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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Would you play SWTOR if it didn't have ANY voice acting?


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I could live without voice acting. If so many resources hadn't been dumped into that maybe a few more could have been spent on all the other subpar parts of the game.


Agreed totally. While the voice acting is really neat and helps with immersion, I cant help but wonder what the distribution of resources ended up costing in terms of game content. Plus, if any future content HAS to be fully voiced, then I'm worried that said content would be released much more slowly than usual due to the voice requirements.

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No, I would not. One of the things that has most impressed me from the very beginning about ST:ToR has been the voice acting and its high quality. The voice acting, the story lines, companions and crafting are all that really keep me playing.


The big hits to my belief in this game was the Space combat on rails, the lack of UI customization, and the lackluster healing UI. I personally believe that the game was not ready to come out. It needs at least another 3 months work and it should never have been brought out this come to Christmas. But what can BW do when they have both EA and LucasArts pushing from a holiday season release.


Take away voice acting and I'll go back to playing CoH, AoC and/or Champions Online. I'll never be going back to WoW or any Blizzard products period. (Kung-fu Panda's for cryign out loud???).

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Depends. They'd have to revamp the presentation for the entire game. Converting everything over to simply text and forcing users to read everything could work for some players...but it's my understanding that most people like to be entertained.


Given literacy rates, the sad fact of the matter is that a lot of people don't find reading entertaining.


A lot of the plot in the elder scroll games can be found in the books. You learn the back story of the world, get possible hints about future events, and sometimes just find a neat story about a particular deity or race in the world.


I bet most people don't even bother to read the books they come across, favoring to just wade in and kill stuff. About half of those individuals don't even bother to listen to the story elements that are voiced, just pressing space bar and then looking at their quest log.


Anyhow, I'd play the game without VO, but if you take the VO out of the game in it's current state, it'd become an unplayable mess for most people which would kill subs resulting in people who liked the game, but like having people to play with even more leaving.


I think the question you should be asking is "Would you play SWTOR if they designed it without voice acting in mind?"


edit: VA = Voice Acting/VO = Voice Over (potato/potato)

Edited by Xfraze
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Considering the hours I put into kotor 1 & 2, I'm gonna say yeah. They had some voice acting, but nothing to the level of this. Even still, the story was phenomenal (more so in 1, but not surprising since obsidian made 2). What's your point though? The voice acting definitely improves the game, but it doesn't define it.
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The short answer: No.


Take away the cinematics and voice acting and you have a pretty stripped down and boring game. It would be a lot like playing Battlefront and not very MMO'ish at all. The voice acting is what is making this game right now.

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