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Anyone else unable to take vacation now for the expansion?


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I took a vacation for the game hahaha


What's a boy to do with excess paid time-off? As unhealthy as it may be, I get a great enjoyment from dedicating a whole day to the game. Especially if there is new content. Stay-cations FTW.


Edit: To stay on topic, given the current-unpredictable timeline...you might want a Plan B for your vacation time.

Edited by Kremsau
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Got to say, the sentiment here is odd. Most gamers take a day or two off for the launch of their favorite game each year, be it call of duty, FIFA, Madden or an mmo. Have you never seen midnight release parties?


Or is this group just not expecting content worth diving into?

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Got to say, the sentiment here is odd. Most gamers take a day or two off for the launch of their favorite game each year, be it call of duty, FIFA, Madden or an mmo. Have you never seen midnight release parties?


Or is this group just not expecting content worth diving into?


It's more about seeing the opportunity to be tools and fully embracing it.

In other words, just another day on the forums. :D


As for me, I have no vacation left. So the moment that content hits the PTS I'll be going on hiatus from this place.

Edited by Callaron
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We have to schedule vacation by the end of the quarter, which was today. So now that the announcement was skipped, I can't take time off to enjoy the story without high risk of spoilers.


I think you need more children in your life. Would you like to borrow some?

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Got to say, the sentiment here is odd. Most gamers take a day or two off for the launch of their favorite game each year, be it call of duty, FIFA, Madden or an mmo.

Most gamers? Guess I'm not much of a gamer then, even though I consider myself to be exactly that, what with it being my primary hobby and pastime and all. Nor are several of my family members, any of my friends, guildies or internet acquaintances gamers, apparently. Granted me and everyone I know make up a pretty insignificant % of the population, but if taking vacation for the sake of a computer/video game is common I would at least have heard of the concept before I think?


I think it's an odd priority and I've never heard of anyone actually doing it before... but who am I to judge how others juggle their lives. There's worse reasons to take a vacation surely.

Edited by Pscyon
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To those of you asking if the op is being real, commenting that this sort of behavior is sad- so on.


Your behavior is sad and weird. Planning a day or so to commit to gaming, coinciding with the release of an expansion of a game you enjoy isn't all that weird, certainly isn't sad. Not something I do, since I work in a family business I dont really get days off never mind vacation; but I would if I could. But what is weird is calling someone down for behaving in a manner contrary to yours when that contrary behavior has no ill effect on anyone. If you aren't trolls you're just plain ****** people. Good day.

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...Really? Don't manage your life around this game please. If this is a joke then I'm laughing, but if not I will be sad. :(



IF you work at a somewhat decent company you have PTO you can use easily.

I have around a month of PTO.

I am taking a week off when Dragon Age Inqusition comes out.


I am also planning on taking some time off for 3.0.


I am lucky enough that I can ask my manager a week or 2 before hand and be approved. But I know many are not that lucky.

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We have to schedule vacation by the end of the quarter, which was today. So now that the announcement was skipped, I can't take time off to enjoy the story without high risk of spoilers.


Are you 'seriously' building your life around this game?



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I scheduled a week of PTO in advance when GSH was SUPPOSED to be released at the end of June this year...we all know what happened there lol!!


I've taken PTO on major release days/new titles in the past. I've done it for Warhammer Online, GTA, and SWTOR. And sometimes just because I can! I guess I'm just geeky that way.


But others have hinted at one reason - some of us have lots of PTO and cool managers who encourage us to use it. Use it or lose it!



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7701069]....I am taking a week off when Dragon Age Inqusition comes out....

NICE! I work for myself so me taking a week off right now is out of the question unfortunately. But I do plan on taking a 3 day weekend for DA:I


When I was single with no kids I'd always use a week of vacation time for a game release....of course last time I did that was for the release of Kotor :D

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You wouldn't be rude enough to say to someone "Hah you're seriously booking time off to go watch a film? that's a little sad don't you think?"


And if someone says they're using up a few paid leave days to stay at home and watch films people usually go "oh that's cool, yeah you need a day or two like that every once in a while"


So someone booking time off to play a game (an equally socially acceptable form of leisure time entertainment) it shouldn't spew a venomous reply like "AHAHA sad bastard!"


Not all of us have the money to go away right now and we're so overworked we have a stack of holiday left that our bosses are chasing us to use up, so tell me what's wrong with taking time off to play an anticipated game release? PC games are a hobby just like any other hobby. You can still use the holiday to do other things like visit family or go shopping as well as using it to play a game. Crazy huh?


Don't tarnish everyone with the sad bastard brush please, thanks.

Edited by AelixVII
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We have to schedule vacation by the end of the quarter, which was today. So now that the announcement was skipped, I can't take time off to enjoy the story without high risk of spoilers.

Uh ...


Even if you're not joking/trolling, say you are. Just to save yourself further embarrassment.

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When was this expansion suppose to be out? Is it free?


I've taken a week off from work for several games in fact. Mass Effect 3... and now two weeks coming in November for Dragon Age: Inquisition! I can't wait!!! Why? Because they are that important to me. I also don't want to go to work half-dead. I'm single so I do what I please. :p

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