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Star Wars Rebels - The new movies - and SWTOR


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So tonight I happen to catch the season premier of Disney's Star Wars Rebels. Let me say that they really and truly impressed me. I really had no intentions of ever watching the show, and I wasn't a fan of the artwork going into it, but that is all changed now.


I can honestly say that this episode was more graphic and extreme than the 3 prequel movies combined! Disney's new series had adultish humor, killed people point blank (no greedo shot first crap), and blew stuff up! This really forebodes well for the new movies too!


Now with all that said, It really seems Disney is pumping a lot of money into this series and the movies, and getting it all right. BUT it all takes place after the Return of the Jedi! There is no way that they won't build on the momentum of the new franchise life by releasing a corresponding mmo in said dedicated time line. EA has rights to this time period for the current swtor game, but I certainly can see Disney creating a new more relevant mmo based on the time period of the movies.


Que the rumors that Sony and Disney are in talks since earlier this year.........




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MMOs are done, at least for the time being. First of all, multiple failed attempts and millions drained by all the publishers chasing after WOW have opened eyes. Blizzard's cancellation of Titan being the crown example. Second, the PC/Steam revival along with rise of PSN and Xbox Live brought multiplayer experience to nearly every game genre. MMOs don't reign supreme in this area anymore, there's a lot more choices now and many people are perfectly fine getting their online social fix in Assassin's Creed multiplayer or GTA Online.


Multiplayer SW Rebels game? Sure. But there's not gonna be another big budget Star Wars MMO or any other blockbuster MMO until either the market changes again in unexpected ways or some off-shot (half)indie title takes the scene by storm.

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MMOs are done, at least for the time being. First of all, multiple failed attempts and millions drained by all the publishers chasing after WOW have opened eyes. Blizzard's cancellation of Titan being the crown example. Second, the PC/Steam revival along with rise of PSN and Xbox Live brought multiplayer experience to nearly every game genre. MMOs don't reign supreme in this area anymore, there's a lot more choices now and many people are perfectly fine getting their online social fix in Assassin's Creed multiplayer or GTA Online.


Multiplayer SW Rebels game? Sure. But there's not gonna be another big budget Star Wars MMO or any other blockbuster MMO until either the market changes again in unexpected ways or some off-shot (half)indie title takes the scene by storm.


Im calling it the mmo to reenergize mmos is going to be about extrem lawn mower race ring and the dark gritty underworld that follows it or Pokemon I think Nintendo could make a metric butt ton off a fully online Pokemon game

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Not trying to be a hater but I saw the show and it really didn't do anything for me.
Personally, I still can't get past the art-style. It worked in Tartakovsky's 2D cartoon, but translated horribly into CGI in my opinion Edited by Pietrastor
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MMOs are done, at least for the time being. First of all, multiple failed attempts and millions drained by all the publishers chasing after WOW have opened eyes. Blizzard's cancellation of Titan being the crown example. Second, the PC/Steam revival along with rise of PSN and Xbox Live brought multiplayer experience to nearly every game genre. MMOs don't reign supreme in this area anymore, there's a lot more choices now and many people are perfectly fine getting their online social fix in Assassin's Creed multiplayer or GTA Online.


Multiplayer SW Rebels game? Sure. But there's not gonna be another big budget Star Wars MMO or any other blockbuster MMO until either the market changes again in unexpected ways or some off-shot (half)indie title takes the scene by storm.


This is pretty much the way I see it. I can't see any reason why they WOULD want yet ANOTHER SW mmo in the market. The mmo market is not what it once was. Too much development cost for too little pay off. How are you going to build it? Sandbox? SWG couldn't muster it. Themepark? We've already got that here. Large cult IP's like SW and ST are IMO too difficult to move into the MMO market as a whole. Too many people think it should be too many things, and too many people don't react well to developers taking artistic liberties with their beloved IPs. I would actually say STOs playerbase is even more rabid about this than Star Wars, although this game isn't based in the "Skywalker" timeline so a lot more of it is up to interpretation. And being that EA has game development on lockdown, i really can't see them investing in a 2nd SW mmo in competition with this one. The payoff just isn't there. I'll be watching rebels to see how it ties into the movies just because I love a good story, but as to them creating an MMO based off of the upcoming movies........sorry, I just don't see it.

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swtor is 3 years old? NO WAY for swtor 2... It has lots of life yet, as long as it has people and it seems now swtor becomes popular.


Destiny is already fall down, the wow replacer i think, but not as they wanted it to be and no PC? they are doomed. Other than that, I dont like first person mmos, just dont. I love to have contact with my mmo characters, something destiny makes you forget.


They do have amazing way of introducing raids (1 raid lasts 1 week! its not a raid like 8 people run for 1 hour, they must play 1 week be able to finish 1 raid) lol


Thats something new... but other than that... I have guild m8s who play destiny, but since they play swtor also, I doubts destiny is a wow killer.


A revamp of swtor would due. Wow did that, different times and age, now wow is a totally different game from what I remember 7 years ago. They could make a total revamp of swtor with a major patch, sell it as a new game and in a different age, like wow did... Swtor protagonists are immortal after all, body and soul, even Revan was an emperors agent for many hundreds of years. Not the upcoming expansion, but the next one in 1-2 years, will be a revamp for sure, if people embrace it.


Just think about it, in original swtor before MAKEB, we killed REVAN and now Revan comes again, reborn and as an elder... So its more than 100 years of story... So the exapnsions itself can get you there.

Edited by Oyranos
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I never saw enterprise so I can't really comment on it


Just type Jolene Blalock into google image search. That will give you a pretty accurate picture of Enterprise.


As far as the DS9 and Voyager go, those werent Star Trek in the same vein that TOS and TNG were. They were more extended stories than episodic sci-fi versions of Aesops Fables. So if thats why you didnt like them, I suppose I could understand. But a blanket generalisation of "they were bad" is just very ... narrow-minded. Perhaps even objectively wrong.

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Disney rarely gets gaming right, and when they do it's because they have outsourced the work to people who have the vision to make it work, or to other franchises. They dabbled in the MMO world with Toontown Online which was quite successful with the target demographic. Toontown for those of you unaware was Disney's first and only real success in the MMO market, it came out a year before World of Warcraft. It was quite innovated for the time and really was a great way to get young kids into the MMORPG world. It was also my first MMORPG.


However the developers/imagineers at Toontown were responsible for many other Disney products and theme park attractions that Toontown never got the attention it needed as an MMO after a few years. In fact it along with all of Disney's other MMO worlds (Pirates of the Caribbean and Pixie Hallow) closed down last year. Toontown before it shut down was plagued with hackers, hadn't seen a real content update in three years, and was left to slowly decay.


So while I can't speak with any certainty or authority I feel very comfortable saying Disney probably won't return to the MMO world for a very long time. In fact I imagine Disney is probably happy EA and Bioware made SWTOR, they have a full fledged operating, working, MMORPG that they didn't have to spend resources on, promoting and hyping their newest media acquisition

Edited by Kaprua
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MMOs are done, at least for the time being. First of all, multiple failed attempts and millions drained by all the publishers chasing after WOW have opened eyes. Blizzard's cancellation of Titan being the crown example. Second, the PC/Steam revival along with rise of PSN and Xbox Live brought multiplayer experience to nearly every game genre. MMOs don't reign supreme in this area anymore, there's a lot more choices now and many people are perfectly fine getting their online social fix in Assassin's Creed multiplayer or GTA Online.


Multiplayer SW Rebels game? Sure. But there's not gonna be another big budget Star Wars MMO or any other blockbuster MMO until either the market changes again in unexpected ways or some off-shot (half)indie title takes the scene by storm.


The problem with MMO's is that they are stuck in this WoW style game play (as you say chasing it's success), they have not evolved , every game is the same over and over, just few small changes and different assets.


The first MMO that can move past classes and level systems and combine sandbox with themepark and do it right will be the next WoW. Unfortunately I question if the current lead game designers can think out of the box and beyond the limitations of the current way of MMO game design. They haven't for 10 years, with few exceptions.

Edited by Danw
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Just type Jolene Blalock into google image search. That will give you a pretty accurate picture of Enterprise.

What's wrong with that? Though I think she looked better in SG1... Just sayin


As far as the DS9 and Voyager go, those werent Star Trek in the same vein that TOS and TNG were. They were more extended stories than episodic sci-fi versions of Aesops Fables. So if thats why you didnt like them, I suppose I could understand. But a blanket generalisation of "they were bad" is just very ... narrow-minded. Perhaps even objectively wrong.

DS9.. meh.... Voyager... Jeri Ryan

Edited by Psychopyro
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They found a way a way to travail back home in the first season of voyager and a way to cure the side effect of turning into iguanas the fact it took them that long to get home was pathetic or really bad writing. Sacrifice doesn't have to follow real science but its science should at least be internally constant. They also ruined the Borg by making them incompetent and removing there faceless inhuman nature by grieving them a queen.
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There is no reason for Disney to make an MMO when they could be making a whole series of cheap half-assed games instead.


I don't understand why people think MMO's are these great big moneymakers. They're really not. They require massive amounts of money to make and then have no guarantee to succeed.


But you can bet there will be lots and lots of games.

But they have said they will not tie in directly with the movies (so no "star wars ep. 7 - the game" type games)

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And they were still better than TOS STV and DS9

Into Darkness was better than DS9? ROFL that's a funny one!


"Captain, please come with me into this shuttle so I can strip in front of you and tell you that I need to go down to the planet... with a different person entirely... who isn't even here yet... so obviously there would have been plenty of time for me to change while he was on his way. But hey, breasts!"


"Magic Khan Blood!"


"I injected it into a dead tribble... that's something doctors do, right? Science!!"


"Look folks, we're doing a variation on the famous scene from the end of Wrath of Khan!" *five minutes later* "Look folks, we're still doing a variation on that famous scene from the end of Wrath of Khan... only now it's not only been going on too long, it's also falling flat because these versions of Kirk and Spock haven't developed anything resembling a real friendship"

Edited by DarthDymond
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I was rather disappointed with the Rebels personally, animation seems worse that the 2008 clone wars. Story wise, it's on Disney, so I knew not to expect much and that's exactly what I got, not much. Yea no character development can take place in one episode but the start is not exactly encouraging on that front either, one walking cliche after the next, especially on the imp side.
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I have mixed-positive feelings.


Before I saw Sparks of Rebellion, I was really dissapointed with the cancelation of The Clone Wars and reboot of EU, and I really didn't like the animation I have seen in trailers and teasers for Rebels. So as you can see, I wasn't that excited to see the show.


Still, it's Star Wars, and it's the future of my favorite franchise, so I gave it a shot. After reading A New Dawn I have seen it twice: in cinema (there were screenings in Poland a week ago) and few days ago online in HD, and I was really impressed with the animation. Sure, it's not that developed as in last seasons of The Clone Wars, but it is A LOT better than what we have seen in 2008 The Clone Wars movie and later first half of the tv-series. Facial animation is awesome, I'm especially excited when I see Hera, and how she reacts to what is happening around her, it's really good.


Story-wise, it's not that good. Everything happens too fast, and the Empire seems really weak and vulnerable: Stormtroopers are stupid, Star Destroyers and Prison-Planets are easy to attack, heroes seems immortal. But still, it's Star Wars, music is great, characters have potential to be interesting, and I had shivers all over my body when Kanan ignited his lightsaber.


So yeah, Rebels is cool, and I would like to see connections between tv-series and SWTOR, since they talk about that a lot in terms of Story Group and franchise synergy. I know Rebels is Canon, and The Old Republic is not, but it doesn't mean there can't be easter eggs and connections (like it happened in TCW).


And I'm sure Rebels and new movies could bring new fans to the game, but Lucasfilm and their representatives have to mention SWTOR more often when talking about Star Wars (which never really happens now).

Edited by Apophis_
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