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The Most Lifeless Universe....


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this game needs a lot of work.


a ton of polish is still required for pvp


they really need to do something about the amount of instance jumping u have to do.. feels like im always on a loading screen


not gonna rant.. because its xmas and im tired...


so yea it could go free to play really soon if they dont get their act together... it has potential //


but atm this game is getting carried by the title and only that.... if this one a random title it would be completely dead as of tomrrow..

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It's really funny to see you think that way. It will go f2p and quite fast actually. Years ahead, rofl.


This game has had bigger success out o the box than any other game in MMO history. Not too mention large financial backing and a great dev team. Dream on kid.

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this game needs a lot of work.


a ton of polish is still required for pvp


they really need to do something about the amount of instance jumping u have to do.. feels like im always on a loading screen


not gonna rant.. because its xmas and im tired...


so yea it could go free to play really soon if they dont get their act together... it has potential //


but atm this game is getting carried by the title and only that.... if this one a random title it would be completely dead as of tomrrow..


What??? Do you even read what you post?

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This game has had bigger success out o the box than any other game in MMO history. Not too mention large financial backing and a great dev team. Dream on kid.


because it has the title " STAR WARS "


has nothing to do with the game bioware developed..

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This game has had bigger success out o the box than any other game in MMO history. Not too mention large financial backing and a great dev team. Dream on kid.


You can keep thinking whatever you like. A great launch happened only because of how it was advertised. Suddenly most people realize this isn't an actual MMO.


Subs will take a major hit next month when lots won't actually keep on playing. Only thing carrying the game atm is the name and the free month it offers.


Take your own advice, or maybe take mine and wake up.


Game itself is an awesome singleplayer game, but that's it. Not an MMO.

Edited by Skeelol
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u have half the people hating on this game.. and half the people liken it... and out of half those people liken the game.. half of those are forcing them selfs to like it..


game is in need of a serious make over.. gw2 and titan r going to be out soon... and bioware came out with instanced single player mmo.. yea this is really going to bring in the big bucks..

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This game has had bigger success out o the box than any other game in MMO history. Not too mention large financial backing and a great dev team. Dream on kid.


Agree, As I have said before WoW= The dumbing down of an entire gaming generation, In WoW they goto the barrens to show of their shinies, glowies, nedkid dancing, and call it fun..... Jedi Knight>>>>Pandas

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Every planet has a bonus series. Some you have to return to the planets later to do. It's not the game's or the developers' faults that you rushed through the content and skipped all the side quests and bonus missions.


The Old Republic has way more life than any other MMORPG for the simple fact that the NPC are fully voiced and the conversations are interactive.


I am lvl 35... and there are no more than 9 people at any point on Taris.


Also I haven't done a single group quest since Tatooine because there has been less than 25 people on each planet, and nobody wants to do group quests, it really saddens me how my guild can have 115 people yet 95 of them are still on Dromund Kaas and Balmorra.

Edited by Zakkuryu
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Agree, As I have said before WoW= The dumbing down of an entire gaming generation, In WoW they goto the barrens to show of their shinies, glowies, nedkid dancing, and call it fun..... Jedi Knight>>>>Pandas


I'm curious, how old are you to have that kind of mindset?


Noone goes to barrens to show off their shinies, glowies and dance naked. I don't know what you have been playing, but clearly not WoW. Maybe a private server?

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u have half the people hating on this game.. and half the people liken it... and out of half those people liken the game.. half of those are forcing them selfs to like it..


game is in need of a serious make over.. gw2 and titan r going to be out soon... and bioware came out with instanced single player mmo.. yea this is really going to bring in the big bucks..



No....the VAST majority of the people playing this game are loving it. The people ************ are the 2-3% that are a vocal minority on the forums. Ask the average joe at the fleet and he will tell you most of us are having a great time. If you don't enjoy the game there are plenty of other options out there.

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No....the VAST majority of the people playing this game are loving it. The people ************ are the 2-3% that are a vocal minority on the forums. Ask the average joe at the fleet and he will tell you most of us are having a great time. If you don't enjoy the game there are plenty of other options out there.


yes and i plan to play them after my free month.. i have more fun on the forums then playing so might as well get my 60 bucks worth..


where i came up with my number was



i had 25 people i know come play tor... 10 have already pretty much quit...

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u have half the people hating on this game.. and half the people liken it... and out of half those people liken the game.. half of those are forcing them selfs to like it..


game is in need of a serious make over.. gw2 and titan r going to be out soon... and bioware came out with instanced single player mmo.. yea this is really going to bring in the big bucks..


LOL, lets see, Dev Blogs for years explained EXACTLY how this game would be, Videos even made easier for slow people (wow) to see what was happening in this game. Most StarWars fans knew exactly what would happen. BTW, how do you know people are forcing themselves to like the game?


You are just trolling for GW2, I'm sure it will do fine...just go there to there forums and cackle about it all you want? You are fooling no one....Goto to sleep and dream dreams of GW2.

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yes and i plan to play them after my free month.. i have more fun on the forums then playing so might as well get my 60 bucks worth..


where i came up with my number was



i had 25 people i know come play tor... 10 have already pretty much quit...



What are their names and levels....what guild? Hmmm bet you dont know, keep trying.

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I hate how there is no reason to really explore. Or for that reason even an ability to explore. Some planets are literally just a bunch of corridors and others look open but as soon as you try and look around "EXHAUSTION ZONE TURN BACK OR YOU ARE DOOMED!" I was so happy to leave awful Nar Shaddaa and get to Tatooine... only to find out that when I try and explore a bit I am just forced right back into the box.


Please regail me with tales of this mystical, unlimited polygon, non-linear exploration game you all keep refering too. And if you say SWG, I dont' know what I'll... but it'll be bad.

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I'm curious, how old are you to have that kind of mindset?


Noone goes to barrens to show off their shinies, glowies and dance naked. I don't know what you have been playing, but clearly not WoW. Maybe a private server?



Old enough, They goto barrens, stormwind, any major city, please dont tell me you havent seen this...

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Old enough, They goto barrens, stormwind, any major city, please dont tell me you havent seen this...


this is mmo's who doesn't show off their gear.... to bad the gear in swtor is disgusting so there would be no reason to do this anyways.. and the dancing is a joke

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Game itself is an awesome singleplayer game, but that's it. Not an MMO.


What vital MMO feature is this game missing? Enlighten us all as to what this could possibly be? Is it because there's no reason to do anything with other people? Don't try that because it's a complete crock. There's a heroic in every quest hub after the starter worlds. There's a flashpoint after every planet. You get increased XP for grouping. You get an increased drop rate for grouping. You get social points for questing with a group. This game does more to give grouping an incentive than any other MMO I've played, besides the early ones that forced it.


What else would make it into a single player game? You don't see 80000 people running around Tython? Does it matter that these people don't care about you, that they won't even interact with you? You just want to see them there? Why? They might as well be an NPC. Besides, sharding the areas avoids an even more bothersome situation. All the quest mobs are dead and all the crafting nodes are gone. Or is that what makes an MMO? You can still communicate with the people in other shards through general. Or do people just want to see them and not interact with them? I don't think the sharding is that bad, anyway. On Ebon Hawk, I've seen people all the time, everywhere I've gone, from 1-30. I'm not seeing the deadness.


I'm at a loss as to what else would disqualify this game from being an MMO. It has the standard mechanics, group play, PvP, crafting, the things I expect in an MMO. Maybe your definition is a little too refined?

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u have half the people hating on this game.. and half the people liken it... and out of half those people liken the game.. half of those are forcing them selfs to like it..


game is in need of a serious make over.. gw2 and titan r going to be out soon... and bioware came out with instanced single player mmo.. yea this is really going to bring in the big bucks..


Let me see if I can articulate as poorly as you. titan r not anounce yet and are will not be out soon lolz do you no nothing bout blzzard track record for release games haha newb.


How'd I do?

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What vital MMO feature is this game missing? Enlighten us all as to what this could possibly be? Is it because there's no reason to do anything with other people? Don't try that because it's a complete crock. There's a heroic in every quest hub after the starter worlds. There's a flashpoint after every planet. You get increased XP for grouping. You get an increased drop rate for grouping. You get social points for questing with a group. This game does more to give grouping an incentive than any other MMO I've played, besides the early ones that forced it.


What else would make it into a single player game? You don't see 80000 people running around Tython? Does it matter that these people don't care about you, that they won't even interact with you? You just want to see them there? Why? They might as well be an NPC. Besides, sharding the areas avoids an even more bothersome situation. All the quest mobs are dead and all the crafting nodes are gone. Or is that what makes an MMO? You can still communicate with the people in other shards through general. Or do people just want to see them and not interact with them? I don't think the sharding is that bad, anyway. On Ebon Hawk, I've seen people all the time, everywhere I've gone, from 1-30. I'm not seeing the deadness.


I'm at a loss as to what else would disqualify this game from being an MMO. It has the standard mechanics, group play, PvP, crafting, the things I expect in an MMO. Maybe your definition is a little too refined?


I've already stated my reasons multiple times before, not gonna do it again.


Needless to say, everyone i talked to that was excited by coming over to swtor is now pretty much going to unsub next month due to this not actually being an MMO.


If you can't figure it out yourself why, then all the better for you. Keep enjoying the game.

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I've already stated my reasons multiple times before, not gonna do it again.


Needless to say, everyone i talked to that was excited by coming over to swtor is now pretty much going to unsub next month due to this not actually being an MMO.


If you can't figure it out yourself why, then all the better for you. Keep enjoying the game.


What a cop-out. He articulated every reason why this an MMO and all you can say is "is not"


Besides the fact that the only requirement to be an mmo is that a massive number of people can play in a persistent world. Now, you may have convinced yourself of a different definition, but that doesn't make it so.

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Let me see if I can articulate as poorly as you. titan r not anounce yet and are will not be out soon lolz do you no nothing bout blzzard track record for release games haha newb.


How'd I do?


i kno there the top game developer. d3 is also soonish......... thus swtor die's ... gj bioware

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A good chunk of players who're complaining about the game are those who infact used PvP/Space xp exploits to reach lv 50 in a couple of days, then they looked around and went ZOMG NOTHINGS HERE!!!


Allow me to educate the powergamers on a little something, ESPECIALLY those who are from WoW, and expect TOR to be WoW:


WoW is --------------------------> That way.


BW had already stated their intentions of how the game would be constructed. The fact that you're raging about planet populations and things to do highlights the fact that you never once read up on the game whatsoever, and expected to faceroll and/or bypass the content and expect to see a plethora of gameplay at the lv 50 echelon. You probably assumed that every game in the future would be WoW, just with a different skin on it, simply becasue you like the mechanics of that game.


If that's what you want, Rift is <------------------------------ That way.


So there you have it. You can either drop the fanboi BS and accept TOR for what it was designed for, be patient for content and new planets/features, and for bug fixes, or go back to WoW or try / go back to Rift if that's where you're from. Oh, and if you're thinking it, NO -- THIS ISN'T STAR WARS GALAXIES 2.0.


Deal with it and cut the QQ.


(NOTE FOR THE WOW FANBOIS: World of Warcraft started so horribly, at retail release content for end game didn't exist past Upper Blackrock Spire until their 9th month of release, where they introduced Molten Core. Add to that the network fiasco they had which made the game unplayable to most players for nearly 30 days straight during only their 2nd month, and in comparison, TOR is not too shabby.)

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