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12x Experience Boost-A slap in the face to people who had to level at launch.


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Sure, people can level fast now, but if they are new, they will miss a lot of content: FPs, planetary quests, slow progress and building of a character.


I think this boost is a great gift for veterans who already have few 55's, have seen all, or most, of the content, and are too tired to level up more characters. I already finished all storylines, but I always wanted to have all Advanced Classes on 55, but was too lazy to level them up. Also the opportunity to repeat my favorite Class Stories without any leveling issues is just amazing.


I love it.

Seems to me the intent is to indeed allow vets to level alts and enjoy the class story without being bored to death by the repetitive shared content.


A new player is going to miss a lot of good content if he's not guided through it by friends or guild mates.


Then while I understand the OP view and been there since beta too, I think BioWare did good here but maybe for one part:


  • People will want more of this story based game play.


Then when the buff is off, and they level from 55 to 60 with way less story based content, they'll miss it.

And players will be disappointed.


So in a way BioWare might have shoot themselves in the foot.

Unless... it was to test how popular are V.O. class story (ie are people not skipping cut scenes anymore) and eventually build on that for the future.

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Seems to me the intent is to indeed allow vets to level alts and enjoy the class story without being bored to death by the repetitive shared content.


A new player is going to miss a lot of good content if he's not guided through it by friends or guild mates.


Then while I understand the OP view and been there since beta too, I think BioWare did good here but maybe for one part:


  • People will want more of this story based game play.


Then when the buff is off, and they level from 55 to 60 with way less story based content, they'll miss it.

And players will be disappointed.


So in a way BioWare might have shoot themselves in the foot.

Unless... it was to test how popular are V.O. class story (ie are people not skipping cut scenes anymore) and eventually build on that for the future.


You are over-thinking it. The bonus was merely an opportunity to get more folks toward end-game especially with the level cap raise that is coming. They have not shot themselves if the foot, people ALWAYS would like to level faster. BW isn't creating that desire. They are simply allowing the opportunity for people to quickly get up to speed in preparation for the new content. IF it is a repeated thing, I would expect it to be more rare than double exp events.

Edited by TheBBP
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I have enough alts to absolutely love this and I've been here since beta.


Yeah what he said, me too even....


I see Nothing Wrong with it.


Thats like getting mad at lottery winners. I mean i've always had some job since i was 15, now i'm 45 and i like to think i've worked hard and done real good for my self and my family of 4 over the years. So should i be Angered at that 18 year old that walked in a gas station or a 7/11 and picks out 6 numbers and a big ball number and the next day he won 2 or 300 million dollars. So now he never ever has to work a day in his life. Should i be mad because he can skip what i could't? No, if any thing i know i worked hard and earned every thing i got, i'm proud of that plus i'm showing my kids that hard work is better in the long run and it is more fulfilling then walking off the streets into a gas station and buying a ticket and winning your riches. Because in the end, he will have every thing he wants, but true enrichment comes only when you work for it.


So we Grind-ed our levels and they won't have to do much at all to level up. So in the end, the way i see it, People that leveled up the way it was meant to be. Well , gets the most out of the game, as well as, the feeling of Fulfillment.

Those that level up with 12X the XP Boost, will miss the biggest percentage of the true EXPERIENCE.

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You are over-thinking it.

Maybe, although the singularity with SWTOR (vs other MMO) is you have V.O story and the rest.


With the boost you are only playing the V.O part.

It reminds me AoC first 20 levels in Tortage.

This could have side effects. We'll see.

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Maybe, although the singularity with SWTOR (vs other MMO) is you have V.O story and the rest.


With the boost you are only playing the V.O part.

It reminds me AoC first 20 levels in Tortage.

This could have side effects. We'll see.

Side effects? Such as...??? Players get to 55 as quickly as possible anyway...what do you think the consequences could possibly be?

Edited by TUXs
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I was a little upset when SW:TOR introduced experience boosts and double experience weekends, this frustration grew to anger when they extended double experience weekends into a full blown week. Now I am completely outraged, who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost? They've taken all our hard work and said meh, anyone joining now can just download the game free and be 55 in a day. /unsubbed /uninstall .

Is this *********** for real? He cant be for real. He is?



Oh thats good.

You say got problems leveling? I feel bad for you son, but I got 99 problems and leveling aint one!

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Side effects? Such as...??? Players get to 55 as quickly as possible anyway...what do you think the consequences could possibly be?

That they would be playing a different game afterwards, ie no V.O class.


And we all know there are no plans to go into V.O. Class story anymore as too expensive to develop.

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Been here since beta and when we didnt get sprint right out of the bat and how it "sucked" to run around on the planets before the mount.:p But i dont see this as a problem for me. More ppl get to enjoy the stories and maybe this will get more to stay and play SWTOR.:)
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That they would be playing a different game afterwards, ie no V.O class.


And we all know there are no plans to go into V.O. Class story anymore as too expensive to develop.

I don't quite understand...the players who care about the story and VO, will still have plenty of opportunities to enjoy it...they probably shouldn't pre-order yet if that is a concern, right?


And do you disagree with their reasons for not doing more singular class quests going forward? For the upcoming 8, that's 8 "group" missions we could have had instead...it takes time and money...neither of which is in abundance for any developers.

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I don't quite understand...the players who care about the story and VO, will still have plenty of opportunities to enjoy it...they probably shouldn't pre-order yet if that is a concern, right?


And do you disagree with their reasons for not doing more singular class quests going forward? For the upcoming 8, that's 8 "group" missions we could have had instead...it takes time and money...neither of which is in abundance for any developers.


Pish posh, you know the answer, interns! They could have just copy pasted the quests from other games to make new quests. They're just being lazy.

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Pish posh, you know the answer, interns! They could have just copy pasted the quests from other games to make new quests. They're just being lazy.


Doh! You're right...with the new Dragon Age coming out, they could have just copied some of those quests and replaced "sword" with "lightsaber", "burglar" with "scoundrel", "magic" with "force" and made us all our own story quests. Lazy freakin Devs! It's like they don't want my $... :mad:

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you feel slapped in the face for the incentives of preordering the new expansion? i just don't understand. absolutely nobody cares when you maxed characters out. nobody. this is a business move to gain subscribers while giving incentives if you do pre-order/sub. Edited by JabbaWabbA
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you feel slapped in the face for the incentives of preordering the new expansion? i just don't understand. absolutely nobody cares when you maxed characters out. nobody. this is a business move to gain subscribers while giving incentives if you do pre-order/sub. please don't be that old person at the holiday dinner that rambles on about "back in my day" while everyone else that actually lives in 2014 smiles and nods but is saying in their head "please shut up" and let me finish my food.

Your reply is a slap in the face to old people you dine with.

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I feel that this boast is one of the single best things to happen to the game IMHO. What BW have done is open up the game for more people to come in a play and get to level cap with ease.


This last couple of days have been great. Seeing the level 30+ planets with live on them for once.


More people are experiencing the game now and in turn are more likely to stick around at end game.


It also means I don't have to do the planetary quest chains again for my new smuggler toon ( I love the story so far btw) Womanizing treasure hunter lol


Postive change imho and hopefully the new expansion is good and the new folk stick around.


OP there will be more people for you to do end game missions with also. Dunno if that crossed your mind at all?

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I feel that this boast is one of the single best things to happen to the game IMHO. What BW have done is open up the game for more people to come in a play and get to level cap with ease.


12xXP = More team depth, at least in our guild. Having the number of players on isn't usually a problem for an 8 man ops (or a HM FP)... but rarely do we have the right team makeup.


Since announced, several subs have (including me) purchased or plan to purchase the expansion, and level (or finish) a character for each role (Tank, Heal, mDPS, rDPS) so we have depth in roles.


As for inexperienced 55's... send em my way, lol... we enjoy running SM ops to teach... and progress to HM.

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I was a little upset when SW:TOR introduced experience boosts and double experience weekends, this frustration grew to anger when they extended double experience weekends into a full blown week. Now I am completely outraged, who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost? They've taken all our hard work and said meh, anyone joining now can just download the game free and be 55 in a day. /unsubbed /uninstall .


Personally, I'm not pissed or annoyed about it. I just think the 12x Experience Boost is trash as an incentive to pre-order, especially for someone who has been around since EGA like myself.


I already have all ACs at level cap and have no interest in leveling new toons. Also, the XP buff is only for a limited time. Doesn't it end in a month or something? Clearly, the incentive is targeted at F2P/Preferred players that jumped on the SWTOR wagon later.


With no PvP content in the next expansion, it's going to take a lot more than a crappy 12x XP boost and statue to get me to pre-order. Try harder Bee-Dubya...

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1st world problems, OP.


Seriously, if your logic were valid, any improvement in the user experience would be an insult to the people who played before the changes. It's like claiming it's insulting for Ford to develop cars that get better fuel economy because there are people who bought previous cars that got worse fuel economy. That's idiotic. You need to stop looking for reasons to complain and actually enjoy the changes... I'm having a ball, and I was here on day one.

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