazing Bolts shares a cooldown with Full Auto) you'd use one for better damage but the other situationally for utility reasons. Sort of like a more-common version of how Gunnery is better off using Charged Bolts than Grav Round...if they're focusing an Assassin who's just popped Force Shroud, and HIB & Full Auto are on CD.


I just hope Reflexive Shield becomes a shared Utility. Probably Heroic, maybe Masterful. I'm just imagining having both Reflexive Shield and Electro Shield available...Commando would be even MORE fun to solo with.


I do not believe the case, the abilities seem to be exactly like the old ones but with more damage and/or new effects. I believe it is done in a way that there would be no reason for you to use the old one.


However, there is something we would need clarification on! Let's say we have an ability replacing a casted one, for example *precise bolt* to replace power shot (for pyro tree), if someone manages to land an interrupt on precise bolt, does thatr mean power shot gets the lockdown as well, or is it free to use ?

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I'm kinda hoping they attach a root to Blazing Bolts, given it's a logical upgrade to Unload's snare. I'm also expecting melee to receive more gap closers as well, so a root on the level 57 Arsenal ability sounds reasonable to me.


as if melees didint already have tons of gap closers lol ;d

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Level 41: New Ability, possibly a disengage or DPS cooldown.


Actually change my mind on this. If we do get a disengage it won't be redistricted to a talent tree, it'll be a standard class ability. What I do hope Arsenal gets for it's level 41 ability is a long cast, high damage nuke on a longish cooldown that might have a debuff attached to it that increases damage to the target for a short time.


Edit: Whoops forgot I made a thread about a 10 second cooldown ability with a 5 second snare. Either or.

Edited by fujeo-finell
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