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Need help coming up with a Sith Assassin name, any advice or suggestions welcome!


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So, I decided to transfer my Sith Assassin to my "main" server, so I could play with my dad, but I lost his name in the process. Which, honestly, is fine; it wasn't a name I was particularly attached to anyways (unlike my Jedi Guardian "Terin"... le sigh).


Anyways, I find myself in need of a name, and I'm genuinely awful at this kind of stuff, so I thought I would turn to you guys, in hopes of coming up with something? A few stupilations of mine:


- Nothing that copies another popular character's name, in Star Wars or otherwise. I want something fairly unique, and very more "Lore-friendly"


- Nothing "silly" or "punny". Again, I'm kind of looking for something role-play-friendly (even though I don't actually roleplay).


- I want something that sounds good with "Darth" and "Lord" titles. In fact, it doesn't need to be a "real name" at all, so long as it sounds fitting for a Sith as a title, similar to "Darth Vader".


Being a Sith Inquisitor first and foremost, I think you guys get the sort of vibe I'm doing for; kind of a "puppet-master" type of character, moreso than an object of brute force.

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I named mine Dahkaras. For no particular reason.


A suggestion I have for you: Try and establish a background for your character. Since you have already made him/her, then you already chose their race. Do a little research for names common to that culture to give you a sense of direction. Best of luck!

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If you like Terin, you could go with something similar, like Terrin, Taron, Tearin, Terran, etc.


Heh..you could go with "Darth Tear'in It'up" or something, or "Darth Helmet".:D Oh right, no funny stuff...hmmm.


Honestly, I typically just hit the random name button until something sparks my imagination...my lacking imagination. :(


Or maybe you want to go with a theme where all of your character names start with a 'T'. Darth Tickle, Darth Tickle'me'elmo, Darth Terra'bull, Darth Tartar'sauce, Darth Tiny (probably already taken), Darth Tortoise, Darth Tootsie, Darth Mr T, Darth Tunnel'vision, Darth Tanner, Darth Tar, Darth Treek, Darth Triple Cheese'burger, etc.


That's all I've got. Imagination completely empty now.

Edited by teclado
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Hmm, anyone else care to chime-in? I still haven't found one that quite "grabs me", you know?


Here's what I do.

When I pick a class, I pick a word what would describe the character.

Then I find that word in either Hebrew or Greek.

Then I just keep thinking of word's until I come up with one that sounds very cool in either Hebrew or Greek.

I did the same thing with the legacy name.

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The main thing for Sith names is that A: They tend to have sharp sounds. The Sith language is a very harsh sounding language.

B: They tend to sound similar to words with unpleasant meanings, though in any language - for example, Thanaton comes from Thanatos, the Greek God of Death.


For an Assassin in particular, maybe try to think of something that would work for a "shadow killer". Darth Shayd (Shade), Darth Vael (Veil), Darth Nubys (Anubis, from Egyptian mythology), etc.

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So, I decided to transfer my Sith Assassin to my "main" server, so I could play with my dad, but I lost his name in the process. Which, honestly, is fine; it wasn't a name I was particularly attached to anyways (unlike my Jedi Guardian "Terin"... le sigh).


Anyways, I find myself in need of a name, and I'm genuinely awful at this kind of stuff, so I thought I would turn to you guys, in hopes of coming up with something? A few stupilations of mine:


- Nothing that copies another popular character's name, in Star Wars or otherwise. I want something fairly unique, and very more "Lore-friendly"


- Nothing "silly" or "punny". Again, I'm kind of looking for something role-play-friendly (even though I don't actually roleplay).


- I want something that sounds good with "Darth" and "Lord" titles. In fact, it doesn't need to be a "real name" at all, so long as it sounds fitting for a Sith as a title, similar to "Darth Vader".


Being a Sith Inquisitor first and foremost, I think you guys get the sort of vibe I'm doing for; kind of a "puppet-master" type of character, moreso than an object of brute force.


Well, knowing how your character is made would have been very helpful - race, sex, age, things of that kind, you know... :rolleyes:


That said, you could have a look to the names for that race and come out with something similar, that's a more than viable strategy. Still, you could also have a look at the Ancient Sith names - just google Sith Language and you should find a dictionary of it pretty fast. :D


A few names I'd suggest are Chataris (Advisor), Asmenys (Blade), Kraujas (Blood) or Jevlas (Spectre). You could also consider Meistras (Master), Kalbetis (Dialogue) or Anvozas (Disguise). ;)


A friend of mine named his female Sorcerer Siqsa (Demon), and another has a female Assassin named Derriphan (Devourer). Don't copy these two, please, but the others are all fully available. :p

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One thing I've used since creating a few alts (22 on one server and 9 on another) is a naming convention. All my first round toons (Diebo/Daxa/Vittoriel) were based on the 3 brothers I established back in SWG, I then padded out the ranks with variations all ending in "iel", partially based on Vitto (and head cannon being he was a man**** who had a whole big pile of kids, and a bit ego-centric hence liked his own name) so the result were names like Thuriel, Kazziel etc.


My thought was try for other similar endings to the first name "ar", "ius", "or" or "ene" for example. So you'd result in

Terinar, Terinius, Terinor or Terinene.


The last thought you could run with could be to just add a ' to part of the name (if it's not already been done)

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Sorry, yeah; guess I should've given more info!


It's a male Zabrak Assassin, made about as close to Darth Maul's appearance as possible. In terms of personality, I enjoy playing him as an Assassin who isn't particularly loyal to the Empire, or even the Emperor himself, but instead to Revan's ideology. So in a way, he's manipulating those around him to eventually turn on the Empire if it benefits him; he serves purely out of convenience (he was, after all, a slave; I feel like he would harbor a great deal of resentment towards the Empire).

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