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We all know lightning is going to be nerfed. The question is when?


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If you think inq/couns are not op then your are in denial. My 11 year old son rolled one and as nub as he is at pvp he is always in the top 3 in bg's and he's only level 11 lol. So just keep telling yourself your more skilled than everyone else then when you get nerfed and have to play another one of the "Uber" ranged classes maybe that little light bulb will turn on over your head. Your so "not op" that I abandoned my commando and rerolled the same class as you. Seriously, do you want a good balanced game or do you want to play Marios Bros with a game genie? Its obvious to any HONEST serious gamer that the class needs toned down a little.


not really dude. i can get my gunslinger and marauder in the top three almost every time. not just for dps, but for objectives as well....


there just seems to be a lot of players unfamiliar with pvp right now. you know, the people who get the ball and don't know where they are going or what exactly the ball is for....



quite honestly my sorc gets owned by upper level gunslingers and operatives. but i think that's more player skill than any OPness to their classes, ie...those players were just better than me.



electrocute breaks on damage and only lasts some three seconds, half the classes in this game share a similar stun. it also has at least a 45 second cooldown. that's a long time in pvp. you have to know when to use it right, or you may as well not even have it.


you know what i detest? the ultra long flashbang stun that i have to suffer through from smugglers and agents. it sucks, but you know what they need that stun to stay at range.


i think a lot of people need to take some time and actually learn what it's like to be a sorc, sage so that they can learn how to shut them down. i know it's not impossible because it happens to me on my sorc quite often.

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Sith Warrior:

Intimidating Roar - 42 - 6 second AoE CC

Force Push - 26 - Knockback + 2 second stun

Force Choke - 24 - Channeled, damaging, rage building stun

Crippling Smash - 16 - 12 second 50% slow

Chilling Scream - 12 - 9 second 50% AoE slow

Force Scream - 6 - 4 second AoE Stun

Smash - 3 - 1.5 second AoE stun

Force Charge - 2 - Distance closing 2 second immoblize/interrupt

Backhand - spec - 4 second stun

Force Crush - spec - Progressive Slow + DoT



Sith Inquisitor:

Spike - 42 - 2 second stun

Force Slow - 22 - 6 second 50% slow

Mind Trap - 20 - 60 second CC

Electrocute - 6 - 6 second stun + damage

Whirlwind - 4 - Casted CC

Overload - AoE Knockback + 3 second stun

Creeping Terror - spec - 2 second immobilize + damage

Force Pull - Spec - Distance closer

Low Slash - Spec - 4 second stun + Damage


Yes, the Jedi equivilent have the exact mirrored abilities...


I agree... Melee needs more CC...


Oh wait, no, they just need to use it more!



YES!!!!! Devs are you watching?!?! Do you see the ignorance of the nerf herder crowd?? Do you see the baseless arguments they make???KEEP TRUTH A ROLLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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not really dude. i can get my gunslinger and marauder in the top three almost every time. not just for dps, but for objectives as well....


there just seems to be a lot of players unfamiliar with pvp right now. you know, the people who get the ball and don't know where they are going or what exactly the ball is for....



quite honestly my sorc gets owned by upper level gunslingers and operatives. but i think that's more player skill than any OPness to their classes, ie...those players were just better than me.



electrocute breaks on damage and only lasts some three seconds, half the classes in this game share a similar stun. it also has at least a 45 second cooldown. that's a long time in pvp. you have to know when to use it right, or you may as well not even have it.


you know what i detest? the ultra long flashbang stun that i have to suffer through from smugglers and agents. it sucks, but you know what they need that stun to stay at range.


i think a lot of people need to take some time and actually learn what it's like to be a sorc, sage so that they can learn how to shut them down. i know it's not impossible because it happens to me on my sorc quite often.


There is hope for the mindful SWTOR forum community. More truth please~!!!!!!!!!!!!


DEVS??? ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION???? No One Needs To Be Nerfed In This Game!!!

Edited by Madgecko
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YES!!!!! Devs are you watching?!?! Do you see the ignorance of the nerf herder crowd?? Do you see the baseless arguments they make???KEEP TRUTH A ROLLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


of course they know, that's why they don't even bother to respond. i think they are trying to patiently wait for people to get it.


it's too bad they wiped the beta forums. i distinctly remember one of the devs saying Inq/cons being where they wanted them, and that they were bringing every other class up to their level. so far as i've seen from my pvp experiences on other classes, they've done a pretty good job. is it perfect, no, but it's better than it was when say ...ohh...trooper healers were nigh on invincible. or when assassins were useless because autoface was active all the time.

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Sith Warrior:

Intimidating Roar - 42 - 6 second AoE CC

Force Push - 26 - Knockback + 2 second stun

Force Choke - 24 - Channeled, damaging, rage building stun

Crippling Smash - 16 - 12 second 50% slow

Chilling Scream - 12 - 9 second 50% AoE slow

Force Scream - 6 - 4 second AoE Stun

Smash - 3 - 1.5 second AoE stun

Force Charge - 2 - Distance closing 2 second immoblize/interrupt

Backhand - spec - 4 second stun

Force Crush - spec - Progressive Slow + DoT



Sith Inquisitor:

Spike - 42 - 2 second stun

Force Slow - 22 - 6 second 50% slow

Mind Trap - 20 - 60 second CC

Electrocute - 6 - 6 second stun + damage

Whirlwind - 4 - Casted CC

Overload - AoE Knockback + 3 second stun

Creeping Terror - spec - 2 second immobilize + damage

Force Pull - Spec - Distance closer

Low Slash - Spec - 4 second stun + Damage


Yes, the Jedi equivilent have the exact mirrored abilities...


I agree... Melee needs more CC...


Oh wait, no, they just need to use it more!


Overload doesn't stun in PvP, Spike is a knockdown, electrocute lasts for 4 seconds.


Spike and mind trap need to be used from stealth, and mind trap can only be used on targets out of combat.


I'm an assassin and actually agree that the CC is ok, but in the interest of debate you should get the abilities right.

Edited by Gymnotiformes
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i dont think republic have realised what mirror classes are


Maybe if the Republic would play something other than Jedi Knight they'd understand that... and perhaps win a bit...


And for those asking for melee buffs- no, melee is fine, they have a great deal of slows and knockbacks- the problem is, Republic, your teams are 75% jedi knights- a full melee team is going to have some problems. When I get on a sith team with a juggernaut and marauder, it works out fine because we'll also have a couple of everything else- and melee classes excel at keeping people off bombs or flag carrying, which is the main objective of two of our pvp warzones.

Edited by fungihoujo
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what rock did you come from under?


other classes have insane cc and stuns even more so that inquis stuns, just because its a popular class and you get stunned alot doesn't mean crap.


Ive been demolshed by operaitves, bounty hunters and snipers who all have some form of cc or stuns.


Get of these forums troll your teribad.


43 sorc posting your comments are bs and yuou need to l2p

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Bounty Hunters have the exact same ability - it's called Electro-dart.


And I'd like chime in with the sentiment that was previously posted above: why is it that only Sith Inquisitors are getting hammered by nerf calls when their mirror isn't?


I play a bounty hunter (valor rank 22), and while Inquisitors are a powerful, versatile class, they never struck me as "oh, that's obviously overpowered." Part of the reason why there are so many Inquisitors isn't because they are the "FotM" overpowered class, but because the idea around the class (lightening, being Emperor Palpatine) is a lot more appealing than what the actual gameplay mechanics offer.


I am willing to bet that we'll see a good deal of the Inquisitor population start to taper off in the next month or so. A lot of people, whether for reasons of being unable to get a spot due to overpopulation or discovering that the class just isn't what they expected it to be, will be rerolling to a different class or AC.


And frankly, it's way too early to be throwing around "nerfs this and nerf that." You need to get to 50. It's impossible - I repeat, IMPOSSIBLE, to balance a MMORPG for pvp at every level of gameplay.


i love you

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Melee specs just need to be brought up to the level of the ranged classes, and resolve needs a revamp its terrible in its current form. And yes, several specs will be and need to be nerfed for PvP.


see, i don't understand this. granted my marauder is only level 17, i've never had issues with him in meeting or exceeding dps of ranged classes. the only time i have issues with ranged is when i'm up against multiples of them by myself, BUT that's a bad sign anyways no matter what damage type so i wouldn't have survived if they were melee anyway.


i'm really uncertain about these problems some people seem to be having. i'm not an ultra pvper( i play on a pve server for a reason pvp when i want it!) but i can still make top part of the charts on dps or objectives if i try.

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Overload doesn't stun in PvP, Spike is a knockdown, electrocute lasts for 4 seconds.


Spike and mind trap need to be used from stealth, and mind trap can only be used on targets out of combat.


I'm an assassin and actually agree that the CC is ok, but in the interest of debate you should get the abilities right.


This was more a blanket chart... While I'm at work... On Christmas eve... and therefore pissed...

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see, i don't understand this. granted my marauder is only level 17, i've never had issues with him in meeting or exceeding dps of ranged classes. the only time i have issues with ranged is when i'm up against multiples of them by myself, BUT that's a bad sign anyways no matter what damage type so i wouldn't have survived if they were melee anyway.


i'm really uncertain about these problems some people seem to be having. i'm not an ultra pvper( i play on a pve server for a reason pvp when i want it!) but i can still make top part of the charts on dps or objectives if i try.


Sent/Maurader and the Tank specs, need a fairly long time on target to build up for attacks that do any real damage, whereas alot of the ranged specs can CC from range and open with some pretty potent attacks right off the bat. This is a much larger issue at lower levels say pre 35, but even after its still pretty unbalanced.


We'll either see buffs for those melee specs in the form of defense from ranged, more control options when they get in range, or some pretty substantial damage buffs. For sure some of the ranged specs should and most likely will recieve some control nerfs, and maybe some slight damage nerfs. We'll likely see some fair number of tweaks and bug fixes and such the week after the holidays.

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Sent/Maurader and the Tank specs, need a fairly long time on target to build up for attacks that do any real damage, whereas alot of the ranged specs can CC from range and open with some pretty potent attacks right off the bat. This is a much larger issue at lower levels say pre 35, but even after its still pretty unbalanced.


We'll either see buffs for those melee specs in the form of defense from ranged, more control options when they get in range, or some pretty substantial damage buffs. For sure some of the ranged specs should and most likely will recieve some control nerfs, and maybe some slight damage nerfs. We'll likely see some fair number of tweaks and bug fixes and such the week after the holidays.


Shouldn't the name "Tank spec" give you a hint right off the bat?


They are not meant to do significant damage.

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Sent/Maurader and the Tank specs, need a fairly long time on target to build up for attacks that do any real damage, whereas alot of the ranged specs can CC from range and open with some pretty potent attacks right off the bat. This is a much larger issue at lower levels say pre 35, but even after its still pretty unbalanced.


We'll either see buffs for those melee specs in the form of defense from ranged, more control options when they get in range, or some pretty substantial damage buffs. For sure some of the ranged specs should and most likely will recieve some control nerfs, and maybe some slight damage nerfs. We'll likely see some fair number of tweaks and bug fixes and such the week after the holidays.


hmmm...perhaps there is something wrong with the rotation those people are using then. i've never had any trouble building rage quickly(within 3 seconds) for big damage attacks.


as for opening cc's. it's an up and down game....if i see a ranged that looks like they're coming after me, maybe i'll force leap into their face, or may i'll LOS them, or maybe i'll just sit there and die like a little you know what lol. and again i have no problem with my dps on my marauder so far, can't wait till he gets a knockback, i love smackin people into fire lol.

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Sith Warrior:

Intimidating Roar - 42 - 6 second AoE CC

Force Push - 26 - Knockback + 2 second stun

Force Choke - 24 - Channeled, damaging, rage building stun

Crippling Smash - 16 - 12 second 50% slow

Chilling Scream - 12 - 9 second 50% AoE slow

Force Scream - 6 - 4 second AoE Stun

Smash - 3 - 1.5 second AoE stun

Force Charge - 2 - Distance closing 2 second immoblize/interrupt

Backhand - spec - 4 second stun

Force Crush - spec - Progressive Slow + DoT



Sith Inquisitor:

Spike - 42 - 2 second stun

Force Slow - 22 - 6 second 50% slow

Mind Trap - 20 - 60 second CC

Electrocute - 6 - 6 second stun + damage

Whirlwind - 4 - Casted CC

Overload - AoE Knockback + 3 second stun

Creeping Terror - spec - 2 second immobilize + damage

Force Pull - Spec - Distance closer

Low Slash - Spec - 4 second stun + Damage


Yes, the Jedi equivilent have the exact mirrored abilities...


I agree... Melee needs more CC...


Oh wait, no, they just need to use it more!


Sith Warrior:

Intimidating Roar - 42 - 6 second AoE CC on a 60s cd that breaks on damage

Force Push - 26 - Knockback + 2 second stun on a 60s cd

Force Choke - 24 - Channeled, damaging, rage building stun that imobilizes the warrior unless spec'd

Crippling Slash - 16 - 12 second 50% slow available only to Marauders

Chilling Scream - 12 - 9 second 50% AoE slow available only to Juggernauts

Force Scream - 6 - 4 second single target stun that doesn't work in pvp

Smash - 3 - 1.5 second AoE stun that doesn't work in pvp

Force Charge - 2 - Distance closing 2 second immoblize/interrupt that is immediately negated by Overload

Backhand - spec - 4 second stun on 60s cd - emphasis on Immortal Juggernaut SPEC

Force Crush - spec - Progressive Slow + DoT - emphasis on Vengeance Juggernaut SPEC


The purpose of this deliberately deceptive and arrogant post was to make everyone think that warriors have access to almost all of these abilities, and that they all work in pvp - sorry to burst your bubble (but not really).



The ignorance/deception/huberis is strong in this one...

Edited by DsevenO
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Personally the old saying about lightning never striking twice needs to apply to SIs.


They can only hit a person ONCE and then never again are they allowed to hit that player for the rest of that players tenure in the game.


So speaketh the the mighty potato canon on Hammer station.... so shall it be.

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Sith Warrior:

Intimidating Roar - 42 - 6 second AoE CC on a 60s cd that breaks on damage

Force Push - 26 - Knockback + 2 second stun on a 60s cd

Force Choke - 24 - Channeled, damaging, rage building stun that imobilizes the warrior unless spec'd

Crippling Slash - 16 - 12 second 50% slow available only to Marauders

Chilling Scream - 12 - 9 second 50% AoE slow available only to Juggernauts

Force Scream - 6 - 4 second single target stun that doesn't work in pvp

Smash - 3 - 1.5 second AoE stun that doesn't work in pvp

Force Charge - 2 - Distance closing 2 second immoblize/interrupt that is immediately negated by Overload

Backhand - spec - 4 second stun on 60s cd - emphasis on Immortal Juggernaut SPEC

Force Crush - spec - Progressive Slow + DoT - emphasis on Vengeance Juggernaut SPEC


The purpose of this deliberately deceptive and arrogant post was to make everyone think that warriors have access to almost all of these abilities, and that they all work in pvp - sorry to burst your bubble (but not really).



The ignorance/deception/huberis is strong in this one...


Yes because your ignorance in the fact that Sorcerers do not have access to every stun or interupt is a viable point right? SHock doesnt work in PvP, Wirwind is a hella long cast time, breaks on damage, elecrocute is 4 second, long cooldown, breaks on damage......so what is your point because every class has access to abilities just like or better than sorcerers....every one.

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Personally the old saying about lightning never striking twice needs to apply to SIs.


They can only hit a person ONCE and then never again are they allowed to hit that player for the rest of that players tenure in the game.


So speaketh the the mighty potato canon on Hammer station.... so shall it be.


Oh dear lord would like me to post all of the so called OP abilities of Snipers or Bounty Hunters, cause I can.

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hmmm...perhaps there is something wrong with the rotation those people are using then. i've never had any trouble building rage quickly(within 3 seconds) for big damage attacks.


as for opening cc's. it's an up and down game....if i see a ranged that looks like they're coming after me, maybe i'll force leap into their face, or may i'll LOS them, or maybe i'll just sit there and die like a little you know what lol. and again i have no problem with my dps on my marauder so far, can't wait till he gets a knockback, i love smackin people into fire lol.


Dealing a decent amount of damage is not the issue, the amount of time it takes to deal that damage is, and its not an issue with the resources, those flow fairly well in the mid teens. Things like centering, and their equivilent required to do some of the larger moves and short duration defensive and offensive buffs cause an issue. One of my biggest gripes is Master Strike, it does a fair amount of damage, but its a channeled melee move, and very often the animation will cause me to swing at nothing unable move for a short time while watching my target calmly walk away, thats pretty poor design.


Alot of the issues people gripe about myself included would be solved if Resolve were different. When it fills it should break the CC you are in, otherwise the system works, just not very well, having a full resolve bar, while still being stuck in CC is frustrating to say the least.

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Dealing a decent amount of damage is not the issue, the amount of time it takes to deal that damage is.



Do I understand this right?!


You have the defense of a tank, the dps of a damage dealer, but lack the burst?


You don't want to add imba heals and unlimited sprint to that?



What you are looking for my friend, is an "I win" button.

Those do not exist in swtor, thank god.



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Do I understand this right?!


You have the defense of a tank, the dps of a damage dealer, but lack the burst?


You don't want to add imba heals and unlimited sprint to that?



What you are looking for my friend, is an "I win" button.

Those do not exist in swtor, thank god.




I think he is looking for a retpaladin style class. Which is that way ---------------->

Edited by Madgecko
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Do I understand this right?!


You have the defense of a tank, the dps of a damage dealer, but lack the burst?


You don't want to add imba heals and unlimited sprint to that?



What you are looking for my friend, is an "I win" button.

Those do not exist in swtor, thank god.




I'm sorry did I say any of that? If you want to respond to a post please do so with alittle tact.

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