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We all know lightning is going to be nerfed. The question is when?


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I'm sorry did I say any of that? If you want to respond to a post please do so with alittle tact.



Are you answering a question with a question? ;)


But OK, you're right. I could have used a kinder language. I'm sorry, and I apologize.


My point was that you shouldn't be expecting to do any significant damage if you are tank spec'd.

You have other chores as a Tank. Just like my first priority as a healer is to heal.


We both can do some dmg, but not as good as the pure damage dealers do. And that´s exactly the way it should be.



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I think he is looking for a retpaladin style class. Which is that way ---------------->


Last I checked in WoW, melee was getting shat on. Warlocks and Mages were considered the most brain dead classes in the game. That may have changed, but it looks to me all the people who wanted an easy win RPing Harry Potter have moved to TOR aswell.


If you folks dont think there will be buffs and nerfs to specs, you will be in for some really rough times. Its MMO PvP, FOTMs come and go, thats kinda why they're called FOTM.


But if you just want to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it wont happen be my guest, when some other spec is on top, just dont expect much sympathy from anyone, its best people try to give constructive suggestions on balance rather than try and deny that imbalances exist.

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Last I checked in WoW, melee was getting shat on. Warlocks and Mages were considered the most brain dead classes in the game. That may have changed, but it looks to me all the people who wanted an easy win RPing Harry Potter have moved to TOR aswell.


If you folks dont think there will be buffs and nerfs to specs, you will be in for some really rough times. Its MMO PvP, FOTMs come and go, thats kinda why they're called FOTM.


But if you just want to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it wont happen be my guest, when some other spec is on top, just dont expect much sympathy from anyone, its best people try to give constructive suggestions on balance rather than try and deny that imbalances exist.


Umm.....you are so wrong its not even funny. When is the last time you checked, WotlK??? Go check the forums. Blood DKs are out of control and everyone is crying about it. Fury Warriors are still un CCable jokes and Paladins of any spec have always been and have continued to be unstoppable, DPS dealing, Plate wearing, Blessing of Freedon out of any CC ability in the game, never ending mana battery, immunity bubble while still dealing damage jokes of a class...why do you think they are called LOLadins?!?!?!


The only ranged class in game that still is being complained about is Frost Mages...Lock, Hunters and Shadow Priests are a non-Isuue.





PS Yes they are called FOTM for a reason but it this case it is a clear case of misplaced hatred. The reasons are false and unreal and it has to do with more of the graphic for the skill than the damge it actually does. I only pray the DEVs see this and dont cave into the wishes of the unsilent minority.

Edited by Madgecko
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Are you answering a question with a question? ;)


But OK, you're right. I could have used a kinder language. I'm sorry, and I apologize.


My point was that you shouldn't be expecting to do any significant damage if you are tank spec'd.

You have other chores as a Tank. Just like my first priority as a healer is to heal.


We both can do some dmg, but not as good as the pure damage dealers do. And that´s exactly the way it should be.




I personally do not play a tank spec, so I have no idea why you would say that. The class/spec I play can only do damage aswell, I feel there are better ways for the damage to be delt, and how its delt.


The problem with Maruader/Sentinel is that almost all of its damage is extreemly backloaded, the damage is good when you reach it, but it takes some time getting there, it also requires time on target to achieve. I'm working on a post for the class forums suggesting some tweaks, so I wont get into some of the changes I would suggest here. With that said, in the heavy CC PvP environment TOR has, its much tougher to deal damage as those specs than maybe it should be, if the devs would like to keep the damage as back loaded, maybe some different control options are needed for those specs? I really dont want to see all the damage front loaded either, for any spec really, that alone creats frustration for those on the recieving end, if they die before they can react or whatnot, its a tough balancing act for sure, but just because its tough doesnt mean they should'nt try and balance it out abit.


The last thing I want to see is tanks with high damage, thats terrible design.

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I personally do not play a tank spec, so I have no idea why you would say that. The class/spec I play can only do damage aswell, I feel there are better ways for the damage to be delt, and how its delt.


The problem with Maruader/Sentinel is that almost all of its damage is extreemly backloaded, the damage is good when you reach it, but it takes some time getting there, it also requires time on target to achieve. I'm working on a post for the class forums suggesting some tweaks, so I wont get into some of the changes I would suggest here. With that said, in the heavy CC PvP environment TOR has, its much tougher to deal damage as those specs than maybe it should be, if the devs would like to keep the damage as back loaded, maybe some different control options are needed for those specs? I really dont want to see all the damage front loaded either, for any spec really, that alone creats frustration for those on the recieving end, if they die before they can react or whatnot, its a tough balancing act for sure, but just because its tough doesnt mean they should'nt try and balance it out abit.


The last thing I want to see is tanks with high damage, thats terrible design.



Well, sry again then. You wrote something about tanks and sent/maru earlier and i misread it as "you are a tank" and so on...


I think a better fix would be for players to reach Resolve a tad faster.




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OK, so theres basic lightning, theres also channeled lightning, chain lightning, stun on 1min cd with lightning animation, interupt with lightning animation and if speccec, theres chance for basic lightning and chainlightning to trigger second(weaker) lightning. Give Sorc some room and all u see is huge purplish storm. Even i as Sorc wouldnt recognise what lightning is which spell. But all i see is nonSorc QQ about channeled lightning criting over 3k dmg each tick while stunning and throwing pinky unicorns on your head. **** already and accept fact that Sage=Sorc. Edited by DwaneDibbley
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Well, sry again then. You wrote something about tanks and sent/maru earlier and i misread it as "you are a tank" and so on...


I think a better fix would be for players to reach Resolve a tad faster.





No worries, I re-read what I posted, and I get why you would think that. For the tanks specs, I think damage wise they are right well and good. They seem to be to controlled far to easy, Im betting thats where alot of the frustration comes from.


I agree on the Resolve issue, it does need to act faster.


There are some other issues where melee for lack of a better word "suffers", looks like alot of them are technical issues and some bugs, we'll probably see alot of fixxes in the comming weeks that will help with that.

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Does noone know that the Sage does the exact same moves...?


Or is everyone trolling? I'm confused.


As someone else said, people forget there are mirror classes. The point I do not get it, those abilities are not op. People just want to whine when they die.


I hope Bio does not do knee jerk reactions to peoples crying, unless they can back up the QQ with data that they show to everyone.

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Out of curiosity, what are you defining as the "Lightning Stun"?


Are you referring to Electrocute, a 1 minute (or 50 seconds if spec'd into Oppressing Force) cooldown stun that does use lightning for it's animation and last for 4 seconds.


Whirlwind, which is another 1 minute (or 45 seconds if spec'd into Suppression) cooldown stun, that could possibly affect multiple targets if spec'd into Oppressing Force, and lasts for a total of 1 minute.


Jolt, which is an interrupt ability that lasts for 4 seconds, and shoots lightning for it's animation and is on a 12 second cooldown. I know this isn't a "stun" but could be confused as one by some due to the animation, so I've added it here.


Or Force Lightning, which isn't a "stun" at all but rather works like a channeled Force Slow doing consistent damage?


Just curious, that's all, as "Lightning Stun" is very vague.


Whirlwind breaks on damage, too... it's a mez :p. Oh and it lasts 8 seconds in PVP, not 60.

Edited by Ancen
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There are some other issues where melee for lack of a better word "suffers", looks like alot of them are technical issues and some bugs, we'll probably see alot of fixxes in the comming weeks that will help with that.


Since I don´t play a melee class I haven't noticed those issues, but I do understand that they are there.

I think that's what's causing the problems, not that the classes are UP per se.

They just feel/behave that way because of the "clunkyness".

Edited by Birdflew
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hmmm...perhaps there is something wrong with the rotation those people are using then. i've never had any trouble building rage quickly(within 3 seconds) for big damage attacks.


as for opening cc's. it's an up and down game....if i see a ranged that looks like they're coming after me, maybe i'll force leap into their face, or may i'll LOS them, or maybe i'll just sit there and die like a little you know what lol. and again i have no problem with my dps on my marauder so far, can't wait till he gets a knockback, i love smackin people into fire lol.



Sentinel/Marauder is a good class, I'm loving mine and doing great with it. We have amazing denial abilities, good mobility, and some CC... plus high damage. Centering (Rage for marauder) is rarely an issue for me if I play smart.


P.S. So much misinformation in this thread about what abilities do and don't do!

Edited by Ancen
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elecrocute is 4 second, long cooldown, breaks on damage......so what is your point because every class has access to abilities just like or better than sorcerers....every one.


Wrong, it does not break on damage, it's a 4 second stun. Also, one minute is not a long cooldown.

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Yes because your ignorance in the fact that Sorcerers do not have access to every stun or interupt is a viable point right? SHock doesnt work in PvP, Wirwind is a hella long cast time, breaks on damage, elecrocute is 4 second, long cooldown, breaks on damage......so what is your point because every class has access to abilities just like or better than sorcerers....every one.


Where did I say that sorcerer's have access to every stun and cc from all ACs and specs? A pitiful attempt to divert attention from the blatent disinformation that was exposed from the original post I quoted.

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Last I checked in WoW, melee was getting shat on. Warlocks and Mages were considered the most brain dead classes in the game. That may have changed, but it looks to me all the people who wanted an easy win RPing Harry Potter have moved to TOR aswell.


If you folks dont think there will be buffs and nerfs to specs, you will be in for some really rough times. Its MMO PvP, FOTMs come and go, thats kinda why they're called FOTM.


But if you just want to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it wont happen be my guest, when some other spec is on top, just dont expect much sympathy from anyone, its best people try to give constructive suggestions on balance rather than try and deny that imbalances exist.


You've never played WoW have you- locks have been a joke for a long time. Mages are indeed top notch, but, they're a glass canon with no healing. Melee top arena teams- that's pallies and warriors in the top % of brackets all around, and DKs go from top to mid depending on the month... hunters and locks, your ranged classes, have been bottom for a long time.


I have to laugh though at how your only way to verbally assault a playstyle you can't handle is by calling them Harry Potter. Generally that is a good tactic, insulting people by comparing them to something considered childish... a good tactic when you have zero to back up the swill coming out of your mouth. Ironic too, you say constructive when you're dead set on being insulting? Good game.

Edited by fungihoujo
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You've never played WoW have you- locks have been a joke for a long time. Mages are indeed top notch, but, they're a glass canon with no healing. Melee top arena teams- that's pallies and warriors in the top % of brackets all around, and DKs go from top to mid depending on the month... hunters and locks, your ranged classes, have been bottom for a long time.


I have to laugh though at how your only way to verbally assault a playstyle you can't handle is by calling them Harry Potter. Generally that is a good tactic, insulting people by comparing them to something considered childish... a good tactic when you have zero to back up the swill coming out of your mouth. Ironic too, you say constructive when you're dead set on being insulting? Good game.


Just out of curiosity I checked WoWs arena ranking ladders. You may want to do the same, considering the top comp for 3v3, is accually called Harry Potter Cleave, Warlock/Mage/Sham. Warriors/Dks are sitting at the bottom of everything, with Warlocks, that class you said at the bottoms, is sitting at 2 to 4x the rep of almost all melee specs combined. Swill indeed.

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