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Please introduce dual spec ASAP


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Tell it to Bioware.




Again. For the thousandth time. This. Debate. Is. Over.


Just to make it easier for folks to see and understand it is coming, I'll copy paste from the interview that QA.


Q: Since it has been clearly stated that there will not be dual specs for characters in the game, can you explain your philosophy behind the skill trees and how you are taking into account players that want to be able to play PvP and PvE content on the same character? - illumineart


A: Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch. Also, features like Guard, PvP Taunt, Resolve, etc. work to narrow the gap between PvP and PvE specialized skills (i.e. a +Block skill would be helpful in both PvE and PvP).

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People asking for dual spec should consider playing Single Player games.

Im sick of people who think they can switch specs and be good at dps, heal, tanking. (they exist, but are very rare).

Get some friends or pay for a Mercenary. Its an MMO...


Nothing I do on my own as a single player will make me a worse healer. I already have healing mastered. I understand my class, and the pacing I need to put in between casts to keep my energy regen up. I understand how to use my cooldowns.


No amount of Soloing as DPS will hurt my healing. I'm more likely to just switch to DPS, then just stick with it, if there's a cost involved in switching back and forth.


Limiting my options, so you can artificially see me as just one thing, and nothing else, is not cool.


Switching specs and being good in each of them is EXACTLY the same as playing alts and being good at both. If I rolled 2 characters, one a DPS Op, and one a Healing Op, would you say it would be impossible to be good at both?


Is it impossible to be good with a Sage and a Commando? That's 2 things! People can't remember how to do two things!


I think I can figure out how to heal, AND how to have a bit of fun soloing as a crafty slice and dice Agent. Don't worry, no one will die. I got it covered.

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Tell it to Bioware.




Again. For the thousandth time. This. Debate. Is. Over.


"Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch"


There is nothing definite in that comment is there?


I am sure there is a list of things the devs "want to add soon after launch" but whether they actually get delivered is a different matter.


BW have already stated that LFD is not coming on the basis that they are proactively wanting to create a community atmosphere.


Being as dual spec is a quick way to kill the community atmosphere I will be surprised if it does get implemented.


I assume you feel the same which is why you are sooo active in any thread with dual spec in the title? If its a done deal why do you guys feel the need to keep making threads demanding it?



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Also if you go a week without respeccing the price resets to zero. So quit respeccing every hour and building up ridiculous fees.


This is wrong. I haven't respecced with 2 of my chars since over a week and both still have the same costs. One didn't even talk with the skill mentor since the last respec till now.

Edited by Psykhe
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Being as dual spec is a quick way to kill the community atmosphere I will be surprised if it does get implemented.


Because your stupidity and ability to deny what is plainly obvious is so infuriating we simply won't let you bloviate about it in peace.


If you can read what they wrote and honestly write something as stupid as what I quoted then there's nothing to do but mock you. You've decided to stick to your guns no matter what evidence or basic reason dictates.


EDIT: Btw, I'm willing to bet they'll cave on the LFD tool eventually. You heard it here first.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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I don't see why people would be against a dual spec. If you don't want to use it then it has completely no effect on your character in any way but for those that do want it it's a huge convenience and time/money saver.


It effects everyone. When people level to 50 as DPS, then play 90% of the time, the don't know how to heal. Then one day they can't find a group and... oh hey I can heal you raid....


The story doesn't have a happy ending.

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It effects everyone. When people level to 50 as DPS, then play 90% of the time, the don't know how to heal. Then one day they can't find a group and... oh hey I can heal you raid....


The story doesn't have a happy ending.


Is that fact? Everyone who levels as dps can't play other specs?

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Because your stupidity and ability to deny what is plainly obvious is so infuriating we simply won't let you bloviate about it in peace.


If you can read what they wrote and honestly write something as stupid as what I quoted then there's nothing to do but mock you. You've decided to stick to your guns no matter what evidence or basic reason dictates.


EDIT: Btw, I'm willing to bet they'll cave on the LFD tool eventually. You heard it here first.


If you cant see how dual speccing cheapens the game experience, makes a mockery of the class sytem, negates the need for expertise trees, causes issues for loot rolls and means classes have next to no group dependency on each other in addition to fostering an elitist us/them divide within the community then you really are extremely short sighted and selfish.


All of the above is detrimental to the community, you know that as well as I do...the difference you just dont care about whats best for the community because you are too caught up in your own personal demands for the game.


Face it, you had your ezmode in WoW or whatever game you have come from and because THIS game was not designed to support constant respeccing you come here and cry and whine and demand and make up nonsense arguements based on nothing more than opinion and anecdotes to hide the fact that you simply want to max out every available tree and switch between them at will.


That is not what a MMORPG is about....COD ---->


The reality is the game is NOT designed to support dual spec, it is NOT designed to support respeccing more than a handful of times either.


You already have the tools to switch if you want to play that way, you personally just dont like the cost or the effort involved with the current system.


My own view on the dev comment is that it was nothing more than placating a wow-kiddie rage storm. We will see....



Edited by ImperialSun
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If you cant see how dual speccing cheapens the game experience, makes a mockery of the class sytem, negates the need for expertise trees, causes issues for loot rolls and means classes have next to no group dependency on each other then you really are extremely short sighted and selfish.


Everquest is gone man. It's over. You can pine away for it all you like.


All of the above is detrimental to the community, you know that as well as I do...


The forced-at-gunpoint community from Everquest is long gone. Bring the player, not the class.


the difference you just dont care about whats best for the community because you are too caught up in your own personal demands for the game.


No, I don't care about restoring an imaginary glorious past envisioned by the electric Amish players such as yourself. Couldn't give two ***** in fact. I care that people work together, are polite, know their jobs and don't do **** like roll Need for their companions, but I surely don't want to pay a halfling druid for a teleport or ride a boat for thirty minutes and lag into the ocean.


That's right, I was there during the "golden era" of Everquest and DAOC and I like what we have now better.


Face it, you had your ezmode in WoW or whatever game you have come from and because THIS game was not designed to support constant respeccing you come here and cry and whine and demand and make up nonsense arguements based on nothing more than opinion and anecdotes to hide the fact that you simply want to max out every available tree and switch between them at will.


No, you face "it." World of Warcraft called your bluff and people are no longer praised for their ability to neglect family and friends while ******** in socks so they can do whatever stupid piece of **** timesink that Brad McQuaid was able to think of during that month's sodomy and cocaine orgy. People that actually know what the sun looks like can get to max level before a game is two years old now.


**** the old school running.


That is not what a MMORPG is about....COD ---->


If MMORPGs are not about being entertaining then they fail utterly as videogames.


The reality is the game is NOT designed to support dual spec, it is NOT designed to support respeccing more than a handful of times either.


This game is not in any appreciable way less designed for dual spec than World of Warcraft.



You already have the tools to switch if you want to play that way, you personally just dont like the cost or the effort involved with the current system.


Damn straight I don't. I don't respect "effort" in MMORPGs because it's dumb. Modern MMORPGs are all about pacing and making sure things never get dull. The train you're riding fell off the tracks like seven years ago.


My own view on the dev comment is that it was nothing more than placating a wow-kiddie rage storm. We will see....


Your delusion isn't my problem. Expect dual specs sooner rather than later. Followed by Recount, GearScore, and LFD.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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Everquest is gone man. It's over. You can pine away for it all you like.


Never played it - nice try though but your generalisation failed.


The forced-at-gunpoint community from Everquest is long gone. Bring the player, not the class.


No idea what you are talking about :)


No, I don't care about restoring an imaginary glorious past envisioned by the electric Amish players such as yourself. Couldn't give two ***** in fact. I care that people work together, are polite, know their jobs and don't do **** like roll Need for their companions, but I surely don't want to pay a halfling druid for a teleport or ride a boat for thirty minutes and lag into the ocean.


That's right, I was there during the "golden era" of Everquest and DAOC and I like what we have now better.


Because you can faceroll all content and stroke your epeen about how uber your overpowered dual spec template is...gg


No, you face "it." World of Warcraft called your bluff and people are no longer praised for their ability to neglect family and friends while ******** in socks so they can do whatever stupid piece of **** timesink that Brad McQuaid was able to think of during that month's sodomy and cocaine orgy. People that actually know what the sun looks like can get to max level before a game is two years old now.


**** the old school running.


No YOU face it - this is not WoW. Not sure why you think you can demand the ezmode mechanics from WoW when this is a completely different game.


If MMORPGs are not about being entertaining then they fail utterly as videogames.


I think movies are more your kind of entertainment, all you have to do is keep breathing to max their content out. You dont even have to move, much more your style than a video game by the sound of it.


This game is not in any appreciable way less designed for dual spec than World of Warcraft.


Means nothing, this is not WoW therefore no rational argument for forcing your ezmode from WoW to SWTOR.


Damn straight I don't. I don't respect "effort" in MMORPGs because it's dumb. Modern MMORPGs are all about pacing and making sure things never get dull. The train you're riding fell off the tracks like seven years ago.


No single player off line games are all about pacing and big set pieces and one explosion bigger than the last and making sure things never get dull...MMORPGs are played simply because they are fun...think you are confusing the two.


Your delusion isn't my problem. Expect dual specs sooner rather than later. Followed by Recount, GearScore, and LFD.


Whys that? Because you say so? Oh riiiigght....:)



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Please, just no.


No dual spec - PLEASE? This isn't eezemod MMO .. or should NOT be one!


I'm assuming by "eezemod" you mean "easy mode." I'm also assuming by "easy mode" you mean "not time consuming." I don't think anyone who's actually played this game can pretend that it's some kind of hardline old-school sandbox MMO or something.


I'm really not sure how you can maintain this PoV in the face of what is blatantly WoW in space.

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You'll be claiming they will patch it in any day now, even after they say its not going to happen.


Just like you did in your last post, ref LFD.




I think they're going to cave on LFD. I am aware they currently have no plans to implement it.


You know why I am so confident? I am "for" features and you are "against" features. Over time MMORPGs tend to accrue features. I am more likely to be right for this reason alone.

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I'm assuming by "eezemod" you mean "easy mode." I'm also assuming by "easy mode" you mean "not time consuming." I don't think anyone who's actually played this game can pretend that it's some kind of hardline old-school sandbox MMO or something.


I'm really not sure how you can maintain this PoV in the face of what is blatantly WoW in space.


No one aprt from YOU is pretending its some old schoold hard line grind fest.


Others are simply saying its fine as it is and the last thing the game needs is your faceroll IWIN toolset from WoW.


That includes but is not limited to (imo):



Dual Spec

Any other "improvement" that turns the game into a series of queue lobby rooms



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Any other "improvement" that turns the game into a series of queue lobby rooms


So, do you have an argument that isn't basically just an insult directed at someone who thinks grinding is dumb?


Should we just go back to hocking acronyms in the Ro Tunnel like good little Amish *******?

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@ imperialsun


Edited for ease of response :D


1)If you cant see how dual speccing cheapens the game experience,

2)makes a mockery of the class system, negates the need for expertise trees,

3)causes issues for loot rolls and means classes have next to no group dependency on each other in addition to fostering an elitist us/them divide within the community



1) subjective - alot of others find it improves their game experience because they can experience the game from more angles


2) subjective - the tree system is meant to give classes flexibility in what role they can preform, if a rigid structure was meant to be in place, games wouldnt have skill trees.


We would go back to warriors tank, clerics heal, and rogues dps (well they still do in WoW :p) no choices for you, you will obey! now dps for me rogue monkey, for I am a tank and your lord and master, worship me!


3) never had a problem with it in wow, people were very nice the vast majority of the time in, even the pug cross realm lfd groups, about asking to roll for off spec if no one else needed. The fact is, people were doing this LONG before dual spec was introduced, way back in the vanilla days. The community will establish unspoken rules for this sort of thing. At the moment, I've usually had people ask if they can roll for companions.


Oh the occasional ninja is there, but they are there regardless of dual specs.

Edited by Basiliscus
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So, do you have an argument that isn't basically just an insult directed at someone who thinks grinding is dumb?


Should we just go back to hocking acronyms in the Ro Tunnel like good little Amish *******?


1. I have not insulted anyone.


2. You are insulting me in your post above which is why I assume its blanked out your insulting comment? GG :)


3. You keep trying to flame me about EQ and I keep saying I have never played it so I have no idea what the Ro Tunnel even means....





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