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Why I'm worried about the Discipline system


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People take the same trees because they have the mental capacity to realize that there is really only one (or at most a couple) effective way to build the specs. There is nothing that others haven't tried and dismissed for being ineffective already. You're not a snowflake. If it works others are already using it. If it doesn't, then they've already dismissed it.


Tanks acting and wearing armor of DPS is nothing new. It's been around for ages.




That's not how percents work. If you have 4 DPS and one of them is your theoretical Deception Assassin then the DPS would as a whole be doing 2.5% more DPS. Alone, he does 10% more, in a group that increase has to be considered against the group, he's only 1/4 of the DPS. If you brought 4 Deception Assassins then you'd be doing 10% more damage. In a 16 man, if all 10 of your DPS were Deception Assassins the DPS would still be doing only 10% more damage.


To make it easier to understand, assume you have 4 DPS doing 100 DPS. So a group of 4 DPS does a grand total of 400 DPS. But along comes a Deception Assassin, and he does 110 DPS. Now you have a total of 410 DPS. That's a 2.5% increase. If you bring 4 Deception Assassins you would then have 440 DPS. That's a 10% increase.


It's still bad to have things unbalanced, but not for the numbers you claim.


I shouldn't math before I've had coffee. lol

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People take the same things in the same trees because they lack the mental capacity to perform theory craft and figure out something cool. I've found that stacking alacrity and power on a marksmanship sniper makes it extremely effective in pvp vs single target. I've found that there is an effective damage role in the darkness tree of assassin, all you need to do is stack accuracy and power, then use defensive relics with a shield as an offhand and you become a f*cking war tank...


There is nothing complicated about this combat system, anybody could figure out cool and fun combinations if they weren't so thick and put forth just a little effort.


You stack power because it has no DR. Stacking alacrity or accuracy has next to no value as you gain almost no stat increase past a certain point. Min/Max isn't a feel sort of scenario, it's a math scenario. By stacking Power/Surge, you maximize your damage output in most specs for PvP.


Same with specs. There may be 1 or 2 utility abilities you get a choice on, but almost all points are set to maximize your productivity. There is no full Darkness build that can do enough damage to compete with Dark Maul as a damage dealing, tank Sin. You are perfectly at liberty to use whatever build/spec you enjoy, but the best option still exists and outperforms what you are doing.

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