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The Most Lifeless Universe....


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The worlds are claustrophobic... I went to Tat and saw the open desert in front of me and decided to cruise off into the desert.....then I was told to turn back..I was exhausted ...LOL...LAME.



The world is tiny, reminds me of DDO when it first launched, a city and some dungeons and that is it....LAME


BW 's idea of "exploring" is wall walking, pipe jumping ala Mario Brothers trying to find datacrons (ala Tabula Rasa)...LAME


This honestly piques my interest.


Why would you want to cruise around the lifeless Tatooine desert, with nothing on the horizon?


I already had the chance to do that in SWG. It wasn't fun.

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What are some ideas, that given the current game, BW could do to improve the feeling of Life in the earlier zones?


Typing this from my phone, so excuse any nonsensical errors.


One thing I think would be cool (though possibly hard to implement) would be the ability to develop npc rivals/allies/contacts. For instance as a Sith, maybe you have the opportunity to help a fellow apprentice. If you do he becomes an ally, giving you a heads up on any news of someone gunning for you, maybe throwing some credits your way from time to time, etc.


Or you could screw him over, true Sith style. He becomes your rival, sending goons to assassinate you from time to time, attempting to sully your reputation with key npc's, and generally being a pain in the ***. At some point you could confront him, or through dialog politically destroy him.


Probably hard to implement as I said but it would definitely keep you feeling connected to our origin story and give a feeling of consequence.


Many existing quests could achieve this simply by delaying the confrontation with rival apprentices and having them screw with you indirectly longer, with your master reacting to your method of handling it. Fostering rivalries/alliances like this would be hella immersive.


Random npc encounters would be cool too. Like a woman begging a Jedi character to stop a fight her husband is in, or some thugs trying to mug an agent, cantinas would be awesome places for stuff like this. Markets too.


Edit*** Another thing that would help would be patrolling mobs. Right now he majority of mobs are motionless until you engage combat. Having them pace around a little and not wait until you are close enough to kick them in the nuts before they react to you would do wonders for bringing life to the game.

Edited by ArcaneEchoXIII
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Starting to agree. All servers are low pop and you hardly ever see anyone in game. I play on a PVP server and am in Alderan and have only seen 5 maybe 6 sith in total in the wild. This game is goona fall hard.


All servers are low pop? Maybe nearing Christmas Eve & Day, but even then most I see are heavy or full.


Also, tired of not seeing people as often as you like? Just wait till BW removes phasing!



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uh.. yea people will quit if there is no new content.. doesn't matter if the game just came out or not.. if there is nothing to do.. why pay 15$ a month


I think you missed the point entirely. You're not going to get new content 5 days after launch, doesnt matter what MMO it is. People complained that WoW had no endgame as far as 6 or more months after release. Content, patches, fixes, and new features take time.


And they've already said they are adding new content next month, they're expanding and operation and adding another flashpoint, exactly when I expected the\y should, about the time the first free month runs out.

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ToR has very fluid, dynamic, responsive, and consistent gameplay.


I'd like to think the above statement is hardly subjective.


I know this is an older post from this thread but I feel I need to make a comment on it.


Have you played a Trooper yet? The combat feels very far from any of those things you listed and honestly made me hate playing this game on launch and for the first few days. I only am here now because a few friends practically begged me to and suggested a different class.


I admit Jedi Knight is MUCH more responsive and smooth to play with(not to mention fun), but the problem is still there.


As a Trooper, using Full Auto or Mortars should be the equivalent of insert-channeled-ability from WoW here but it's not. It's hard to explain, but it feels like I would hit my keybind for the spell, place the reticule and sit there doing nothing for almost a full second before the cast went off.



This is a video someone linked that is very similar to what I am describing, if not a different effect of unresponsive clunky gameplay:



This is an MMO (even if a lot of us don't feel like it is one.. yet.) and it will obviously not function like a hack n slash fighting game a la Vindictus or the responsiveness of console FPS etc. However, this is significantly worse gameplay than say, World of Warcraft. It needs to be fixed.



P.S. I play with 30ms, don't go there.

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you obviously didn't get very far in the game. Only the first planet is linear and the second somewhat so (but not much). Past that, planets are immense, fully explorable, and exploration is encouraged by hidden quests, datacrons and lore unlocks.


Basically, you're so far off the mark that it's not even funny.


Lifeless? please... That's not even realistic.


The game takes a lot of step forwards in the MMORPG genre, for sure not backwards.



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You obviously didn't follow the development on this game.It was always intended to be a theme park and not a sand box


A game can be a theme park but be more open world. 17 worlds to be on, i hope not all are like the first 2. So rescricted, not enough room, monsters/npcs take for ever to respawn, resource nodes are so rare, and being star wars, it shouldnt be like that. Atleast a few of the planets they could have made open world.


Theme park pretty much leads your chartacter, this not only leads it but keeps it in place at all times. Few hours ago i was trying to gather resources, 8 people were also in the area gathering resources. Not much room to venture off to find my own little area since its on a path between 2 huge hills. Its too congested for star wars lore.

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I like Panda's is what this says..


In all seriousness... who the heck doesn't love pandas? They are nothing but 100% rolly polly goodness.


Anyway, I'm off to bed. Would love to see a reply.


Merry Christmas


I think there are similar problems with the gunslinger class depending on which spec you took but despite my combat feeling slightly catchy or studdered I'm having a great time with it.


Come to think of it too, even though fluidic gameplay is smooth and makes us feel like super pro keyboard ninjas I don't think it goes down that way in real life combat anyways. Not that there are really jedi either but you know what I mean I think.

Edited by Saporah
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All i see is 'theme park mmo' *** does that even MEAN? Its a cop out, a lame excuse for a poorly designed universe. What a joke you fanboys are

I believe theme park games is the slang opposite for "sand box mode."


The term sand box mode came from old games where instead of following a specific scenario or necessary achievement pre-built into the game, you could activate sand box mode (either the option was built in or you hacked/patched it) so you can just run around, sometimes with infinite amounts of currency, just making your own adventures. Like a kid in the sandbox nothing but with his imagination.


Thus I can only assume theme park mode means the attractions are all built and that's all you got to ride... or play with... or something.


edit - Oh I forgot to say too... the only "joke" about "fanboys" are the people who dismiss everyone who is contrary to their own negative appraisals as being "fanboys" in some silly attempt to render their opinions as invalid. :p


Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that everyone else who does is retarded. The world is full of colour and flavour, get use to it.

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I believe theme park games is the slang opposite for "sand box mode."


The term sand box mode came from old games where instead of following a specific scenario or necessary achievement pre-built into the game, you could activate sand box mode (either the option was built in or you hacked/patched it) so you can just run around, sometimes with infinite amounts of currency, just making your own adventures. Like a kid in the sandbox nothing but with his imagination.


Thus I can only assume theme park mode means the attractions are all built and that's all you got to ride... or play with... or something.


A sandbox MMO is one where the game gives you the setting, the tools and the rules, but most of the content comes from how the players interact with each other. EVE is an example of this (although EVE does have "theme park" aspects like missions, they play a smallish role in that game in the grand scheme of things): most of the gameplay involves competing with or collaborating with other players in some way -- economically, politically, militarily, diplomatically. Another example was Ultima Online, and the third main example was Star Wars Galaxies. Basically these are games where you don't have a pathway of progression to follow, and you can do whatever you want, within the rules and the tools provided.


A theme park MMO is one where you follow the path the game lays out for you -- certain classes, certain skills, predefined levels, predefined content provided by the game. The developers don't provide only setting, tools and rules, but all of the actual content as well, which is "played through" by the players. The vast majority of MMOs since 2003 have been theme park MMOs, and the best example is, of course, WoW.

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A sandbox MMO is one where the game gives you the setting, the tools and the rules, but most of the content comes from how the players interact with each other. EVE is an example of this (although EVE does have "theme park" aspects like missions, they play a smallish role in that game in the grand scheme of things): most of the gameplay involves competing with or collaborating with other players in some way -- economically, politically, militarily, diplomatically. Another example was Ultima Online, and the third main example was Star Wars Galaxies. Basically these are games where you don't have a pathway of progression to follow, and you can do whatever you want, within the rules and the tools provided.


A theme park MMO is one where you follow the path the game lays out for you -- certain classes, certain skills, predefined levels, predefined content provided by the game. The developers don't provide only setting, tools and rules, but all of the actual content as well, which is "played through" by the players. The vast majority of MMOs since 2003 have been theme park MMOs, and the best example is, of course, WoW.


Yes, well said, thank you.


Also I have so many fond memories of ultima and you just stirred them all up, heh...

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Yes, well said, thank you.


Also I have so many fond memories of ultima and you just stirred them all up, heh...


I have fond memories of the MMOs from that era, too. Oddly, yesterday when I was playing this game, someone whispered me asking if I could entertain them for tips. This happened, I think, because I am using the same character name as I did in SWG, and in SWG back in the day I had a stint as an entertainer at least as a part of my playtime. Unlikely that I would come across someone like that in a game with as many servers as this and who would have remembered my character name in SWG, but there it is. There are quite a few player who enjoyed their time in pre-WoW MMOs, I think.

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The whole game is linear.


<- Already lv50 SI Sorc Healer.


There is absolutely no reason to go back to any of the planets.

* Hopefully they expand them and add RvR into the game.





I fear the moment when i hit level 50 and realize that i can not explore, can not venture around, because mobs are low and everything is just static, prepared for 1 time consumption.



Why? WHat happened to game design?

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I have the opposite problem. It all boils down to the amount of love and dedication that you have for the game's franchise and the game itself.


I'm level 22, and I can't get enough of this game. I'm trying to take my time to get to level 50. I'm not trying to boost my ego by making a character that has the power of a God. This game is fantastic, and I'd give it a 10/10.


Also, did it ever occur to somebody to make another character with a different class/faction entirely, instead of moping around that they have nothing to do at 50? That's what I plan on doing... getting as many classes as I possibly can.

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