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Does this game remind anyone of World of Warcraft?


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This may be different for the Candyland republic.



Every wow quest is the same to each player. You have no impact on the actual game world or even your character. Your character actually has no personality, it only makes noise in the form of little girl screams when flailing around during combat.


In SWTOR you can choose to kill a good portion of people that make you quest. When you can't kill them you can often kill their rivals and it's lovely when they try to beg you not to.



Yeah, and the massive phasing system Blizzard were sleeping with, that made the world change as you progressed, is something you didnt notice i suppose? Something that appears to be missing in SWTOR btw...


Having funky conversations is awesome for an RPG, but wasting money on it for an mmo which is mainly feature driven, is hardly wise... Using the argument "Is the road to 50 thats really awesome in this game" is like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer <---ie. its mindnumbingly stupid. An mmo is carried by its endgame, since that is what people will spend their time on once they finish grinding xp.

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wow stole everything from other games, and continues to do so today, last three dungeons they added, they voiced them thru the whole dungeon, why?? because SWTOR had full voice acting, they "stole" that to ad it to their game, the LFG tool, wow 'stole" that from another game,


and yes you can have played WoW for more than 13 years, since what you people think is "WoW" is actualy the fourth game in the series, Warcraft came out in 1994

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An mmo is carried by its endgame, since that is what people will spend their time on once they finish grinding xp.


Sorry, you're wrong. There's plenty of games out there, that are much more fun on the way from 1 to max, than they are at max. Mainly due to character progression and the choice of making a unique build. That is something swtor and wow don't offer, however.


Edit: And by games, yes, I mean MMOs.

Edited by Truga
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I think we need to remember this is a MMORPG, and the basics of WoW and SWTOR will be the same.


You can say they copied WoW who in turn copied Everquest who in turn copied AO and it goes on.


The basic of the game is simple you get quests and get rewarded with XP and Gold/Items every other MMORPG is the same.


At present with FPS Call of Duty is the biggest, we could say the copied Counterstrike who copied Battlefield and so on.


I think the thing that makes a MMORPG fall or stand is the community and teh story off the game.


Played WoW for years and at the start I loved it, the story is great I have no fault with that but its community lets it down, if you ask in chat how to do something all you get is some 12 year old idiot trying to be funny which ends up with the Mum jokes which were never that funnt to begin with anyway.


We pay a monthy fee for the game on top of buying the game so if the Devs keep the game fresh and the GM's keep the idiots at bay everything will be fine.


I really like the Star Wars story and I love the game so far so fingers crossed the game doesn't flop like so many before it.

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wow stole everything from other games, and continues to do so today, last three dungeons they added, they voiced them thru the whole dungeon, why?? because SWTOR had full voice acting, they "stole" that to ad it to their game, the LFG tool, wow 'stole" that from another game,


and yes you can have played WoW for more than 13 years, since what you people think is "WoW" is actualy the fourth game in the series, Warcraft came out in 1994


WoW had lame cutscenes from the beginning, but i agree it took the upper hand in the last raid here. Oh, voice acting has been there before, remember ICC?

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Well by your logic SONY should sue Blizzard since WoW more closely resembles EQ than SWTRO resembles WoW


Incase you are interested there was a law suite back about 10 years ago by a guy who suppossedly created the idea of a presistant game world. He picked on Turbine since they were atleast at the time the smallest of the major companies running a presistant game world. He lost.

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Just to correct you, WoW has not been out for 13 years. WoW officially launched in 2004. That would only make WoW 8 years old. Star Wars Galaxies was actually older than WoW, it launched in 2003. It would have been a great game, better than WoW, but SOE decided to ruin it with the CU and NGE upgrade. SWG in its first year was still the most unique MMO. There are something I still miss about SWG, I liked having a house and before the CU and NGE, I liked how unique the different races and classes were. That was true diversity. But as I have said SOE was sitting on a gold mine but managed to screw it up. I hope EA and Bioware does not follow the same suit. The only thing I would like to see is more races added, Wookiee's, Ithorians, Trandosians and ect...
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Just to correct you, WoW has not been out for 13 years. WoW officially launched in 2004. That would only make WoW 8 years old. Star Wars Galaxies was actually older than WoW, it launched in 2003. It would have been a great game, better than WoW, but SOE decided to ruin it with the CU and NGE upgrade. SWG in its first year was still the most unique MMO. There are something I still miss about SWG, I liked having a house and before the CU and NGE, I liked how unique the different races and classes were. That was true diversity. But as I have said SOE was sitting on a gold mine but managed to screw it up. I hope EA and Bioware does not follow the same suit. The only thing I would like to see is more races added, Wookiee's, Ithorians, Trandosians and ect...


SWG was a piece of trash when it first came out, and then Sony ran the piece of trash into the ground.

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Everything is in general copied from some one elses ideas.


Some Good examples of this


Ford did not create the first horseless carraige, also know as a automobile (car). Ford did however improved the manufacturing of automobiles by using an assembly line. Nor did Ford invent the assembly line but he figured out you can produce more cars that way.


How many auto companies use these exact same set up for their manufacturing.


Before the big box stores you had mom and pop businesses. But at some point someone built the first box store and now you have Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart and others that use the same business model. This not counting the Dept stores such as Sears, Macy's, Bloomingdales, ect.


So the question is why wouldnt you copy the best features from one game, other features from another game and use these to create your own game. To be original you would have to develope new techology that would be unproven and may not even work. It could take 10 to 20 years to develope the technology where it can be used commercialy. Not counting the hundreds of millions of dollars in research.


Would you rather pay 60 dollars for a game now or 2000 dollars for a game later.

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I played WoW for exactly two days (free trial), decided that it was the dumbest, most boring MMORPG ever created, uninstalled it from my computer and never looked back.


Yet like a disease it keeps finding it's way into all the other MMORPGs out there, so I suppose I've been vicariously playing WoW for many years, bouncing from one new game to another, hoping in vain to find something that is truly different from that horrible, horrible experience from so long ago.


So far, no luck. Everywhere I go it just the same game wearing different costumes.

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I played WoW for exactly two days (free trial), decided that it was the dumbest, most boring MMORPG ever created, uninstalled it from my computer and never looked back.


Yet like a disease it keeps finding it's way into all the other MMORPGs out there, so I suppose I've been vicariously playing WoW for many years, bouncing from one new game to another, hoping in vain to find something that is truly different from that horrible, horrible experience from so long ago.


So far, no luck. Everywhere I go it just the same game wearing different costumes.


You do know that repeatedly smashing your head against the wall yields the same result?


Maybe MMO's just aren't your cup of tea?

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